Jun 2023 Minutes

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Killin Community Council Meeting Minutes
for Tuesday 6th June 2023, at 7.30pm in McLaren Lesser Hall

Adoption of following minutes Proposed by Stewart Inglis, seconded by Charlie Grant and passed unanimously at meeting of 4th July.

1. Recording of those present, and apologies received No apologies. All elected councillors (A. Aitken, C. Grant, P. Farquharson, S. Inglis, F. Inglis, S. McRobbie) Minute taker; J. Calder and Elaine Watterson (Stirling Council) were present, plus 2 local residents

2. Declarations of interest from the public – none

3. Adoption of previous minutes – March 2023 meeting minutes. Correction - P.Farqarson was not actually present. Charlie proposed adoption, S.Inglis seconded.

4. Notes of interest from members of the public – a member of the public wished the defibulator to be discussed. As the defib is not working, we currently have a borrowed machine. Killin Highland Games Committee have offered to purchase a defibullator and the local Masons Lodge have also donated. Both offers are greatly appreciated. The issue brought to the table was how to maintain the defib machine long term? P.Farqarson and S.MacRobbie have agreed to aim to establish a working fund for the defib machine, with the following sources of potential funds o be explored; the Coop and Rowantree. Further locations for defibs to be explored when funds become available.

5. Police report – 4 months report received and noted.

6. Planning report and related issues – a number of applications are in. No comments were made from the committee.

7. 7. KAT & LLTNP reports
KAT report – Makers market is now open and seems to be going well and the Coop is to be renovated.

LLTNP report – rep from the Park, not present
Stirling council report – E.Watterson reported she’s been appointed as Older Persons Champion on the council and is very busy attending relevant events. Any issues related to older people, can be raised with her. The Council has also started a new initiative – Thriving Communities which is considering how to encourage more people to become involved in their communities. There was discussion around the Stirling Council budget which remains a challenge impacting on the venue for KCC meetings as we can no longer use the Primary School.

8. FVRH Larbert – access and appointments. Martin Earl has requested appointments at the hospital to be made later in the day for Killin patients. Access road has been an issue for many years. Parking is also an issue as are the speed bumps in Plean. A.Aitken will write to the Scottish Office to raise those issues.

9. Roads report, traffic and parking issues The issue of the virtual pavement was raised as were the complaints about people using the Coop parking as a toilet and the additional problem of the sign for the toilets. F.Inglis will write to Stephen Bly about the general signage in the village, and the toilet sign at the tin church. Suggestion that we send photos of the signs with problems and request a village walk-through to identify problems (through E.Watterson). Additional problems relate to the south side of Loch Tay and the use of the term “clearway”. Additional concerns about a) the smell from the sewage works and exploring the potential for a cover b) about the crossroads around the Coop and tin church.

10. Outstanding matters from 2021-23 These are being followed up, but financial considerations are holding some things up, such as the ‘virtual pavement’ mentioned above.

11. AOCB – none

12. Date, time and format of next meeting – next meeting is scheduled for 4th July, 7pm, Lesser McLaren Hall