Jan 2021 Minutes

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Participants : Michelle Ashford, Wiesek Chodyniecki, Sue Harvey, Jim McGroarty, Dougie Morrison.

In attendance : Councillors Martin Earl and Jeremy McDonald; David Clark (Minute Secretary); Neil Fergusson (Community Development Officer).

Apologies for absence : Alison McAlpine, Tony Farrant, David Harding, Ben MacCorquodale, Ken Russell

In the absence of Alison McAlpine (Chair) and Tony Farrant (Vice-Chair) the meeting was conducted by Michelle Ashford (Secretary).The meeting was quorate.

1 Minute

The minute of the meeting of 13 December 2021 was approved – proposed by Dougie Morrison, seconded by Jim McGroarty.

2 Matters arising – there were none

3 Police Report

10/12/21-07/01/22 Compiled by Constable Lorna Deans :

a) Antisocial Behaviour - There have been no reported incidents during this period

b) Road Safety - On 18/12/21 two vehicles were involved in a collision on A820 with the junction of B824. Police attended and carried out road traffic procedures. The road was partially blocked until the vehicles were recovered. On 20/12/21 police received a call regarding concerns for a driver near to Buchany. The vehicle was traced by police and all was in order with the driver.

Officers have carried out patrols and road checks during this period. No offences were identified.

c) Theft - There have been no reported thefts in the Kilmadock area

d) Community Engagement and Reassurance - There has been an increase in the number of fraud/attempt fraud incidents being reported to police in the Trossachs and Teith area. The police remind everyone never to provide personal details/bank account details to anyone over the phone.

4 Councillor's Report

Councillor Jeremy McDonald reported on

a) A meeting of the Council scheduled for 25 January to discuss concerns about possible inappropriate content in a survey of school pupils proposed by the Scottish Government

b) His support for the proposal to remove the speed bumps in Balkerach Street

c) Concerns about the lack of gritting in parts of Doune especially when freezing rain occurs. (Action – Wiesek Chodyniecki to contact Stirling Council)


5 Kilmadock Development Trust Community Development Officer

Neil Fergusson, newly appointed Community Development Officer, spoke of his initial work and outlined the concept of a Local Place Plan which will become available to communities in 2022. Among other things, it will give communities a more structured involvement in planning issues and local services. A draft Plan will be presented to the Community Council before it is finalised for submission to Stirling Council.

6 Chairperson's Report - there was no report

7 Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer, Jim McGroarty, reported that :

The Kilmadock Community Council Bank Account balance at 10 January 2022 is


Payment for items for the opening of the Moray Park toilets have begun. To date £815 of the £6,500 for running costs awarded by the WFT has been spent. A separate record of the costs for the toilets will be maintained.

An invoice invoice for the electrical work to the Christmas lights is awaited.

Around £250 remains from the Windfarm Trust for painting/refurbishing of the Doune former phone box. This money is being used to prepare the phone box to take the defibrillator.

8 Secretary's Report

Michelle Ashford reported that

An email would be circulated inviting proposals for local celebrations of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in 2022.

It has been agreed that the air quality monitor will be placed above the pharmacy in Doune and the weather station will be situated at the former telephone box.

9 Planning

Dougie Morrison reported that there were no planning decisions or issues for discussion at the present time, partly because of the current installation work on computer systems.

10 Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund

Tony Farrant reported as follows in his absence :

a) Doune Castle remains closed to the public because of safety concerns. Clearance work has been undertaken after damage caused by storms in November and a burst water main on the entrance road has been repaired

b) Moray Park toilets – Stirling Council have still not prepared a suitable lease or arranged for a separate water supply, despite it now being a year since completion of the main toilet works. The Community Council expressed its frustration and disappointment at the situation.There remains no new date for opening the toilets. It is proposed that, when they do open, the winter hours be adjusted to 10.00-5.00.

c) Green shed – no decision has yet been reached on the planning or


funding applications.

11 Kilmadock Development Trust - there was no report

12 Community Action for Deanston - there was no report

13 Roads

Wiesek Chodyniecki reported that :

a) He would investigate costs and potential sites for dummy policemen, to be positioned as a deterrent to speeding traffic (Action - Wiesek Chodyniecki)

b) The removal of the speed bumps in Balkerach Street will be pursued, now that the Parent/Teacher Council at the Primary Schoolhas raised no objection (Action - Wiesek Chodyniecki)

c) Contact has been made with the appropriate department about drainage problems and the need for upgrade, particularly at the junction of the A84 and Balkerach Street. No reply has yet been received. (Action - Wiesek Chodyniecki)

d) Alteration to signage around Doune would be pursued viz: sign pointing to former health centre – remove

North Lea – refix sign

'Pistol' signs – remove and store

'Dunblane Town Centre' – reverse wording to 'Town Centre, Dunblane' signage and road markings at Muir Crescent – causing confusion

sign at Woodside Hotel – make as pedestrian route as it directs against one-way traffic in George Street ( Action - Wiesek Chodyniecki)


14 Doune Ponds and Commonty Walk

Tony Farrant reported, in his absence, on the success of the Fairy Trail at Christmas and that work to repair potholes in the car park has now been completed.

15 Christmas trees and lights

Dougie Morrison reported on favourable responses to the new lights. It was agreed to express thanks to all volunteers helpers. (Action - Michelle Ashford)


16 Tourism and Marketing - there was no report.

17 Forestry

Sue Harvey reported that almost all local forestry activity was still concentrated on clearing the extensive damage caused in the area by the November storm

18 Community Resilience - there was no report

19 Other business - there was none

20 Next meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting would take place by video conference on Monday 14 February 2022 at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 8.32pm.