June 2023 Minutes

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AT: 19:00

Office Bearers - Richard Elliott (Secretary), James Wigglesworth (Treasurer)
Community Councillors - Ann Gilmour, Jim Bruton
Also – Ten local residents, Jeannie Gray (Stirling Council), Neil Benny (Councillor-Stirling West), Rev. Gary
McIntyre (St.Ninians Old Parish), PC Hynd (Police Scotland), Stephen Clark (Stirling Council)

Office Bearers - Kirsty Ryder (Vice Chair)
Community Councillors - Caroline Hamilton, Laura Muir

Richard welcomed and thanked everyone for coming along tonight. Also to members, for the assistance
given over the past year, with helping to support/push through projects undertaken.

There being no matters arising, minutes were proposed by James Wigglesworth & seconded by Ann Gilmour.

Richard went through the report received. A full and lengthy discussion then followed with all present on varying local concerns throughout the area. PC Hynd asked that all concerns of a criminal matter should be reported, dialling 999 where appropriate. Also to ensure you take a note of the reference you will be given at the time of reporting, for your reference going forward.

James handed out a copy of the Accounts for the year 2022/2023, with an update of the expenditure. Confirming all banking is now internet based.

Development/ Planning – Trotting Track have withdrawn their application. Scots Wha Hae have also withdrawn their application meantime. Golf Driving Range application submitted following a consultation and open day and is in progress. Also, Five Clamping Pots at Drum Farm has been passed.
There is a process for all planning applications if there are five objections to any it will go to the planning committee or if a community council puts in an object itself.
CC Elections the four yearly Community Council Elections took place in April this year and we have two new councillors Ann and Jim. With David, Morag and Pamela stepping down. Thank you all.
Thistle Park Foot Path – Ann shared an updated report and went through details following the previous site meeting. Timescale of potential housing has been requested with regards to this. As at present there is no definitive date. Right of way access has also been requested as has been in use since 1946. A community consultation will be required and this will be a leaflet drop/questionnaire, we urge all to complete and return when it is received. This path will require a re-costing. The suggestion for this path is to ideally be hard surface so that all can use, along with Street Lighting to support CCTV. Jeannie also advised that funding is being looked at by them as well and she is supporting Ann with this project.
Ann had also emailed Evelyn Tweed to come along for support on this, Evelyn was unable to make it tonight however will look to send email to local council in support of the proposed upgrade of this path.

- having purchased and installed two Defibrillators in 2021, from the Forth Valley First Responders Charity. They have recently informed us that the Defibrillators have been activated on four occasions over the past year. It is good to know that we are benefitting our local community. We also contributed to the Forth Valley First Responders Charity annually, who check and maintain these units on our behalf. Noticeboards now have a notice displayed with locations of these two defibrillators. Along with all local businesses, some are displayed publicly others are in staff rooms, due to company display rules.
We are also looking for sites to potentially install a third defibrillator. A few suggestions have come forward. We will look at locations of existing machines to ensure that they are spaced and available 24/7.
Signs will also be looked at for each one to supply.

Housing –– a full and frank discussion took place again with all present regarding the housing situation with the local area. Concern with other departments associated with the issues and the availability of them when required. Stephen addressed some issues on the night, explaining the current situation. Stephen also advised those present tonight to email him directly with full details of all concerns. He will cascade the information to the appropriate person/departments. Discussion also took place regarding the turn round time of empty properties. Along with the state of gardens. This area has fifteen properties that are being worked on the return to standard prior to re-letting. Twenty-eight acquisitions in the area have also been made to increase the properties available.
Neil also advised that details can also be found on the Council website page. Where a six weekly report is submitted for the overall voids on the Environment and Housing Committee, along with other committee details.

Parking (Morley Crescent) –– details are still pending regarding this as the correspondence from them is being sent out later than originally thought this year. Update will follow when received.

Traffic Issues –– we will continue to look at the traffic issues around the area in relation to speeding and noise. We will be liaising with the appropriate departments going forward.

McGill (Buses) –– unfortunately no one from McGills was able to make it here tonight. An update on the previous joint meeting was given from Jonathan who had gone along. Main issues are fares, standard of buses being used as they are trying to phase out older buses. Various concerns were raised from all areas. If anyone wishes to get involved in the next meeting please contact Jonathan.

Alsorts (After School Care) –– Jeannie updated in relation to a potential alternative that may be able to use the premises from a third party. Once more information is available on this an update will follow.

Licences Venues –– we will continue to liaise with the venues and appropriate local departments.
Freedom of Information Request
Freedom of Information Request -- the request previously submitted regarding Cornhill Crescent / Glencairn Street, has now been assigned to an investigation officer. Communications have been made from all parties. Hopefully a decision will be received this year.

CC Achievements –– some have been posted on Facebook and we will update other in the same way. They include Tinkers Loan Heritage Board, the toll subway/roundabout works, dropped kerbing, resurfacing and installation of crossing. In regard to the subway system this is an ongoing project.

WhatsApp – it was agreed with all that a WhatsApp group should now be set up for all office bearers / community councillors, to help with ongoing communications following the summer break.

CC Awareness – Ann and Elaine went round the local area to raise awareness of the community council and have distributed the defibrillator leaflet locally. This is now held in forty-six retailers along with all noticeboards to highlight the locations. Also, some retailers have agreed to display minutes/literature to further increase awareness. We hope to continue this going forward. Community Council ID badges were also handed out, you can, if you wish, add your name to the badge. If you do not already have one they were given to Richard to hand out at the next meeting (if not before).

Facebook – we are now more visible linking with even more companies, engagement has also increased from followers/likes.

Meeting Facilities: we have managed to maintain the venue for our monthly meetings, here at the Civil Defence Social Clubs facilities on Craigend Road. Also retained the use of our hybrid facility through, using the Zoom platform. This will give all an opportunity to attend going forward.

6. AOB
Forum Five –– Richard went along to the meeting, which was to get things started up again, with the five local community councils coming together. This is in process with the next meeting being September 2023.

Fun/Gala Day –– discussion took place around this looking at possibly 2025 to allow maximum time and also community engagement. All asked to come back with ideas regarding this. A separate committee would need to be set up for this as there is a lot of work involved. Could potentially be combined with the the fair that comes along to Thistle Park. James is happy to look into this. Neil would also like to help. A special meeting could be arranged for this, notice on Facebook to gather interested parties. Jeannie is here to support groups/causes and is hoping to do a community consultation over the summer months. To look at the scope with all working together that may reply to this survey over coming along to a community meeting like this. Further discussion to take place.

Noticeboard (Brucefield Park) –– contact will be made with COP from Jeannie to the Trustees of COP via letter. An update will be made at next meeting in August.

Junctions (Glasgow Road) –– both junctions on with Borestone place and Barnsdale Road are causing concern over the blind spots being created with overgrown trees along with long with the egress, especially, when busy traffic at peak times. Could we look into we look into cutting and also the possibilities of yellow box junctions to allow easier smoother traffic flow.

Vote of Thanks –– I would like to thank everyone that steps up to do this, within the community council, in in all positions over the year. We really appreciate all that you do as a lot of work is done behind the scenes. We (community council) thank you for your kind wordshank you for your kind words..

Wednesday 16th August 2023 at 19:00 in Civil Defence Club, where this minute will be ratified.

Richard thanked everyone for coming along and closed the meeting at 21:05.