April 2023 Minutes

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Kippen Community Council
Minutes of the Meeting held in Kippen Reading Rooms
on Wednesday 13th September 2023
Derek Shanks (Chair), Barbara Ross (Vice-Chair), Margaret Beaton (Planning/Licensing), Robert Clubb (Treasurer), Scott Crawford, Michaela Yates.
In Attendance:
Esther Lim (Minute Taker)
Christine Stewart, Ann Milligan
There were 8 members of the public present
Welcome and Apologies
The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and gave the apologies.
Adoption of Minutes
The unconfirmed minutes of the Meeting held on 11th April 2023 were approved having been proposed by Margaret Beaton (MB) and seconded by Derek Shanks (DS).
Matters For Discussion
Police Report
Scott Crawford (SC) presented the Police Report. He noted that the police are unable to provide Kippen with a local report but provide one that covers the wider area.
SC reported there had been a number of motorbike thefts and attempted thefts in the Kippen area including thefts of chicken and hens. Other cases included road traffic offences on the A811, a case of drink driving on Kippen High Street, anti-social behaviour, culpable and reckless conduct, fighting outside licensed premises and tacks left on the road in during the UCI Cycling World Championship.
SC noted that the new local police officer is PC Matt McCammon working out of the Balfron station. He has 9 years of service working in Callander and Stirling.
None reported.
There were no planning applications.
SC informed attendees that the planning application for a Motorhome Park and dwelling house has been turned down.
Local Place Plan (LPP)
Barbara Ross reported on the drop-in session for the Local Place Plan in April. 535 flyers were distributed to local homes and 38 residents attended. Residents were asked what they like about living in Kippen and what could be done to improve the experience. In summary, residents expressed that Kippen was a great place to live. They appreciated the sense of community, the low crime and good local amenities. However, road safety was a big concern and transport links an issue. They felt communication within the community could be better and were concerned that the village could grow too big and lose its sense of community. BR agreed to write up the results for the CC. [Action Barbara Ross]
Members discussed how they could move forward with the Local Place Plan. Suggestions included:

A detailed questionnaire to residents based on input from the drop-in session.

Contacting a professional who deals with community plans to advise the CC on how to take this forward. There would be some cost involved or this. (Robert Clubb has a contact in Doune who could potentially assist.)

Creating an online survey, potentially using the ‘Have Your Say’ link on the SC website. RC agreed to ask Stirling Council if the CC can utilise this. [Action: Robert Clubb]
The members discussed the importance of getting input from all sectors of the community on what they want their community to look like. The suggestion was made to hold drop-in sessions with groups, such as the Playgroup and Toddler Group, the “Wee Cuppa” and the local primary school as well as potentially running an environmental project in conjunction with the primary school.
Members suggested talking to and potentially collaborating with other community councils who face similar issues. Members queried if it might be possible to share costs/funds with other CCs but it was noted that this would be dependent on the issues involved.
It was noted that no funding is available to help with the community consultation and it will involve considerable legwork from CC members. BR suggested using Parish Online, an online platform which helps CCs create and publish information as well as the bank of photos she has from around the village. She also suggested looking at examples of good questionnaires as a basis for building their own.
Members agreed they are onboard with this initiative. RS and BR agreed to take this forward and report back to the CC at the next meeting. [Action: Robert Clubb and Barbara Ross]
Air Quality Monitoring
Barbara Ross has been liaising with Amy McCarron, a PhD student at Stirling University, who is collecting data on air quality in rural areas. Her data showed that fires in village areas have a greater impact on air quality than traffic. Barbara agreed to share the findings with the CC. [Action: Barbara Ross]
Amy is trialling an app which identifies air quality incidents and how they travel. Barbara is taking part in this trial on Friday and will let the CC know how it goes. [Action: Barbara Ross].
There was some discussion about the reliability of quality monitoring.
Kippen Station Brae
BR raised concern at the dangerous speed of traffic coming off the roundabout and the near misses on Station Brae. SC also highlighted the issue of drivers on the Brae is not staying on their own side of road. A resident noted that the road has become narrower due to overgrowth and the gutters not being cleaned. It was suggested white lines on the edges and in the middle of the road might help.
DS raised the issue of other roads around the village in bad repair and residents raised the bad condition of the pavements, the potholes and the blocked drains.
The CC agreed to contact the roads department to arrange a meeting and ask all 3 councillors to use their influence to make the meeting happen. The CC agreed to compile a list of issues to bring to their attention. [Action: KCC]
Giant Hogweed and Japanese Knotweed
Members discussed the rapid spread of Giant Hogweed and Japanese Knotweed in the area. Both plants are non-native and invasive and travel along waterways. Hogweed is highly toxic and can cause severe burns on contact with the skin while Knotweed is known for its ability to undermine foundations. The CC agreed to contact local councillors and other community councils to find out what is currently being done about this and what they can do together to tackle the problem. [Action: Barbara Ross]
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report. Recent expenses include a registration fee, meeting room hire, a payment to Steven Paul Associates and extra expenditure for a minute taker.
The Treasurer noted the CC have not yet received the admin grant.
Councillor’s Report
There was no Councillor’s Report for this session.
Round Table Discussion / Any Other Competent Business
Handrail Repair
The Chair informed attendees that he will fix the loose handrail on the bridge across the green and strim the grass. [Action: Derek Shanks]
Update for ‘The Wee Vine’
Barbara will formulate a report on the CC for ‘The Wee Vine’. [Action: Barbara Ross]
Non-Attendance of Councillors
A local resident expressed disappointment that there was no Councillor present to answer questions and deal with residents’ concerns as this seemed to be the most effective way to get issues addressed. A member suggested that Councillors may not be free on Wed evenings due to other commitments. Scott agreed to email the councillors to clarify this. [Action: Scott Crawford]
Recycling Collections
A resident raised the issue of recycling collections. He had had an excess of glass recycling because the waste operatives had failed to collect it on a previous occasion. The operatives refused to pick up the excess recycling.
Windfarm Sub-committee
A resident suggested the formation of a sub-committee to look into how funding from the windfarm could be used for the community. The Chair agreed this was a good idea and the CC would look into it. [Action: Derek Shanks]
Lack of Policing
SC raised concerns about the inadequate policing in the Kippen area with only one officer covering the area from Kippen to Milngavie. He cited the recent thefts and attempted thefts of motorbikes in the area. Neither Police nor Forensics attend in the case of attempted theft. The CC agreed on the need to raise these concerns with the local Councillors. [Action: KCC]
Adoption of Private Road (near Dasher Farm)
Two residents asked the CC to support their application to have their private road adopted by Stirling Council. A majority of the residents (16 in total) support the application. Residents gave details of the work they have paid for to improve the road.
The CC agreed they were happy to support the application and involve councillors if necessary. [Action: KCC]
The CC asked the residents to send the Secretary an email with photos detailing the work they had done on the road to date. [Action: Residents]
Bottle Bank
A resident raised the issue of the bottle bank which is full of rubbish and surrounded by broken glass. This issue was raised previously with Paul Henke but nothing has been done. It was suggested that the CC ask Stirling Council to remove the bottle bank completely and then apply for windfarm money to improve the space, including redoing the sign/display board. The CC agreed to start the process again. Robert Clubb is to draft a letter to SC asking for the removal of the bottle bank. [Action: Robert Clubb]
Construction Damage
A resident raised the issue of damage caused by construction traffic and how it will be repaired. The CC explained that the developers have an undertaking to make good any damage once they have finished the development. They are not due to finish in 2024 and the CC can raise issues then.
Panorama Engraving
Michaela Yates drew the CC’s attention to the bad condition of the panorama engraving on Scott Brae. It was agreed that the CC would apply for windfarm funding to replace this along with the application to refurbish the area around the bottle bank.
Windfarm Funding Deadline
Margaret Beaton reminded the CC that the deadline for applying for funding is 30th September. It was agreed that the deadline was too short and the CC would apply for the next round in January 2024.
Speeding cyclists
A resident raised her concern at the dangerously high speed of cyclists coming through the village. They noted particularly the danger to children attending the primary school on the main street.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 11th October 2023 in the Kippen Reading Rooms.