November 2023 Minutes

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Kippen Community Council
Approved Minutes of the Meeting held in Kippen Reading Rooms
at 7:30 Wednesday 8th November 2023
Present: Barbara Ross (Vice-Chair), Margaret Beaton (Planning/Licensing), Scott
Crawford, Ann Milligan, Christine Stewart, Michaela Yates.
In Attendance: Esther Lim (Minute Taker)
Apologies: Derek Shanks (Chair), Robert Clubb (Treasurer), Councillor Rosemary
Residents: There were 3 members of the public present
1. Welcome and Apologies
In the absence of the Chair, the meeting was chaired by the Vice-Chair, Barbara Ross
(BR). The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and gave the apologies.
2. Adoption of Minutes
The unconfirmed minutes of the Meeting held on 11th October 2023 were approved
having been proposed by Margaret Beaton (MB) and seconded by Ann Milligan (AM).
3. Matters Arising
3.1 Castlehill Loan Recycling Hub
Awaiting update on enquiry from Robert Clubb (RC) / Councillor Henke (PH).
3.2 Local Place Plan (LPP)
BR reiterated the importance for Kippen of having its own LPP to ensure the
village has a voice in planning decisions in the future.
RC, AM & BR had a useful meeting to discuss the action plan for the LPP and
some members will attend a seminar on 21st November providing further advice
and guidance. The CC have begun talking to potential stakeholders and plan to
set-up a sub-committee which will meet more frequently than the KCC to move
things forward.
BR has produced a write up of the LPP, the drop-in sessions and the air quality
findings for the website and members have started talking to potential
It is envisaged the majority of work gathering input for the LPP will take place in
the first half of 2024 and the LPP will be written in Autumn 2024. The deadline for
submission is April 2025.
3.3 Website Access for Michaela Yates
This has been provided. Michaela Yates (MY) agreed to provide a copy of the
meeting minutes for the Village Shop. Members discussed the practicalities of
providing the notes in large print or using a basic digital reader. It was noted that
the noticeboard is no longer watertight.
3.4 Bridge Handrail Repair
This repair is bigger than originally realised as the complete handrail and side
poles need to be replaced. The CC are uncertain who is responsible for the
bridge. It was agreed that this repair should be included in the funding application
to be submitted to the windfarm in January 2024. If the bridge is part of a core, it is
understood that repairs will need to fit these requirements. [Action: DS to get a
quote for repair to be included in the proposal]
There was considerable discussion around who is responsible for what land within
village. MY suggested that the CC create a google doc detailing who is
responsible for what within the village for the benefit of new members. [Action:
3.5 Blocked Drains on Main Street
Scott Crawford is awaiting a response to his enquiry. He agreed to chase this up.
[Action: Scott Crawford]
Stirling Council workmen have cleared some drains and will come at some future
date to clear the remaining drains. SC have confirmed they cannot give the CC
advance notice of when workmen will come so that they can arrange for cars to be
moved off the drains.
3.6 Giant Hogweed
Stirling Council have responded that the Giant Hogweed identified in the area is
not their responsibility but should be removed by the private landowners. The
Chair confirmed that the next step is to contact Mark Ruskell of the Scottish Green
Party and other local MSPs regarding its removal. [Action: Barbara Ross]
3.7 Standing Water & Ice Risk – The Meadows
The situation in ongoing. Councillor Henke has contacted Scottish Water
regarding this and is awaiting a reply. MY will follow up to see if local residents can
also complain directly to the company. [Action: Michaela Yates]
3.8 Installation of Telegraph Pole without Consultation
The situation is ongoing.
3.9 Potholes
The CC is awaiting a response from Councillor Henke. Residents are reminded
that they can report potholes directly to SC and urged to do so.
4. Matters for discussion
4.1 Police Report
The Secretary read the police report for October 2023. The following cases were
 1 undetected theft of a quad bike from a local farm.
 1 case of a motorist driving without valid motor insurance
 1 incident of a dog biting a person
 A motorbike, previously reported stolen, was recovered near the locus of
the original theft.
In addition, a number of speeding offences were detected using the speed safety
camera van on the A811 near Kippen. The Police also responded to a number of
calls in relation to vehicles caught in recent flooding.
4.2 Correspondence
4.2.1 Adoption of Private Road Near Dasher Farm
Residents asked the CC for advice as their application to have this road
adopted by SC has been turned down.
The KCC reiterated their support for this application, but, as most
members are relatively new to the CC, they advised the residents to
contact local councillors directly for advice. They also recommended
that the residents ask Stirling Council to confirm why they will not adopt
the road and to confirm what the residents need to do to have it adopted
in the future.
4.2.2 Installing a Light in the Bus Shelter
A local resident has written expressing concern at drug users using the
bus shelter and suggesting that installing a light might be a deterrent.
The KK agreed that installing a light would be a good idea from the
point of view of safety generally. MY agreed to contact Stirling Council.
[Action: Michaela Yates]
Members encouraged residents to call the police straightaway if they
see a crime committed
4.2.3 Maintenance of War Memorial
A local resident contacted the CC asking for volunteers to take over the
care of the war memorial with immediate effect as he is no longer able
to do so.
The KCC is unsure who owns the land and who is responsible for the
memorial. They recognised the 2-fold need:
1) To tidy up the war memorial for Sunday’s act of remembrance
2) To ensure the ongoing maintenance of the memorial
Christine Stewart (CS) agreed to speak with representative of the
church and local residents. MY agreed to contact Stirling Council.
[Action: Christine Stewart and Michaela Yates]
4.3 Planning Report
There were no changes to report.
4.4 Treasurer’s Report
There was no treasurer’s report for the meeting. There was one expenditure noted
for the period: £40 for a minute taker.
4.5 Councillor’s Report
There was no councillor’s report for this meeting.
5. Communication
The CC discussed how to simplify and improve communication both internally and
externally. The following matters were discussed:
 KCC members should use the KCC email for all CC business
 Members could take it in turns to monitor the KCC email on a monthly rota basis.
 The CC could create an auto-reponse message for the KCC email explaining that
members will respond to queries when they are able and not to expect an
immediate response.
 Put a note into The Wee Vine to manage expectations over response times.
 KCC could set up its own facebook page for community updates and then request
that the other Kippen facebook pages subscribe to it. This would avoid the need to
post the same message on multiple sites.
 MY suggested looking at the Gargunnock CC facebook as a good example and
speaking to a CC member about the best way to manage it.
 CS suggested changing the name of the KCC Whatapp group to reflect its primary
use as a safe space for internal conversations rather than a means of external
communication. Members agreed.
 Members discussed whether to send out agendas and other documents via
Whatsapp or email. SC suggested that email reaches a larger number of
stakeholders as more people use it than Whatsapp.
 Members discussed what communications sent to the KCC should be forwarded
on to the whole group. It was agreed that, when the correspondence is time
sensitive, it should be forwarded to members. If not, it can be shared at the next
KCC meetings.
 Details of public meetings should be posted on the website rather than forwarded
individually to each member. If a particular CC member is invited to attend the
meeting then the correspondence should be forwarded directly to them. If you feel
a CC member should attend but no one had yet been identified, forward the
meeting to the whole CC.
6. Round Table Discussion / Any Other Competent Business
6.1 Dog bins
The meeting discussed the need for more dog bins, specifically near the football
pitch and on Scott Brae. MY agreed to contact SC to request more bins. [Action:
Michaela Yates]
6.2 Fireworks
Members agreed that the fireworks on Friday night were very good.
6.3 Thank You
A member of the public thanked Scott Crawford for his quick response to their
7. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 13th December 2023 in the
Kippen Reading Rooms.