November 2023 Minutes

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Office Bearers: Mike McCormick (Chair), Kirsty Ryder (Vice Chair), James Wigglesworth (Treasurer)
Community Councillors: Ann Gilmour, Caroline Hamilton
Also: seven local residents, Jeannie Gray (Communities Team-Stirling Council), Scott Farmer (Councillor-Stirling
Jim Bruton (Community Councillor) Chris Kane (Councillor-Stirling East)
Mike welcomed and thanked everyone for coming along tonight.
The date being changed in header, minutes proposed by Mike McCormick and seconded by James Wigglesworth.
Police Update: unfortunately, the police were unable to make it tonight however they did send over an updated report. Over the last month there was thirty-five recorded crimes within the area with nineteen undetected and two hundred and thirty calls received. No concern of trends within the area. We are aware of the issues within the local area and are actively acting on these.
Residents should continue to report any issues/concerns they have either through calling 101 (or 999 where appropriate), by using the contact us form or contacting crime stoppers on 0800 555 111. All will be in confidence. Always ask for an incident number when reporting.
Elected Member Update: Scott urged everyone to take part in the Big Conversation events that are underway and also to complete the online survey. The budget gap will be reduced, it is being looked at with officers, this doesn’t mean that there will not be difficult decisions ahead. In terms of police Scotland, Caroline Logan (Area Commander) will be moving on, on 27th November and Andy Tuff (Chief Inspector) will take over as interim until 5th February 2024; when Sarah McArthur (Chief Inspector) will take up the role as Area Commander for the Stirling area. The Christie clock will be reported to the audit committee next week where the outcome of the revue by internal audit and recommendations will be considered. DF Concerts are bringing summer sessions to Stirling in 2024, which coincides with the 900th anniversary for Stirling. There will be top acts being announced and will be at held the events field off Dumbarton Road, behind the Castle.
Concern was raised on previous meeting times for the consultations and it was good to see more evening times on these meetings and to see so many at Stirling High for the first meeting. However, concern over the format, it was felt that the engagement wasn’t good in that if someone wished to raise any comments/concerns they were directed to the QR code to note comments in the survey. Whilst this is fine it was felt that there was no opportunity to discuss/raise concerns on the night with meaningful engagement(s) with the correct officers at the time. Further discussion took place around the issues within the form itself not being clear, or indeed not giving an opportunity on each question to answer accordingly. It was generally felt that the survey could’ve been clearer. Scott has taken a note of all concerns.
Planning/Development: Mike advised that he had received notification of planning for solar panels to be placed behind moto services.
Treasurer: James updated on the monthly spending since last meeting. There has also been a renewal fee paid for the annual data protection, which we are legally required to cover. He will also contact Caroline to get the online signatories etc finalised.
Secretary: Mike confirmed that the voluntary role of secretary is still open. Kirsty has streamlined this role considerably and would only be for two-three hours a week. We are also looking for more interested parties
to come along and help with all the community work being done.
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Please contact us for more information if you, or someone you know, would be interested.
Community Council Dates: Kirsty confirmed that the meetings will continue on the third Wednesday of the month. Everyone agreed to continue with timings for 2024.
Thistle Park (Friends of): Mike and Ann have been to see Inchyra Park, who had the same issues as we do here. Inchyra got a group together (Friends of Inchyra Park) and whilst this has taken a few years things are much better. Starting with nothing and following with a tree planting initiative in memory of loved ones the park is now being used by all local residents and is fully inclusive. Jeannie updated on all the events that now take place within the park, with local businesses also being involved positively. A full discussion took place on this, along with details being handed out, and the progress that could be made if we do the similar in the area, starting with Thistle Park but looking to include all through parks time..
To establish this, we are asking for names to start up Friends of Thistle Park. This would be a sub-group of the community council. Contact will also be made with other local groups and companies. Meantime we have asked permission to paint and freshen up the sign to the park. Please contact Ann, through our Facebook or our email, for more information and let her know if you wish to be involved in this sub-group.
Community Consultation: Jeannie confirmed there will be a consultation to all residents within our community area around February 2024. The questionnaire will be distributed through various venues and can also be dropped off locally in sealed boxes if completing a hardcopy. Once completed, information will be collated and shared. This is your local voice please complete it. Let’s get the community back.
Community Council Logo: a new logo has been drafted by James featuring the clock tower. James has also asked Rev. McIntyre (St.Ninians Old Parish) and he is happy for us to use this within our logo. Following discussion and a vote, everyone was happy for this logo to be updated. This was therefore proposed by James Wigglesworth and seconded by Ann Gilmour. Elaine will update all templates and social media.
Local Lanes/Path: Kirsty has received concern from resident over the lane(s) that run up to Clark Street from the park. Scott confirmed that this has already been raised with the local services to deal with.
Anti-Social Behaviour: following on from previous meeting we have received communication that issues are being dealt with, this will take time to contact everyone concerned. Communications are continuing.
Barnsdale Road: no reply has been received regarding the missing speed bumps, reported by resident. These missing speed bumps are continually causing concern as traffic is crossing to the other side the road to avoid them. This could cause an accident as one of them in particular is on a blind corner.
Christmas Fair: the Parent Council of Borestone Primary are bringing back the Christmas Fair. This will be on 30th November at Borestone Primary. There will be around twenty-three stalls and Santa will also be there. We are trying to get the community back to what it should be, please come along on the day.
Living Advent Calendar: on the back of the Christmas Fair there will be a living advent calendar. This is where you can decorate a window/door for your day within the month. Again, this is for community spirit. If you wish to take part there is a Facebook page St.Ninians Christmas Advent Calendar.
Chartershall (Harness Racing/Golf Range): the harness racing application, withdrawn at the moment. Golf Range has been submitted under Golf Range for the area. There is continued concern being raised on this from residents. Following a full discussion more information will be sought by local residents. Objections should be made in the appropriate time scales through the planning department
McGills (Coxithill Road): concern raised from resident regarding the bus sitting with engine running. This is causing serious health issues to the resident involved. Jonathan will raise this and take it to the next meeting
Wednesday 17th January 2024 at 19:00 in Civil Defence Club, where this minute will be ratified.
Mike confirmed that there will be no meeting in December, have a good Xmas and we will see everyone in the New Year.
Meeting closed at 20:41.