May 2022 Minutes

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Minutes Wednesday 18th May 2022

Meeting held at Stirling Civil Defence Social Club & also Via a Hybrid Facility.


1. Present


Community Councillors – Mike McCormick, Caroline Hamilton, Morag Fulton, James Wigglesworth. Pamela Simpson

Others Present Julie McCann, Ricky Williamson (Youth Participation Team),

Cllr Scott Farmer,

Residents Violeta Sadowska and Son Nathan.

Apologies Kirsty Ryder. Richard Elliott, Laura Muir. Gary McIntyre, David Wilson.

2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting

Minutes were approved by McC and MF

Amendment to last month minutes, bins had not been emptied and been left out by residents

3. Matters Arising from previous meeting:


I). Youth Work

Ricky Williamson attended from Youth Services and reported that the YT Club gardens needs tidied up.

Youth Services are introducing face to face community work after COVID but there are different needs/wants than before. There was a consultation at the start of the year about what people want in the area, a copy of this can be circulated amongst the CC. Activities that people were interested in included cooking, drama, sports, film making and outdoor activities.

Ricky works within Stirling High and Primary schools in the area. He has attended every assembly at Stirling High, also Friday lunchtimes and has visited the Primary 6 and 7 at local primary schools.


There are summer programmes at Bannockburn and Stirling High which are being held on Tuesday and Thursdays. This included trips such as kayaking, Fox Lake and Sky in Livingston where kids can make videos. At the MacRobert Centre in Stirling, kids can work on a play.

Not every child can attend every Tuesday and Thursday due to capacity but they are allocated days throughout the summer holidays.

Within St Ninians there is a lack of sport in the area. Youth Services have contacted Stirling Council Bookings Team to pre book the sports hall on a Monday night at Stirling High which will start after the Summer holidays. The YT Club or the Mayfield Centre may also be used.

The Garden really needs to be tidied and the local community could be involved in this. Next week, Land Services will get rid of the weeds and tidy it up and will treat it every 6 months.

MMcC suggested that having people in involved in maintaining planters will encourage them to take pride in growing flowers etc. If residents help with the tidy up then they are more likely to keep it tidy and maintain it

The Bruceview Community Garden also needs cleaned up. The Basketball and Football area are in bad condition. There is lots of glass in the area which is dangerous for children.

Bruceview was taken on by COP, CC is not sure who is now responsible for this area.

A dangerous tree was recently removed due to kids playing on it which could have caused an accident.

There is also only one bin for dog waste in the area even though more people have pets after COVID.

SF commented that dog waste can go in any bin now instead of the allocated bins. There is also lots of rubbish in the field from the bins as well as glass.

It was suggested that the surface of the sports court be changed it is really sore if children fall on it.

MMcC suggested meeting up VS and her son to see the area, take photos and get some support to improve the area. CC will also see what can be done to the area and what funding is available.


Five emails have been sent to SC about this issue by a young resident but they have had no response.

JW asked if Youth service could use the area but it is an unbookable area, if kids are already playing on this cannot be asked to leave if there is a booking.

There are also small garages in the area which are not being used but instead act as a dumping ground. SF added that there were issues over the ownership of the garages as they are not council owned.

MF suggested that one activity that may be useful is a homework club for the children, possibly in the YT Club.

II). Interpretation Panels – Heritage Trail

These panels have recently been vandalised with spray paint. It was discussed who owns the panels and if they are insured or not.

Some people did not know where all the panels where, but DW might know where the panels are around the local area, Information has been forthcoming from Jean Cowie, SC, of the whereabouts of these other panels. RE to issue to members when back off holiday.

III). Traffic Management – Barnsdale Road, Buntine Crescent

No reply from police about the issues in Buntine Crescent and other local streets.

IV). Fly tipping at Wordie Road to Hillview Footpath Area

SC replied about the recent issues with fly tipping. Without documented evidence the council cannot act. Details are required such as core nominals, car types, car registrations times etc.

V). Cornhill Crescent/Glencairn Street

Ongoing issues within the area. Still awaiting the results of the FOI inquiry.

VI). Morley Crescent – Parking Issues

CH has not heard any updates. RE has refrained from putting in a sketch about better parking spaces to Stirling Council until he hears back from Paragon. No update.

VII). The Toll Underpass Cleaning

Land Services have statement that the power washers are for City Centre use only. CC requested that they attend a CC meeting but there has been no reply.

CIS would be able to clean the area and have the appropriate equipment.


SF added that Land Services offered to clean the area manually. MMcC suggested that CC taken Land Services up on that offer. RE will organise a site visit when he returns from holiday.

VIII). St Ninian’s Old Parish Church

There will be a workshop in the future and GMc’L will keep CC updated.

IX). CCTV/ Toll Shopping Precinct

There has been damage to the shops at the toll. People were working at the old conservative office which is where the CCTV may go. Not sure when the CCTV will be live.

X). Disabled Parking bays

SF commented that disabled bays are painted by external contractors as a special paint is used. It was identified by CH in a previous meeting that the paint on the disabled bay at the toll was very faded.

XI). Waste Bins

Emma Furie will meet with RE when he returns from holidays. Bins have been left out by residents and Bin Men leaving emptied bins, that people with prams, or disabilities have been unable to get past them on the pavements.

XII). 57 Bus Route

This route is more concentrated on the Raploch end of the route as opposed to the St Ninians end. No other update to date.

XIII). Borestone Primary School

No update

XIV). Adverse Camber


MMcC and MF discussed issues with adverse cambers and slopped pavements in the local area.

XV). Police Report


A resident’s car was broken into and an old phone charger was stolen but they suspects left their hammer at the scene.


MMcC suggested setting up a Neighbourhood watch scheme and will make enquires with the police on how this is set up. SF commented that posters for the scheme act as a deterrent,

XVI). Planning Items

Plans for a modular building at Bruceview Vet Clinic

XVII). Correspondence, Diary Dates and Deadlines

No updates


MMcC mentioned the Summer holiday Child Care Program for children aged 5 to 14 which is designed for low income households.

SF added that there will be a full SC meeting on 19th May at it will be a conservative/labour administration.

IXX). Date of Next Meeting

Wed 15th June 2022 at 7pm to be at Civil Defence Club, St Ninians.

XX) . Close