Mar 2022 Minutes

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Minute of Meeting of Kings Park Community Council Held on Monday 7 th March 2022 at 7.30PM.


Present: Stewart Small (Chair), Jen McNiven (Secretary), Gordon Campbell (Treasurer), Niall Hamilton-Smith, Vicky Mason, Gary Bell, Maurice Fitzgibbon.

Apologies: Lorraine Hendry, Wiiliam Ferguson, Lauren Grant. In Attendance: Jane Saunders. Scott Farmer SNP Councillor

1. Welcome and Apologies.

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were noted as above.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th February 2022. The minutes were approved as an accurate record:

Proposed Jen McNiven

Seconded Gordon Campbell

3. Police Report

No officer present at the meeting. A written report was circulated ahead of the meeting.

The procession held without notice was ANTI VAXERS. Apparently no request was made to Stirling Council and the march was therefore illegal. The police took a ‘’proportionate response’’ a precedent? Some reports of verbal comments made but no complaints from members of the public.

Some arrests at the Glasgow march reported.

The Kings Park multi agency meeting was discussed and the meeting was attended by Stewart Small, Niall Hamilton Smith and Maurice Fitzgibbon. Please see separate brief minutes on this meeting.

Jen I will send these separately as they make very depressing reading from my perspective.

4. Matters Arising.

Sustainable Transport. Albert Place/Dunbarton Road

Some discussion took place as to the exact current positions.

Apparently we are no longer in discussion as the decision to start construction at The Kings Knot, not Albert Place, has already been taken only being held up by a TTRO, temporary traffic reduction order.


Scott Farmer was unable to comment ahead of getting his briefing tomorrow. MAY WISH TO EXCLUDE THIS COMMENT?

As Michaela …?…… and her colleagues were joining the meeting later we decided to wait until then to discuss further.

Gary made a couple of points regarding the poor maintenance of existing cycle lanes, River House, and questioned why some parts of proposed routes were not Direct, Coherent, and Continuous as required/specified.

5. Secretary’s Report

Friends of Kings Park minutes provided? Jen I need a bit of help here!!

Stewart confirmed Bill was stepping down from Kings Park Community Council. This after many, many ?? years of service to his community.

Bill is much appreciated by all members past and present of our council for his efficient Chairmanship, his commitment to the cause in hand. His consistent and strong willed approach to getting the council to understand and react to the requirements of Kings Park residents over many years is well known.

Bill has worked extremely conscientiously and done a wonderful job for many residents. He will be greatly missed.

With regards KPCC membership, when Maurice and Lorraine become full members we will be able to co-opt 2 more.

Elections are in 2023.

6. Stirling Councillor

Councillor Scott Farmer was welcomed to the meeting. He stated he had recently attended the Provost Awards.

Awards awarded mostly for service above and beyond during Covid.

Stirling council have targeted savings of £1.8 million to address Ukraine humanitarian issues. Will Stirling council be imposing SNP workplace parking levy? Unknown at this point.

It was mentioned that the Stirling constituency is the same size as Luxembourg (CHECK. Probably WITH MORE POLITICIANS!!!!).

7. Kings Park


Scott will be attending the forthcoming multi disciplinary meeting at the Pavillion restaurant Kings Park to discuss the anti social behaviour issues that are continuing to increase.

Niall, Stewart and Jen will attend on behalf of KPCC. Maurice to be stand by.

Some discussion took place on the youth team who interact with the police and the under age drinkers/drug takers who frequent The Kings Park.

What does this youth team cost the council? No answer.

8. Planning Issues Macleod balcony.

16a Abercromby extension.

Park Avenue surgery now 2 flats seeking permission not 3. No real issues currently. All reasonably proportionate.

9. KPCC Communications

Would Stirling Council contribute in any way to developing an update to existing web site? General view that web sites are old hat/out of date. Other ideas to be submitted.

10. Treasurers Report None submitted.

11. AOCB

Jen please write Allans/Snowden school minute for me.

Maurice to provide email to Stirling Golf Club secretary. Jen I think I sent it to you at the time? Will send again.

Sustainable Transport.

Michaela, Anne and Kayleigh gave a very informative presentation and provided initial but not finalised drawings/plan of likely developments. This was much appreciated and the plans we re discussed in some detail.

There was no answer to the question asked several times on what the calculation was now for the number of vehicles on a daily basis that would have to negotiate either the current 2 small roundabouts or the proposed T junction assuming the roundabouts removed.

We were all invited to the Albert Hall on the Friday to see all the plans and celebrate the decisions made, many of which have not addressed our initial concerns in any way, simply just ignored them! Jen do you think this is a reasonable statement???


Gary, myself and William Ferguson did attend on the Friday.

Date of next meeting : 4th April 2022