Feb 2021 Minutes

Wednesday 18th February 2021

To be conducted via Zoom Conferencing


  1. Present/Apologies


    Community Councillors – David Wilson, Richard Elliott, Eric Black, Mike McCormick, Caroline
    Hamilton, James Wigglesworth


    Others Present Julie McCann, Pam Campbell, Dean Lockhart, Cllr Neil Benny


    Residents Jonathan Orr, Alistair Orr, Kirsty Ryder, Jorge Iguzquiza


    Apologies Laura Muir, Morag Fulton, Cllr Christine Simpson,


  2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting


    Minutes were approved by RE and AO


  3. Matters Arising from previous meeting:


  1. Traffic to building sites & Safe Routes to School – Agreed


    RE commented that there have been no replies from council about designated routes for heavy good
    vehicles going through St Ninians. DW has written to Carolyn Fraser and she was going to send two officers
    to the site. No update as yet.


    This topic will be removed from future agendas.


  2. Re-instatement of highways & pavements after Earlsburn Avenue Site completion


    RE provided an update that Marshalls have reinstated the kerbs, the top coat is on the pavements and the
    landscaping has been finished. The perimeter wall has been put up and the pavements nearly done in the
    last two blocks.


    RE added that the road surface is still really bad. Email from Stirling Council about road resurfacing
    between 18 Jan and 31 Jan, also the drains were due to be fixed due a blockage. Nothing happened on
    18th Jan due to Covid. Site meeting could also not happen with the developer about the repairs.


    NB asked if this was the drain at Howlands Road at the bottom of Graystale Road. RE added that there was
    also an issue with the drain near the shop at Elmbank Road.


  3. Defibrillator


    The intention is to install a defibrillator at St Ninians Toll. DW will send a message to Cambusbarron
    Community Council for information on what problems they faced installing a defibrillator in their area and
    how they overcame the issues.


    RE mentioned that Gary McGowan had emailed offering to help as he had already helped install 3


    Permission will need to be sought from council and leases of the property to use the electricity to power
    the defibrillator


    Possible sites for the defibrillator are the shops at the Toll. PC will check with colleagues about access to
    electricity. JW commented that Kirby had installed ones around Stirling (Fraser Walker).


    MMcC asked if there was any incentive for shops helping, such as help with the costs. RE added that it
    would just be a goodwill gesture but suggested that a small plaque could be near the unit to alert the
    community who helped to install it. MMcC asked if there could also be a bit of publicity for the shop for
    example an article in the Stirling Observer.


    PC added that in principle that Stirling Council have no issues with the installation of the defibrillator into
    the community and she will check with colleagues in housing about the proposed site to see if best place –
    next to bus stop and McColls shop. MMcC added that near the bookmarkers there is a high traffic of drug
    users that hang around that area.


    DW proposed that the defibrillator be placed in front of McColls at the bus shelter. PC will speak to Robert
    Horn in Housing Department about the installation.


  4. First Bus, 57 Route latest information


    RE mentioned that the bus shelter was still in place at Gateside Road. No update at present.


    DW added that First Bus had taken out the Gateside Road section of the route due to site vehicles and the
    building site nearby. Recent information indicates that there is no intention of reinstating the service at
    Gateside Road. To date there has been no response from First Bus.


    NB will contact First Bus and ask for an update on the service and will CC’in EB and DW into the email.


  5. Hillview Footpath Repairs/Upgrade


    RE mentioned that there has been an estimate from Stirling Council about the cost which includes lighting
    and the pavement, approximately £5500. DW added that the quote has been broken up into various parts.
    PC mentioned the Town Centre Regeneration Fund and some of the funds may be used from SC to pay the
    repairs. DW, EB, JO and MMcC supported using the fund. After some discussion, the CC unanimously
    supported using the fund if possible. If opportunity comes up, PC will check about the Regeneration Fund.


    PC will contact colleagues from housing about the paths at the back of Hillview. This includes the
    overgrown areas, improving the steps, carrying out maintenance in the area and installing a handrail.


    RE commented that the footpath was overgrown, the steps are dangerous and need to be reset and there
    is no lighting.


  6. Notice Board, Bruceview Park/Cultenhove Road


    RE commented that there is a CC consensus opinion that the board be places at the side of the YT Club
    behind the fence.


    PC added that it may be possible to partner with Youth Services and they hold on to a set of keys. PC will
    check about funding. There will be two keys for the noticeboard and one set will be kept in the YT Club.


    EB mentioned that there ware spare keys for each cabinet. MMcC asked who put the information in the
    Noticeboards as the one in St Ninians is a bit out of date. RE stated that he updated the information on the
    boards only a week ago. There is no update from the churches as they are all still closed, nothing in the
    noticeboard from them.


    RE has spoken to 3 churches including the United Free Church and he will get a spare keys cut for the
    churches to use.


  7. Cornhill Crescent, Hedges and Gardens/SC


    DW had planned to meet with LM and feedback on the area to PC.


    The brown bins, tenants have to pay £35 for collection. There is a full concession on the bins for people on
    council tax benefit or mental impairment.


  8. Speeding Trucks at Barnsdale Road and surrounding areas in St Ninians


    A local resident of the area KR attended the meeting to discuss the issues with the speeding trucks at
    Barnsdale Road and surrounding areas.


    Since Sept there has been a horrendous level of noise from the trucks going over the speed bumps. SC
    Traffic calming measures were mentioned and an enforcement officer will conduct a sound survey.


    RE commented that recently in Buntine Crescent there has been a lot of noise with people going over the
    speed bumps in Coxithill and Modan Roads. MMcC commented on issues with a tar truck on McGrigor
    Road and speed up and down the road. MMcC has tried to liaise with the driver of the tar truck but he was
    abusive and aggressive towards him.


    DW asked NB and DL if speeding etc is an issue in other local areas. NB commented that the issues will be
    exacerbated at Modan Road/Barnsdale Road due to it going downhill and cars moving towards the speed
    bumps. There has been other issues with contractors parking inappropriately.


    There was a suggestion that the speed bumps be replaced with nibs which would help to reduce the noise
    levels. Nibs narrow the road and slow down the traffic similar to what is currently in nearby Cedar Avenue.
    KR commented that Raploch Road also has these traffic calming measures in place.


    AO asked if neighbours are feeling the same way about the noise and perhaps that a joint approach may

    work more in KR’s favour. KR added that there are elderly people in her street and all the bedrooms are at
    the front of the property. There is no other place to sleep.


    DW commented that some people try to avoid speeding bumps by driving around them.
    DW suggested that KR write a letter to the Transport Minister

    NB commented on the traffic calming measures in that area. Cultenhove Road and Barnsdale Road are
    20mph roads but not a lot of people stick to the limits. A car had been seen in the area driving at about 60
    to 70mph up Cultenhove Road speeding over the speed bumps.


    DW added that it may also be helpful to speak to the Community Police Officers to see what action can be
    taken concerning the speeding.


    MMcC commented that there has been no police presence or community wardens in the area recently and
    that due to the speeding an accident may happen soon.


    PC mentioned asking for a speed traffic count, if the residents can identify the busy times such as early in
    the morning etc so that the survey is more accurate. If the community is looked at as a whole, then the
    issues will not move from one area to the next.


  9. Police Report







    Communications offence (enquiries ongoing)


    Attempted housebreaking (enquiries ongoing)


    Attempted housebreaking (enquiries ongoing)


    Housebreaking with intent to steal (suspects identified)


    Wilful fireraising (enquiries ongoing)


    Housebreaking with intent to steal (suspects identified)


    Assault (suspect identified)


    Abusive behaviour and sexual harm (suspect identified)


    Theft (suspect identified)







    Theft from motor vehicle


    Act in a racially aggravate manner


    Theft from motor vehicle/attempted theft


    Attempted theft


    Intended theft (curtilage)/attempted theft


    Theft by housebreaking


    Possession of a controlled drug (Valium)


    Possession of a controlled drugs (Valium)


    Breach of the peace/possession of imitation firearm


    Road traffic offences (various)


    Theft by shoplifting


    Breach of bail




    999/101 CALLS

    Over the stated period there have been 246 calls for the S07 beat code area. Please note that other areas
    out with St Ninians are also covered by S07 beat code so not all 246 calls will relate to specifically to St
    Ninians. Please be advised that we will continue to report 999/101 calls as above and will not be split into
    specific categories. Be assured if there are any problem areas that need attention/action by either Police,
    Stirling Council or the Community Council then this will be raised on the Police report.



    Efforts are always being made to obtain intelligence in relation to substance misuse and drug dealing in the
    St Ninians area, and we are keen to tackle drug dealing where intelligence is received. Any information
    regarding substance misuse and drug dealing is welcomed and can be reported to Police Scotland via tel:


    101, to Crime stoppers via tel: 0800 555 111 or directly to the Community Officers via:
    StirlingWestCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk Your information/name will never be disclosed. If anyone has any
    issues regarding anti-social behaviour, please contact Police on tel. 101 or Stirling Council.



    It is noted that there have been a significant number of crimes of dishonesty over the last month. These
    include theft by housebreakings, theft from motor vehicles and intended/attempted thefts. Below is a link
    to “Safer Communities Safer Scotland” which is an informative booklet with lots of tips on how to keep
    you, your home and your communities safe.




    Please feel free to share this. Police will continue to carry out high visibility patrols in order to deter such
    criminal behaviour.


    RE commented that residents are concerned with the lack of police presence. There has been various drug
    issues in the local area which has been reported to the police but no action has been taken. DW added
    that there have been no police in attendance at the online meetings since the COVID pandemic, the
    relationship with local police is virtually non-existent.


    NB added that there was a drug problem in Robertson Place and there was a police presence there a few
    weeks ago.


    PC mentioned the previous operation at McDonald Drive which had a zero tolerance for anti-social
    behaviour which resulted in resident’s confidence in the police increasing. This operation also indicated
    that police were acting on information that was being reported by different sources.


    DW will contact Chief Inspector Gillian Marshall who is the local area commander for Stirling to voice CC’s


    EB mentioned about PC King using zoom call during the meetings and if she was allowed to use this
    platform for meetings.


  10. Works arising from Town Centre Regeneration Grant


    PC commented that this involved the path from the toll up to the Civil Defence Club. There is no timescale
    for this project. The funding was allocated for this area and it must be spent within the allocated time.


  11. Borestone Primary School


    No update from Primary School. They are due to start the extension at the end of June although nothing
    has gone through the planning department as yet.


    NB added that this could be delayed for two reasons (1) Covid), and (2) the number of children from
    Ringans Lane are not as high as the developers had thought and there are also different demographics in
    the new area. Initially it was thought that there would be more children moving into the area but actually
    there are more elderly people.


  12. Planning Items


    Three speakers are to be added to the Rotunda at Bannockburn Heritage Centre playing bagpipe music 24
    hours a day. The volume will only reach within 30m of the area. JW asked if a sensor could be installed so
    that the music is only played when people are in that area.


    The demolition of the flats at the end of Glasgow Road/Barnsdale road which will then be made into
    cottage flats was discussed. RE added that parking will be at the back of the units opposite the civil
    defence club. There will also be garden/bin areas for the flats. The building will comprise of 6 x 2 bed
    cottage flats and 2 x 1 bed flats.


    EB added that there will be limited areas for parking and this may increase traffic issues at Glasgow Road.
    The possibility of adding a lane at the bottom of Barnsdale Road to alleviate these issues was discussed.


    RE added that within the Ogilvie Site, 24 dwellings are designated to be let as Council homes. NB
    commented that new build developments are generally allocated and that council tenant’s who need new
    properties are moved there.


  13. Correspondence, Diary Dates and Deadlines


    No correspondence


  14. AOB


    NB commented that there has been an objection from Cambusbarron Community Council regarding an
    entry point into the quarry. There is potential that this is for vehicles coming down Gateside Road and
    Tinkers Loan.


    MMcC commented on a car sitting in his road which has no MOT and has been reported to the police and
    DVLA. Another car is parked and has been ticketed but ignored. DW will raise this with Chief Inspector
    Gillian Marshall at the meeting the local area police commander.


    If residents contact 01784 404040 at Stirling Council the council will fill up the grit bins in local areas.


    RE mentioned large vehicles parking on council land without permission and issued the Stirling Council
    Parking Guidelines document.


    A local resident Jorge, spoke about residents being able to attend Council meetings and asked those
    present at the meeting if they would be willing to sign a petition. This involves a request from an individual
    or a group of people who want to have the opportunity to speak on an item of a published agenda or on a
    new matter of community interest within a council meeting. This would enable individuals to speak to the
    council about issues that they have concerns about and allows Councillors to hear first hand, the views of
    the people that are affected by the issue and any decision that are made in order to resolve an issue.


  15. Date of Next Meeting


    Wednesday 17th March at 7pm to be held virtually by Zoom conferencing


  16. Close