Mar 2022 Minutes

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Killin Community Council Minutes of Meeting Tuesday 1st March 2022 McLaren Hall, Killin


Minutes unanimously approved at 3-5-22 – proposed C Grant, Seconded P Farquharson



Chair - Andy Aitken, Pamela Farquharson – Treasurer, Ron Allner, Charlie Grant, Stewart Inglis

Apologies: David Fettes - Planning Representative, Martin Earl – Councillor, Paul Godzik – KAT representative, Colin Hay – Vice Chair

In attendance: Morag Felgate - Minute Secretary, Jeremy McDonald – Councillor

Press: None

Residents: 3

1. Chairman’s Welcome – The chair welcomed us to our first face-to-face meeting in two years and began by wishing to express condolences to the Syme family on their sudden loss this week.

2. Recording of those present, and apologies received


3. Declarations of Interest - none

4. Notes of interest – 2 members of the public have issues they wish to bring up in the relevant sections.

5. Adoption of previous meeting minutes ‐ adopted. Proposer C Grant, seconded S Inglis. Unanimous agreement.

6. KCC Activity Report

KCC committee have been liaising with National Park and Stirling Council about the signage in the village, about the South Loch Tay road clearway, and about the motorhome provision in the village. They are also at work creating an updated resilience plan and have investigated about the two trees brought up at the last meeting which were found to be on private land and the community council are no longer able to be involved.

7. Treasurer’s Report

£4550.82 in the bank with £800 ring-fenced for the new youth group. The finances are healthier than previously thought as KCC money had been spent on fireworks which has now been reimbursed. There is a cheque for £250 waiting to be claimed and some Christmas street light money which we are holding in our account – after which there should be about £3000 left of KCC monies. M Beresford is drawing up the accounts for the Christmas street lights to let us know how much this is. This should be done before the end of the financial year. The Fireworks committee will then take on the future running of the Christmas lights – A Aitken proposed, C Grant seconded.

8. Police Report

A copy of the police report was circulated by A Aitken.

9. Planning Report


A list of the current planning applications was read out by C Grant and comments were invited. No comments were made.

10. Motorhome Issues and signage

Present ‘no motorhome’ signs are to be replaced with more discreet ones. The roads department are waiting on the KCC decision about the station carpark. S Inglis and A Aitken have investigated this and recommend to the committee that they earmark the first bay on the left as you drive in to be made for motorhome/campervan use . A Aitken to ask Stirling Council to progress this and get request in before end of financial year.

It was noted that we should make a complaint about the state of the bin area which has not been properly used and there is all kinds of rubbish in the recycling bins – this needs to be collected and tidied by the council before the start of the motorhomes using this area.

Also, that the wooden barriers are all broken and don’t look attractive.

The workmen in the main street have used the carpark as a dumping ground – S Inglis to complain. Discussion was had around whether the signs would have times on them when campervans could park there – it was decided, not to initially and see how it goes.

Caravan club at Maragowan when they reopen will contact Stirling Council for permission to put up sign on verge to stop caravans etc. going into the dead end glebe road.

The priority signs on the bridge will be removed for a trial period and replaced with ‘road narrows’ signs and monitored to see if that helps the situation.

11. Resilience Planning

C Grant, A Aitken, R Allner and S Inglis have been working on an updated resilience plan and liaising with outside bodies and are waiting to meet up with the Stirling Council Resilience Planner but have yet to hear back from them. They have got link people in place for the outlying areas from the main village. The main hub in the plan will be the McLaren Hall. A Aitken is working with D Syme and K Lang on an application for funding from SSE for a bespoke installed generator at the hall from which we would be able to run the oil heating, basic lighting and a cooker if the mains power were to go out.

J McDonald to action getting the Stirling Resilience Planner to come along to our next meeting. A Aitken to email J McDonald the contact details that he has.

There was a query from a member of the public about communications during a future blackout if mobile signal was to go out again at the same time. J McDonald has been at a meeting elsewhere with an Openreach representative who is aware of the need for communication in rural areas and the problem that their plan to get rid of the landlines with current will create – at present old-style phones can still be used when there is a powercut, but this facility will be lost in the future if they continue with their plan and they may be rethinking this.

12. KAT report

C Grant gave a report from the latest KAT meeting. Work is progressing on community ownership of the old Co-op building and there will be a public consultation coming soon. The old Websters shop is becoming the new thrift shop and a community fridge, and work is progressing on the Old Mill.

13. Roads and parking

S Inglis gave a roads report of potholes reported and roadworks in progress and proposed road closures.

C Grant wanted it noted that Stirling Council had acted quickly in dealing with sorting the drains outside the Capercaillie/Monemore and thanked them for this.


J McDonald to pass on to Stirling Council about the loose monoblocks at the entrance to the Old Mart and on Fingal Road.

The community council gave its approbation for KAT to put up its fingerpost signs in the village to help tourists find amenities.

A concern had been raised with the chair that there is a reduced footfall in the Co-op – they are experiencing a drop in passing trade as the shop is no longer visible from the main street. The Co-op had applied to the National Park for a sign in the main street which had been turned down on the grounds of being advertising. The chair suggested that the community council support our local shop and their efforts for a signpost. C Grant proposed and P Farquharson seconded J McDonald’s idea for a sign that simply says ‘supermarket’. J McDonald will speak to National Park about this and A Aitken to write and communicate with each other about progress on this.

There was a continuing discussion about Lyon Road, and the proposal to paint double yellow and white lines on the road on the opposite side of the road from the Co-op round by the flats and around the corner towards the Old Mart to create a virtual pavement / pedestrian space at the side of the road. At the last meeting, people were not happy with this suggestion as an effective way of dealing with the hazardous situation and J McDonald had asked for the design of where the lines will go and was going to circulate it so it could be discussed at this meeting but it had not been received.

The main sticking points to getting the preferred solution of a built pavement up the side of the road from the Co-op to the sewage works entrance are the ownership of the land by the development company/architect – not owned by the Co-op, and the width – it has to be 1.5m minimum to be a proper pavement and it’s not all wide enough.

After much discussion, the reluctant decision was made that we should pursue the virtual pavement option as it can be carried out quite quickly, we can try it out, and we can take it off if it’s not working. It was recognised that there would be a conflict with the interests of the people who currently park in this area, but was agreed that the needs of safety outweighed these interests at present. A Aitken to tell C Fraser we wish to go for the virtual pavement and get request in before the end of the financial year .

It was agreed that although there were sticking points and may take some time to make any headway, that we should also continue to try and progress the building of a pavement. There were also suggestions for the future, depending on the success of the virtual pavement, of rumble strips to slow traffic around that corner, signs for ‘pedestrians in the road’, and/or bollards to delineate the virtual pavement.

14. AOCB

A member of the public had a query about a date for the clearway – it is in process, signposts have been ordered, but no date as yet - he was disappointed with this as the fishing season will begin on the 15 th March and he had recommended it to be in place before this date. J McDonald to press C Fraser for a date.

15. Date, time and format of next meeting - Next meeting is Tuesday 3rd May 2022 – AGM at 7pm and main meeting 730pm in the Primary School.