Sept 2022 Minutes

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Killin Community Council Minutes of Meeting Tuesday 6th September 2022

Killin Kirk Community Rooms, Killin

Adoption of minutes - S Inglis proposed, F Inglis seconded - unanimous agreement to adopt (01-11-22) Present:

Chair - A Aitken, Deputy Chair – D Fettes, Treasurer - P Farquharson C Grant – Planning, S Inglis – Roads, J Laurence – co-opted

In attendance: Councillor M Earl, M Felgate - Minute Secretary

Apologies: I Frickleton - Police Scotland

Press: None

Residents: 3

1. Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting including congratulations to D Fettes as the newly elected Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Representative.

2. Recording of those present, and apologies received


3. Declarations of interest – none

4. Adoption of previous minutes

D Fettes proposed, S Inglis seconded – unanimous decision.

5. Notes of interest from members of the public

A member of the public has come to speak about a proposal for item 14 in the agenda.

6. Treasurer’s report

Verbal report from the Treasurer. There is £3215.20 in the bank account with a cheque for the floral association for £200 still to come out.A Aitken to follow up with Anneka Mayo about this as she has now taken this over.

7. Housing Issues

A Aitken and M Earl attended a meeting with Rural Stirling Housing Board where they looked at prospective building sites in Killin for new affordable housing. It was a good opportunity for them to be able to say how important it is for there to be more affordable housing in Killin. A Aitken and M Earl will report back from the next Board meeting about how this is progressing. There was a concern raised about locals being able to rent/buy these houses rather than people from outwith the area and M Earl said that Rural Stirling does use a local lettings initiative and that this should help with that process.

8. Support for Ukraine

English conversation classes are taking place in the village with the help of a generous donation from the Highland Games committee and several volunteers including Jane Calder. D Fettes has also been co- ordinating canoe trips with the Ukrainians and locals with generous provision of the canoes from Robert at the outdoor shop. The youth group have been including the younger people in their activities, and there is a day trip planned with other villagers organising transport for this. M Earl remarked on all this activity and


said that it had been noted and commented upon within Stirling Council how good the support has been from the community. Alan Smith MP has written to the Secretary of State on the issue the Ukrainians are having with needing to travel to the Job Centre from Killin with the lack of reliable transport and whether there could be a better solution than them needing to travel to Stirling individually for this. A Aitken has also written to request financial support for the use of the Killin Kirk Community Rooms for the language lessons as these rooms are at present being made available free of charge by the church.

9. Funding and awards

The McLaren Hall has been awarded £10,000 from the SSEN fund for a back-up generator as part of the resilience plan – a joint application by the community council and the McLaren Hall Committee. They will be starting fundraising activities in the autumn to raise the remaining £12,000 required, and A Aitken is looking at further funding that the community council can apply for to help with this shortfall. A Aitken asked for a volunteer to help with looking for funding – D Fettes said that he would help after he had finished another application that he was working on currently. Unanimous support was given by the council for them to work on this. A Aitken to ask about a deadline for spending the money from SSEN and to request a letter of comfort that this could be extended depending on how the fundraising goes.

D Fettes is applying for a grant from the Cost of Living Fund from Stirling Council which is available for projects which give people access to money advice. The proposal is to use this grant to refurb the Sports Pavilion and put in high speed internet access and to provide transport to it from Strathyre and Tyndrum using the community bus. The Sports Pavilion would then be used one day a week for a year for CAB to come and advise people struggling with the cost of living, link people to a food agency if required, and provide people with internet access and a warm space.

M Earl advised having a good communications/advertising plan for these services, and if this proposal was realised, that he would like the details sent to himself and the two other councillors so that they can help spread the news. It was noted that the new community bus is no longer fully wheelchair accessible and he shared that he knows that Don Fraser from the Killin & District Volunteer Car Scheme is pursuing funding to be able to have access to a vehicle for wheelchair pick-ups.

10. Police report

A copy of the police report was circulated before the meeting by A Aitken.

11. Planning report

Nothing to report. C Grant is waiting for a phone call back from a correspondent about a development.

12. KAT report

C Grant reported that KAT has secured the funding to purchase the old Co-op building and that they will be sharing the results of the community consultation about what they should do with this building at their AGM which is on the 1st October – all welcome. A discussion ensued about suggested uses for the building – A Aitken to give feedback to KAT from this meeting of the suggestions of: a registrar’s office, the library and a business hub.

13. Roads report

The new Co-op has been flooded with sewage today after the heavy rains this week. M Earl recommended encouraging everyone to report this to Scottish water every time it happens. He also suggested the making of a notice for the community noticeboards with details of how to report this issue and to make sure that the Co-op and the Community Council report each incident so as to make sure that Scottish Water pays attention to it.

S Inglis has collated a list of roads issues he will pass to A Aitken to report


The right of way signs on the Dochart Bridge have still not been removed and they are still causing issues. A Aitken to contact traffic management service through Steven Bly to ask when the already agreed removal of the signs will be implemented? And forward the email chain on to M Earl if unhappy with the response.

14. Station Road Car Park toilets and recycling uplift

S Inglis had asked BEAR about their security camera footage at the station road car park as requested at the last meeting but has been informed that it is a complicated process to be allowed to access any footage of potential fly-tipping and that it is probably not a workable solution to the problem.

The recycling bins are still not being emptied enough – supposed to be every Wednesday. A Aitken to put in a request for general waste bins to be provided as at Callander Meadows to try to stop the contamination of the recycling by people putting their general waste in these bins. M Earl informed the council that there will soon be a survey on waste services that will give us people the opportunity to comment on the lack of services in Killin and request a manned facility in Killin. It was suggested to put up a sign saying ‘CCTV in operation’ as a deterrent by the recycling bins and for A Aitken to make a request for a mobile CCTV camera from the safer communities team through emailing Steven Bly and Dan Hartless.

A member of the public put forward a proposal for the full re-development of the station road carpark facilities including a fully accessible toilet / changing room / showers. She shared her experiences of struggling to find suitable facilities to toilet / change less able-bodied people in, and the work that has gone on in Tyndrum to have suitable facilities built there. It was agreed by all that this was a good idea that would have great benefits for the tourists, carers, and the local economy. D Fettes to take this to P Godzik and KAT in the first instance and discuss whether this is something that was part of the community place plan and would be part of the plan for the old Co-op site or whether the community council should explore the station road site with different funding.

A Aitken to find details of funding offered for next year by Campra to see if this could help with this project.

15. AOCB

· Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National park report from D Fettes – newly elected member. He will be attending their strategic planning meeting next week.

· Community Council emails. A discussion was had about all the council having access to the community council email account, and around the issues of communal use. A Aitken to talk to Michelle Flynn about everyone on the council having ‘read only’ access so that they can see the emails but cannot send them - so that everyone can have all the information without things always needing to be forwarded, but at the same time only one person is answering them.

16. Adoption of J Laurence as a full member

Proposed – S Inglis, seconded D Fettes

17. Recruitment of 2 more co-opted members

A Aitken to advertise for two more members for the community council and for a new minutes secretary following the resignation of the current minutes secretary.

18. Date, time and format of next meeting Next meeting is Tuesday 1st November 2022 – 7pm. A Aitken to email Steven Bly and request the use of the school for the next meeting.