Plean Community Council - Minutes of meeting 17th June 2024
6pm East Plean Primary School
Attendance – Scott Richards (Chair), Zoe Nolan (Secretary), Robert McWilliam
(Treasurer), Leah Easton, Catherine Anne Robertson, William Silvestro, Wendy
McAlpine (Minutes), Councillor Margaret Brisley
Apologies – Neil McCambridge
Conflicts of Interest – None
Approval of 20/05/24 Minutes – proposed Robert McWilliam and seconded by Zoe Nolan.
Speed Bumps/Road Safety – All work has completed to rectify they height of bumps. School puffin crossing is scheduled to be completed early in the Autumn term as lack of crossing patrol makes it a priority. Extension of 20mph limit and new crossing due to be completed and fully implemented mid-August as advised by Angela McGibbon 5/6/24. TRO has been submitted and no objections have been noted. Still issues with raised bumps and casual crossing area being a safety concern due to some drivers stopping and others not doing so. Scott has sent emails re this and had ambiguous replies from Stirling Council, Angela McGibbon advised that a final decision has still to be taken regarding this issued. Brian Hambly has a meeting with Roads officers on site soon and hope to receive an update on the outcome of meeting at next Pcc meeting, regarding a designated crossing point. Margaret Brisley voiced concern that the information given to EM’s is not always consistent and depends on who you speak to, which is unsatisfactory.
Main Street Planting – Granite planters are still messy and still working to try and get work done to rectify this. Were supposed to be filled in and raised planters put on top which Plean’s Voice would fill. Bob advised that this was a verbal agreement taken in good faith, but now are advised that funds are no longer available to do this work. Installation and design of scheme 2 years ago has caused the problem with no resolution by the Council forthcoming. Robert Jack has costed the work needed to do what Stirling Council said would be done. To dig out the soil and replace with concrete approx. costings £2.2k (local contractor quote). Contractor willing to reduce by £500 so potential cost of £1.7k for work to be done. Suggested that Plean’s Voice and PCC should fundraise for this work. Scott was advised that the work would be done the week after the bumps were extended and awaits a further update on this. Pcc will keep chasing Stirling Council to get this resolved this year.
Margaret Brisley concerned by quality of response given to queries raised by EM’s and communities and has raised the point that it is not satisfactory. Hopes that appoint of new Chief Exec will improve this issue.
Willow Brae Park and entrance area is also no longer being maintained and lots of comment from community regarding this and how it is making the village look. Scott has raised an enquiry re Willow Brae grassy areas and is waiting on a response. Zoe advised that Willow Brae residents have been in touch with the MP due to Stuart Milne going bust and no one is cutting the grass. Stirling Council have advised the residents that this is private land, and they will not deal. No factors are currently assigned to the older houses in the development.
Gartclush BESS – 2 Consultation events scheduled for 26/6/24 to allow community to attend and find out more regarding the the battery storage facility. Daisy at Boom power advised Bob that the aim is to minimise local objections and that they are prepared to contribute to a community benefit fund. Bob advised that PCC members were offered a private meeting with the team and should perhaps take advantage of this opportunity to secure funding for village projects. Scott and Bob plan to attend the public meetings and Scott has sent an email to Boom regarding the compensation package details and awaits a reply. Margaret Brisley was invited to a meeting with the developer but declined to remain neutral.
Local Place Plan – No update.
Succession planning/Co-opted Vacancies - advertised for new councillors and 1 application received.
Police Report – Scott did receive an email from the Police this month, first for a few months. Nicola Durward has been injured on duty so community officers for Plean will be Graham Woodhouse and Jade Hines, PC Woodhouse is absent at present. Objectives are youth disorder, drug activity and RTO attendance. Police will work with East Plean Primary doing hi-viz patrols with speed gun outside the school to enforce speed limits and enforce parking restrictions in the area. Police have had information from residents and have executed several warrants over the last year regarding drugs activity in the village and encourage the public to continue reporting any issues via ASB channels. No officers available to attend PCC meetings. Scott to provide report to Wendy by email.
Planning Report – No update apart from the Gartclush meetings scheduled. PCC happy for other organisations to represent themselves at this consultation.
Chairs Report - no report.
Secretary’s Report - Paragon Housing, Clare, emailed PCC with complaints received regarding parking on Paragon land for the football team matches and training. Scott advised that Clare should engage with the School and Plean Amateurs directly to raise any issues. 2 parking spaces currently being installed at the changing rooms, no planning application made to create these spaces, work is ongoing and causing issues. Margaret Brisley has taken a note to ask about this work and investigate further.
Insurance has been processed and is in place until 30/04/25.
Gillian Rutherford advised that one of the new streets can’t be named Baxter Street, so agreed that street names commemorating the those who died in the pit disaster is appropriate by PCC members. S Bly has asked for input from PCC re park management rules, PCC agreed to all 3 proposals regarding better signage and clarity in Stirling Council Parks.
Treasurers Report - £90 spent so far this year for Minute take fees. Bob to apply for CC Grant and will do so once AGM minutes received. Bal £217.34. Money to be allocated for a wreath for Remembrance Sunday, from next years grant. Prizes to be awarded for logo design competition, one for each primary year group and one overall prize. 7x£10 vouchers and £50 amazon vouchers to be ordered. PCC will decide winners at end of meeting today.
Councillor Margaret Brisley Report – Council in early recess due to General
Election. All committed and panels are cancelled. Stirling Council will restart after General Election approx. mid-August. Dunblane and Bridge of Allan by election to be held.
Budget cutbacks now beginning to show, grass cutting etc and very visible to public.
Congratulated Plean’s Voice and PCC for the improvements made within village thus far with hanging baskets and all the communities hard work to improve the village.
Margaret Brisley was asked for the Council long view regarding areas that are no longer being maintained by the Stirling Council. Will they just be left to grow wild? Does Stirling Council expect the community to get to point where they are so fed up with their areas looking messy that the community ends up doing the work? Who can advise what Stirling Council will still maintain and what the community may have to take on if they want to see improvements. Enquires should be made via Community Council enquires to ascertain what areas will still be cut and which won’t be done.
Residents View - Concerns re grassy area in Willow Brae expressed. Concerns re residents with xl bully’s in the country park and no muzzles being worn. No legal recourse until a dog attacks unfortunately. Scott advised that Stirling Council parks signage advises that there are no dogs permitted in play areas of parks.
AOCB – The community council is very thankful for all the entrants to the logo competition; the standard was very high. Thank you to Mrs Ruth Donnelly (Head of East Plean Primary) for facilitating this. Prizes to be purchased and winners decided upon for PCC logo competition. Mile marker in village to be restored in near future.
Next meeting – 16th September 2024 East Plean Primary 6pm