Oct 2021 Minutes

Approved Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 19th of October 2021
7.30pm Via Zoom


Present: Hugh Aitchison, Margaret Beaton, Kevin Carty, Robert Clubb, Susan Hewett, Sarah
Hill, Barbara Ross, Derek Shanks, Christine Stewart

Attending: Councillors Rob Davies and Jane Hutchison, 2 members of the public

Apologies: Scott Crawford

Minutes of the last meeting: (30/09/2021) were approved (proposer Margaret Beaton,
seconder Sue Hewett).

Co-Option Nomination: Hugh Aitchison was unanimously voted onto KCC as a full member.

Confirmation of Office Bearers: The following office bearers were confirmed

  • Chair: Derek Shanks

  • Vice Chair: Hugh Aitchison

  • Secretary: Scott Crawford

  • Treasurer: Robert Clubb

  • Planning Correspondent: Margaret Beaton

    Police Report: Not available

    Comms Team Feedback: This group has as yet been unable to meet but agreed to do so in
    the near future.

    KCC Website: Robert Clubb summarised some of the work that he has been doing to
    develop KCC’s website including the provision of more comprehensive information for the
    public on planning applications, licencing and road closure notices. In particular it was
    considered important that people have easier and more direct access to planning
    applications than is currently provided by local councils. Robert also flagged up that free
    courses are run by The Open University to help develop the knowledge and skills of
    community councillors.

    Interaction with her Community Councils: It was agreed that it would be a good idea to
    build links with other local CCs.

    Tree removal safety concerns at Gargunnock Station: The harvesting of trees at
    Gargunnock Station led to concerns about road safety as it left a very narrow verge then a
    drop into an area prone to flooding. The situation has been improved by the installation of
    reflective bollards on the bend. A member of the public has also raised concerns about the
    light at the water treatment works now causing a distraction to drivers approaching
    Gargunnock Station from Stirling.

    Planning: KCC had been contacted by a resident to request that they submitted an objection
    to the application for planning permission on land northeast of Helensfield Rennie’s Loan
    (planning reference 21/000831/PPP) as KCC had objected to a previous application.



    Kippen Community Council

    c/o Reading Rooms, Castle Hill, Kippen FK8 3DN

    Unfortunately this email had been missed and as a result it was not possible for KCC to
    consult on this request before the deadline.

    Bonfire Night (Friday 5th November): KCC are supportive of the Bonfire Night arrangements
    being organised for Friday 5th November at Kippen Football Pitch by the Cubs.

    Treasurer’s Report: The current balance stands at £221.23. £25 has been spent on an
    Amazon Voucher for Kippen Primary in recognition of their input in naming the new street
    in the Dawn Homes development. Stirling Council will pay £40 for an external person to take
    the minutes for KCC meetings however, it was agreed not to pursue this at the present time.
    Face-to-Face Meetings: Stirling Council have said that they are now happy for face-to-face
    meetings to take place. It was agreed however, that the November and December KCC
    meetings should be via Zoom and that the position should be reviewed in the New Year. The
    general consensus was that using the Zoom platform facilitated the attendance of members
    of the public and thus it was agreed that when face-to-face meetings do resume, they
    should also be shared on Zoom. Rob Davies said that he and Jane Hutchison would be
    meeting with Councillor Chris Kane on Friday where the resource implications for such
    hybrid meetings will be discussed and he asked that KCC should let him know what
    resources they would require.

    Any Other Competent Business:

  • The poor state of repair of both Main Street and Castlehill Loan has been raised. This
    has been exacerbated by construction traffic and also traffic, in particular lorries,
    which are now being diverted via Kippen as a result of the closure of Barnshogle
    Bridge near Fintry. Jane Hutchison said that funds should be in place on 20.10.21 to
    allow repair work on the bridge to begin. Concerns have also been raised by a
    number of Kippen school parents about the road safety issues being posed by these

  • Road safety concerns have been raised as the result of trees and bushes
    enchroaching onto the road on a bend between Kippen Cemetery and Laraben. It
    was agreed that Stirling Council should be contacted to put in a request for the land
    owner to cut back this vegetation.

  • A member of the public has been contacted by a Cowdenbeath resident concerning
    the applications for anaerobic digesters. This has been passed on to Kippen Action

    Round Table Discussion

  • KCC has been sent information to allow members of the public to participate in
    consultation on Stirling Council’s Budget for 2022-23. This can be done via the
    Engage Stirling online link, by filling out surveys via local libraries or by ordering a
    paper copy (01786 404040).

  • SEPA is talking to Scott Crawford about issues linked to the Dawn Homes

  • The Rural Housing Association has been contacted to see if there are any funds
    available for village improvements.

  • Food Poverty Grants are available. Local volunteers will be contacted to see if there
    is a need for any in Kippen.

  • Concern expressed about cuts being made to the provision of social care. Jane
    Hutchison agreed to put in a request to establish how many people that this may be
    affecting in the village.

  • Rob Davies highlighted that Stirlingshire Educational Trust
    www.stirlingeducationaltrust.org.uk) provides grants for educational purposes to
    either individuals or organisations for a wide range of educational purposes.


The meeting closed at 8.48pm.


Next meeting: Tuesday 9th November 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom



BR 19.10.21
