Office Bearers: Mike McCormick (Chair), James Wigglesworth (Treasurer)
Community Councillors: Caroline Hamilton
Also: three residents, Cllr Scott Farmer (Stirling West)
Ann Gilmour (Community Councillor), Jim Bruton (Community Councillor)
Mike welcomed and thanked everyone for coming along to the Meeting tonight. Before the meeting officially starts, he explained and confirmed that we will be nominating/voting our community councillors/office bearers this evening; thanks to Scott for coming along and also for helping with this process. Whilst this was noted at the June meeting with everyone agreeing to go forward in their roles verbally, there was no individual proposers/seconders for each on the night. We will now vote everyone in and thereafter progress with the meeting.
Position |
Name |
Asked if willing to continue as officer bearer/councillor |
Proposed by |
Seconded by |
Chair Mike McCormick Happy to continue Caroline Hamilton James Wigglesworth
Vice Chair Vacant
Secretary Vacant
Treasurer James Wigglesworth Happy to continue Mike McCormick Angela Clarke
Community Councillor Caroline Hamilton Happy to continue Mike McCormick Julia Temiseva
Community Councillor Angela Clarke Happy to continue James Wigglesworth Mike McCormick Co-opted 19Jun2024
Community Councillor Julia Temiseva Happy to continue Caroline Hamilton James Wigglesworth Co-opted 19Jun2024
Community Councillor Jim Bruton Not present n/a n/a
Community Councillor Ann Gilmour Resigned n/a n/a
Mike thanked Scott for coming along tonight to start and oversee this process, with Mike taking over once he was voted in. Mike also confirmed that the voting for Jim will be carried over to September to allow him to officially confirm his intention to continue as councillor at the next meeting. Also, that Ann had advised Mike, prior to this meeting on 20th August 2024, that due to other commitments she would be stepping down with immediate effect. Mike acknowledged her resignation and thanked Ann for all her help and hopes that she will still be able to come along from time to time to help out. As she was covering the planning applications and reporting back to the meetings, Mike will take this forward on an interim basis meantime. As we have no secretary, and with Elaine advising at the June meeting that she will be unable to oversee the secretary element, we continue to look for a secretary and are happy to discuss this with anyone that may be interested; please let us know.
Mike confirmed that as noted previously around the voting process, the minute for June will be held as report of the meeting on the night being correct. With all present tonight in agreement that it is a report of the proceedings of that meeting, this was proposed by Mike McCormick and seconded by James Wigglesworth.
Police Update: unfortunately, no one is here this evening and we do not have a report through. However, any information/concerns as always should be reported to Police Scotland Community Officers via email: StirlingWestCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk by calling 101 or reporting through Crime Stoppers.
Elected Member Update: Scott advised that due to the general election and local by elections it has been quiet. The new Stirling Council CEO has been appointed, Caroline Sinclair and comes from East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership. With the change in government the council is still facing significant financial challenges going forward. Also just heard that the proposed Trotting Track has been called in by Scottish Ministers. There is a sub group that meet locally regarding this.
Sub-Groups: nothing to report.
Chair: we are hoping to have a more active year this year. The flower pot/barrels are being attended to regularly. Noticeboards, can we have a look at getting more into them. Please let us know if you have anything to go into them. No update on the noticeboard in Bruceview Park. Mike will also chase the situation with the path at Thistle Park, which seems to have been forgotten. We need to go back to basics and get updated details sent over to the council for more evidence to improve the area going forward. Along with an update on the corners just outside around the safety and cars cutting the corners. Hopefully we will all be able to get some community help out there, local gardens needing tidied etc. We need to help more with the community spirit and helping those that need it.
Secretary: in the absence of a secretary there has been correspondence received from - Jeannie via email regarding Mayfield Secret Garden project – Mayfield centre courtyard has been left unused for a number of years and after speaking with some residents/centre users. The library approached me and we have been looking into ways in which we can make use of the space, after a successful funding bid and the relevant permissions from assets we are ready to move onto the next stage of this project, we are keen to establish a steering group made up of members who are local to the area to take this forward so that we can ensure that’s this is a community-based approach. A provisional date has been set to give more information on this project for Tuesday 24th September from 5.30 – 6.30, there will also be a guest speaker there from The Butterfly Conservation and then Alex and Jeannie will give a small talk on the vision of the project before hopefully getting some names to form a committee. Once we have secured the date, will send clarification of this. Health Walks – YT Club, Active Stirling have launched health walks leaving from the YT club on a Monday morning at 10.45am however as it stands at the minute no one has been attending. Discussed this with Active Stirling to possibly try to promote this a bit more or if this is not something that the community are looking for, find out what it is they would like to see happening in Cultenhove area. May be the possibility of having a drop in area on a Monday morning for tea/coffee along with a space to meet/chat. Alex from the library has also been visiting and taking some books up and getting to know the young people.
Garden space/community garden YT Club – keen to utilise the garden space and have this accessible for all ages, any ideas on how we can maintain this space would be great. As a lot of work has already been done on this area there is potential to start a gardening group or similar.
Hillview Centre – access query is still ongoing and once any relevant information she will pass this on. Survey – As a result of the survey that was done it was highlighted that litter was an issue in the area therefore keen to arrange a local litter pick and can bring along relevant equipment, risk assessments for this if anyone would like to help.
Anti-social behaviour - was also a concern and in the process of finding out more about this and if there is anything can be done to help.
Treasurer: James updated on the spend to date. A little expenditure with the usual minute taker payment and hall payment for our meetings. Nothing back as yet from the grant for minute taker, this is usually September.
Planning/Development: To view and comment on all planning within the council area, details can be found under Stirling Council Planning on the Stirling Council website. Searches can also be completed using the map facility through the links noted.
Thistle Park: Mike will be looking at this going forward. Along with the multi-use games area within the park. Unfortunately, the usual shows were unable to access the park due to the power outage which resulted in the ground being dug up. This is now back to normal.
Lower Polmaise Waste Management Centre: the booking in systems seems to be working and it has reduced the tonnage, from those out with the area trying to access. This is also a saving locally as the funds would be form the local council.
Defibrillators: the two new defibrillators will be installed by Forth Valley First Responders over the next few weeks. One will be located at the 1314, outside the back door beside the kitchen. The other will be located outside the Civil Defence Social Club. James will chase the installation dates for these.
Trotting Track: as everyone is aware this has been ongoing with local meetings and concerns raised by residents. When Scottish Government were made aware of the application, they then notified Stirling Council and reserved the right to call the application within twenty-eight days. The application has been called in. This means that all the evidence, and objections, will be looked at and a recommendation will be made to the ministers. Ministers will then look at all the evidence and come to a decision as to whether the application goes forward or is rejected. This is a substantial development that has been proposed for the area. The Friends of Bannockburn group has been formed. Other sites have been identified potentially behind St.Modens School where the Highland Games are held at present. The concern is the historical element with Battle of Bannockburn, along with the hardstanding/traffic element in a small area. Concerns also with the due process of this to date. The National Trust will also get involved if required following the decision. Mike will go along to the next meeting of the local group to get an update on this and thanked Scott for the update.
Local Buses: there was meeting a couple for weeks ago around punctuality following communication with the traffic commissioner around the general running/timing of the routes. There will be a few time changes. No:57 looks to remain the same timings. No:56 will see a few changes in timings. A few older buses have been removed and starting to be phased out. Another meeting will be 23rd September. If anyone has anything please let us know and Jonathan will take this to them.
Report It Function: to confirm that this should be used in the first instance to obtain a reference number.
Garage/Container: graffiti is still there and this should be reported through the Report It Function. Which should be used in the first instance to raise any issues locally Report it function which is on the Stirling Council Website
Underpasses: concern raised over the state of the underpasses at the roundabout and also at the church. The lighting is also a concern especially with the winter coming in and darker nights. Could this be looked at to brighten them up and get them fit for purpose and remove the rubbish.
Mayfield Centre - Seating: concern raised over the seat being set alight on the path. If this chair is removed then it will have an impact on those that use the seating. This will be raised with the centre as if it sparks the wrong way it could start a larger fire.
Wordie Road - Fencing: concern as this is still down and children indeed anyone can access the motorway. Obviously due to the speed of the traffic this could become a larger issue/accident. This was historically to have been fixed however still seems to be outstanding.
Wednesday 18th September 2024 at 19:00 in Civil Defence Club.
Mike closed the meeting, thanked everyone for coming along tonight and hope to see you next month.
Meeting closed at 20:09