Feb 2022 Minutes

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Minutes Wednesday 16th February 2022

Hybrid meeting


1. Present/Apologies


Community Councillors – Richard Elliott (Secretary), Caroline Hamilton (Planning),

Morag Fulton, Laura Muir, Kirsty Ryder (Vice Chairperson) James Wigglesworth (Treasurer). David Wilson.

Others Present Julie McCann, Carolyn Fraser, Cllr Bryan Flannagan, PC Pam

King, Pc Neil Hunter, Marion McAllister (Cambusbarron Community Council) Cllr Scott Farmer, Pamela Simpson.

Residents Evelyn Reynolds, Jonathan Orr, Alistair Orr.

Apologies Eric Black, Gary McIntyre, Mike McCormack.

2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting


Minutes were approved by RE and JW

3. Matters Arising from previous meeting:


I. Borestone/St Ninians/Waste Issues


Emma Furie and Gemma Dodds from Waste Department were unable to attend.

II. Traffic Management – Barnsdale Road, Buntine Crescent


RE has arranged a walkaround on 23rd Feb at 2pm with Carolyn Fraser onsite, Cllr Scott Farmer is unable to attend, PC Pam King may attend if available.

Vehicles in Buntine Crescent were driving at over 30mph, and there are still issues with speeding at Cultenhove Road and Barnsdale Road.


PS commented that there are also issues with speeding near the school at Torbrex.

Jim Fleming from Stirling Bike Club mentioned that there are currently 400 members which range from recreational cyclists to elite riders and also a Paralympic medal winner. He mentioned that they cycle a lot at the long line and there are a number of potholes and damaged parts of the road over the motorway, particularly the part going up the hill, but basically along their training road circuit

SF mentioned a letter from the Bike Club and issues with the route had been noted including potholes and poor road surfaces. DW added that the area is advertised as cycle/walk friendly but it is full of potholes.

PS added about the new regulations with bikes and the new Highway Code.

III. Cornhill Crescent/Glencairn Street


An FOI request had been submitted but there was not much informed in it as it only went back to 2021. The original request was for the past 7 years. The review was due on 17th Jan and was chased up on 18th Jan.

BF mentioned the Enforcement Strategy. The majority of cases are closed down due to lack of evidence. During the pandemic there has been a lack of CCTV. A lot of equipment that is used to catch Anti-Social Behaviour is not being deployed to detect noise etc. There was a sudden increase in antisocial behaviour. In a survey of 100 people, 8% of people experienced anti-social behaviour, and 90% were not satisfied with the SC response.

BF asked CC to forward on the FOISA request to him. RE will read over the review and then send on to BF.

There are still issues with drug dealing in Cornhill Crescent. RE added that these issue have been ongoing for a very long time and nothing has been done. It has been on the CC agenda for years.

A letter has been sent to Chief Inspector Gill Marshall previously about the issues. Residents have been informing CC that police are not turning up for emergency calls. AO asked how police are using the information that members of the public are providing them.

The weekend police plan identifies hotspots and resources go out to problem areas such as Kings Park.


There is a crossover with SC and Police concerning the enforcement of anti-social behaviour.

SF mentioned that there has been more unruly behaviour recently. Many social problems are due to anti-social behaviour. In order to evict residents, Sheriff’s require a lot of evidence and a multi-agency approach is required.

JO asked about the allocation strategy for housing. SF added that allocations cannot be discriminatory and lots of people have social problems.

DW added that the old flats at the top of St Ninians used to be the first place offered in Cultenhove as no one wanted to live there.

There is more social housing/council housing in deprived areas rather than affluent areas and there is a higher turnover in deprived areas than others.

AO commented that most young people in the area do not cause any issues with anti-social behaviour.

IV. Morley Crescent – Parking Issues


Currently waiting on input from Paragon. Claire Rowlands met with residents on 10th December 2021 and discussed the issues and took photographs. The absence of an update due on 11th Feb is due to absences in office staff, these issues had not been able to progress any further at the present time. RE to chase up and obtain an update from Paragon.

V. The Toll Underpass Cleaning


The drains have been cleaned, there had been issues with people urinating in the area. RE has asked SC if it was possible to Jet Wash the area occasionally but they responded that this cannot be done as they cannot get the required access for the machinery to undertake this work under the underpass. RE disagreed with this statement, as large machinery had been able to access the same area to relay tarmac under the regeneration funded works.

Cllr Scott farmer asked to be kept aware of the outcome of further requests from SNCC. PS commented that there is still dog foul in the area and a smell of urine.


VI. St Ninian’s Old Parish Church


GMcI was not at meeting. There is a meeting on 17th Feb about the ruins and tower. MF and RE will attend the meeting and possible MMcC.

VII. CCTV/ Toll Shopping Precinct


CCTV is going to be placed outside and on the corner were the Burghmuir Dual Carriageway begins at the Toll Roundabout adjacent to previous the MSP office. This is high definition. The column has been erected and is just awaiting the contractor to install the camera.

The ATM at McColls had the face ripped off the machine by vandals.

SF added that there has been more money made available lately due to COVID.

VIII. Borestone Primary School


Parents Association have commented that there is an issue with dog fouling around the school area. RE has emailed SC about the issue and they replied that this would be cleaned up.

Pc King added that 3 youths who are currently unidentified, had broken into the shed at the Primary School and set fire to the contents of which contained the children’s outdoor equipment. There is CCTV at the top of the building but due to it being pitch black at the time of the incident there is no footage.

CC discussed fundraising to replace the equipment that was lost due to the fire. CC will await further instruction on this from Borestone Primary.

IX. Adverse Camber


No Update as yet, but anticipate a report which will be discussed at the next meeting.

X. Police Report


Police will inform CC about crime trends in local area. DW suggested that the report is separated into generic areas such as Mayfield Area, upper St Ninians etc. Details of any


police patrols would also be useful. RE asked if the police can do anything about dog fouling but this is more the responsibility of enforcement officers.

XI. Defibrillator Awareness Course


RE, Karen (Hairdresser/Barber) and her staff and local residents attended this successful course at the Civil Defence Club on 8 th Feb 2022 at 7pm.

XII. Planning Items


Ogilvie Homes at the Newpark Road Housing Site, asked for planning permission to construct a Pumping Station, to accommodate the new housing project.

Request for a conversion garage at Pinkeknowe Road was also mentioned.

XIII. Correspondence, Diary Dates and Deadlines


The pavement nib has been removed at Glasgow Road and there has been no double parking there since. A thank you to Cllr Scott Farmer for his endeavours to make this happen.



RE commented that there has been complaints regarding street lighting at Graystale Road as it is very dark at night. RE to undertake a walk round of the area at late evening and advise the CC of his findings at the next meeting.

It was discussed whether the SC insurance would cover the 2 defibrillators and 3 noticeboards owned by SNCC. Steven Bly was asked but was not sure. It was thought that SC will find suitable insurance if the current insurance does not cover the two projects. JW to fill out necessary form and send in to Stephen Bly at ccenquiries.

A timescale for when the flats at McDonald Drive/William Booth and Endrick Place were due to be demolished. RE said that 2018 was the timeline stated at a meeting at that time. Residents have complained of the unsuitable living conditions of the flats at the present.

Cllr Scott Farmer could not enlighten the CC on this issue at this time.

CC to follow up and correspond with SC, to obtain more information on the issue.


RE mentioned festive lighting. He received a document from SC on regulations. Funding options such as Community Pride Fund was discussed. DW suggested that Bannockburn CC be contacted to find out about their lights and who installed them.

XIV. Date of Next Meeting


Wed 16th March 2022 at 7pm to be at Civil Defence Club, St Ninians. Face to Face or via Zoom Conferencing facility

XV. Close