May 2021 Minutes



Present: Bill Ruddell (Chair), Jen McNiven (Secretary), Gordon Campbell
(Treasurer), Niall Hamilton-Smith, Gary Bell and Stewart Small.


Apologies: Vicky Mason


In Attendance: Councillor Scott Farmer, Linda Dudley (local resident) and Lauren
Grant (minutes)


  1. Welcome and Apologies


    The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were as noted above.


  2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 April 2021.

    The Minutes with some minor amendments were approved as an accurate record:
    Proposed Gordon Campbell

    Seconded Stewart Small


  3. Police Report


    No officer present at the meeting. Written report submitted and circulated to members prior
    to meeting.


    Noted that there were a number of incidents reported over the course of “Operation Nippett”.
    Members noting that the operation was necessary.


  4. Matters Arising


    Sustainable Transport


    Noted that the main focus for Stirling Council seems to be the introduction of a free Park and
    Ride service.


    Albert place/Dumbarton Road Proposal


    Noted that the postal workshop was sent out after a great deal of discontent was raised by
    residents in terms of this proposal.


    Noted that the way the workshop was constructed seemed to focus on the alleged benefits of
    the project and this concern has been raised with the Council.


    Noted that officers appear keen to work with the community council in terms of consultation
    for this proposal going forward.


    Noted by members that the proposed route is not the safest route possible and given that this
    proposal is intended to be part of a larger cycle friendly Stirling, this proposed route threatens
    to create more problems than provide solutions.


    Kings Park Community Council 1

    Members agreeing that an on site walk around would be extremely beneficial to highlight the
    concerns of the community council given that members have a more specific knowledge of
    the area.

    Allans Primary School


    Noted that there is no update on this matter however the pandemic has highlighted that the
    school does not have a large amount of outdoor space.


    Councillor Farmer noting that there is an intention to review the Viewforth masterplan and
    this will be an opportunity to have a look at various factors such as relocation of the school.


    Agreed that the community council will raise this matter with the Council.
    Viewforth Link Road

    Councillor Farmer noting that there was a move to sanction the partial development of the
    Viewforth site and that while there is no immediate plans for the area and no intention of
    reducing the housing allocation.


  5. Queens Road/Victoria Place/Clarendon Place Road Surfaces


    A resident from Victoria Place in attendance at the meeting noting that there has been a huge
    increase of heavy traffic passing over the roads which is causing damage to the roads. Noting
    that local residents have expressed, as a result of this increased traffic, a concern in respect
    of road safety with specific concern over local children’s safety in this area.


    Members noting that the road safety concerns are something that the community council
    actively raise with the Council to no avail but assuring that they will continue to bring this to
    the forefront of the council’s attention.


    Members agreeing to update the local resident present at the meeting when they have a
    response from officers on the resurfacing issue.


    Councillor Farmer echoing the community councils concerns in terms of the secondary access
    road being granted by the reporter in connection with the Murrayshall Quarry.


  6. Chairman’s Report


    Nothing to report.


  7. Secretary’s Report


    Nothing to report. All correspondence has been circulated to members.


  8. Treasurer’s Report


    Nothing to report.


  9. Councillor’s Report


    Councillor Farmer noting that the majority of the front facing work has been in line with COVID


    Kings Park Community Council 2

    Noting that there is a cross party COVID recovery group being established that will continue to
    work towards supporting all local residents during these uncertain times. Noted that this group
    has ready access to resources to apply the same where required relatively qickly.


    Noting that there will be some educational support available around mental health support for


  10. Kings Park


    Noted that the Friends of Kings Park’s minutes of their meeting did not raise any matters not
    already being discussed by the community council.


  11. Planning Issues


    Nothing new to report.


  12. KPCC Communications


    Noting that some questions and queries have come in that have been forwarded on to
    members and answered.


    Noted that Facebook will be a good tool to advertise the vacancies.


  13. AGM Arrangements


    AGM to take place Monday 7th June online.


  14. AOCB


    Nothing raised.


  15. Date of next meeting is Monday 17th June 2021 which will be the AGM.




Kings Park Community Council 3