Feb 2021 Minutes

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Strathard Community Council Draft Minutes of meeting: Thursday 4th February 2021. online via


Community Councillors Present: Trevor Geraghty (Chair), Gillian McEwan, Joyce Kelly, Natasha
Sheppard, Lynda Mccoll,

Minute Secretary: Kate Bovill

Attending: Stirling Council: Michelle Flynn, Jeremy Rice McDonald & Martin Earl
3 members of public


Apologies: Stuart Stephens, Michelle Colquhoun





1. Opening

TG chaired the meeting & welcomed all.


2. Minutes

Proposed JK, seconded TG


3. Matters arising

Road improvement work:

ME – confirmed B829 one of 3 routes being
worked up for a bid, deadline march. He
cautioned however It may not be in the final bid.


Ian Henderson (IH) identified that minutes for
01/2020 were missing from the SCC website.

ME to keep SCC


Action TG/GMc
Locate any notes &
bring for approval at
next meeting

4. Planning Lists
Attached Appendix 1

JK explained that due to the number of items
she had to brief she did not intend to go
through the planning list line by line and
asked all if anyone had specific concerns with
the contents of the list. She said nothing
appeared to be controversial. No specific
concerns were raised.

She highlighted the following for CC

No 4 – new application for new build. No
objections lodged

2019/0305/DET has been given the go ahead
despite cc lodging formal approval

IH highlighted that the neighbour notification
he received contained mapping which was
not accurate. Michelle Flynne (MF) advised
IH to lodge his comments via the planning



JK advised that there were 9 overdue
applications extant this period.


5. LLTNP Visitor

JK provided a brief on a recent virtual

JK – will send on

management &

meeting she had attended with Matt

consultation survey to


Buckland, the LLTNP Visitor Operations
Manager who is responsible for looking at
the pressures of the increased visitor

SCC for review before

general distribution
to residents


footprint across the Park. Matt’s aim is to



develop plans to help manage the



situation. He is looking at short and



medium/longer term strategies. JK went on



to explain that while Strathard had a



particular problem this past year, even



before COVID 19, visitor numbers were



increasing, and there was no reason to



suppose the visitor footprint was set to fall in



the future. There may be less staycations



when restriction are lifted but we are seeing



that the Strathard region is very attractive as



a weekend/evening visitor spot. JK stated it
was a productive meeting with all indications
that Matt was keen to work with the

relevant community Stakeholders to try and
come up with solutions which, as far as is
practical, meet with approval of the
community and aspirations of the User groups
who wish to use the Park. She expected there
to be good engagement from our residents as
this is a topic very important to all and will
keep the SCC informed on progress.



Natashya Shepherd (NS) – highlighted



importance of any approaches re climate



crisis, low carbon targets & the ongoing



weight of traffic and asked if this would be






JK – responded that this review was looking



at short term re new pressures with



‘staycations’ but there are obviously longer



term issues



ME – Commented that sustainable travel was



very much a priority for LLTNP, he chairs a



focus group in collaboration with LLTNP on



this subject to identify possible strategies.



Gillian McEwan (GM) added that many



cyclists travel to area by car.



TG – Enquired if the general impact of visitor
conversations & solutions was focussing on

JK – Responded yes but consultation will
include Aberfoyle and the wider Strathard
and this will be fed back to the park.

TG – The reality is that public holidays as well
as Mother’s day were imminent and said it
was imperative that Aberfoyle toilets were
open. Layby signage was also important and
looking at the possibility of business comfort
partners including Forest hills to support this

ME - council are reviewing ways to provide
enforcement over evenings/weekends by
start of financial year. Police, alteration to
bylaw re alcohol use. Police will no longer
need to witness consumption – open
container will be enough but enforcement
will be essential.


ME said that the budget for LLTNP approved
with increase for managing due to impact of
covid (visitor numbers & change in

Car park – concern expressed that if
permission given to Fergus Wood for temp
car park that this will set precedent & lead to
negative impacts.

NS – identified risk to pedestrians,

particularly K’ard from more visitors as there
is no paths. JK said that Carolyn Fraser was
keen to get speed limits agreed to support
traffic management for the B829

Kate Bovill (KB) asked about budget
ranger/start date

ME said ranger budget was included in the
overall budget increases for this year.

IH, queried role of rangers re public
engagement and litter picking. KB responded
with detail around Ranger remit and byelaw

Billy explained that litter collecting not part
of ranger remit. Not enough of them to
manage litter.

Jeremy McDonald (JRMcD) – Pop up bins,

tanks for grey water. Offered to take forward


TG to check toilets
available at start of


ME keep SCC
informed of progress.


JRMCD to keep SCC

7 Collaboration with
other CCs

JK opened the brief by reminding the SCC of a
previous briefing which explained that Gavin
McLennan of Kilmaronock CC was spearheading a
mission to get a consortium of National Park
Community Councils to agree to lobby for the
LLTNP to adopt more accountable processes in
regard to their plans and policies. It was agreed
at the meeting in November that the SCC

should join the Kilmaronoch initiative. JK said
that this was an update to the initial briefing
explaining progress to date. Gavin had now

managed to interest a fair no of CC’s to become
involved. His plan is to ask each CC to circulate a
survey to gather empirical evidence on
perceptions within the communities on LLTNP
performance. While It is a fairly short survey the
SCC have a problem in that they have been, and
are continuing to, distribute surveys in support of
other initiatives currently being undertaken and
cited the need to avoid survey fatigue. JK said
that this had been explained to Gavin and asked
for SCC views on the timing of distribution of
another survey. It was agreed that the SCC
should delay distributing the survey until mid
March earliest. At this point ME said he had seen
the preamble which accompanied the survey and
took exception to some of the wording which he
said was inaccurate. He had particular concerns
with the bullet point copied at the bottom of this
brief. JK agreed to contact Gavin McLennan to
confirm where this information came from and
get back to the SCC and ME when she had
received a response.

  • The Elected Representatives for each area
    have no responsibility to reflect the
    Electorate/Community since they sign a. Other Board members
    are all from outside the region.

JK to contact GM re

8 Forth Valley
Health Board

Isobel Madden not in attendance so
unfortunately no update

Verbal confirmation of Aberfoyle and
Buchlyvie medical practice commencing
vaccination of those under 70 and/or with
underlying health conditions.

No knowledge of school reopening (main



9 Police Report

See Appendix 2

TG – Covid breach incident in national press,

At property in forest. Agent that lets



property fined as well as all attendees. Also
in Stirling observer.

Still visitors travelling outwith own area in

breach of regulations


10 Treasurers report

See Appendix 3

SS not able to attend tonight. Bank Balance
statement attached below



Community asset

JK and TG gave a short update on progress to
date. The Architectural and Engineering
surveys were now complete and the
Community Engagement exercise had
resulted in 200 responses over several
mediums (online, email and hard copy) which
was, in the view of SKS, an excellent

result. The returns offered up a good many
options for use of the building with varying
degrees of popularity. Not all the most
popular are likely to meet the affordability
criteria therefore may not make it into the
final Options Appraisals/Business

Case. However it is too early to say with any
confidence which options will. SKS have a lot
of background work to carry out and desk
top modelling to finally be able to advise
what is the most sensible way forward. JK
expects to get much more granular
information over the coming weeks and will
keep the SCC up to date with progress.

Report due beginning March. 200 responses
from community so far.


12. Community Life


JK briefed that due to COVID 19 CCN have
had to change their strategy in community
engagement at least in the short to medium
term to try and ensure that the project
progresses. On confirmation at the last SCC
meeting of approval to convert some of the
Community Engagement funding into
support virtual online workshops as opposed
to actual face to face meetings CCN have
run 6 online workshops and they continue to
engage online with key Stakeholders in the
Aberfoyle community. Results so far, given
the less tangible methods of engaging with
the community have been encouraging. In

addition to the online workshops, in the run



up to Christmas, CCN authored an
explanatory leaflet and organised a drop
through every letter box in the Aberfoyle
post code. The response to the leaflet drop
was around 17% (and rising). This is to be
followed up during February by various
initiatives to build on interest

expressed including a social media campaign,
calls for action via personal and ‘club’
networks, and flyers and postboxes in the
petrol station, chemist, post office and

Coop. The aim is to get a minimum of 50% of
the residents to sign up to engaging with the
CLP process with a stretch target of 60+%. If
this can be achieved using all of the methods
described above CCN will be in a position to
gather sufficient information to initiate a first
draft of the Aberfoyle CLP however there is
still every intention to hold a community
workshop at the very first opportunity. CCN
have done their very best not to eat into the
overall fund for the face-to-face workshops
in the original budget, so if this push doesn’t
work there is still the option of reverting to
the original plan when COVID regulations


JK’s brief on the Aberfoyle CLP generated
discussion which highlighted concerns raised
by IH regarding the impact the CLP could
have on development applications and by KB
on the complexity of the questionnaires post
through the Aberfoyle houses aimed at
generating interest in the Aberfoyle CLP
initiative. JK responded that the CLP was not
designed to stop development in Aberfoyle
but to ensure that approved development
met the needs of the community. She also
acknowledged that while the survey was
quite detailed it was aimed at providing
sufficient information due to not being able
to have face to face communications.


Lynda McColl (LMc) spoke of the difficulties
of trying to get folk involved/motivated.

GmcE & IH previous life plan – folk see no

progression from previous initiatives & this



may contribute to apathy in engaging with
current initiative. ME advised that the LLTNP
is starting its development plan, stressed the
importance of CLP in this if the community
wants to be heard and appropriate
development very much part of the strategy.
MF also advised that the existing CLP’s and
the work which had gone into them were
held in high regard withing the various


Kinlochard and Stronachlachar/Inversnaid
CLPs Updates

Ongoing work on the CLPs have been greatly
hindered due to COVID 19 restrictions but
notwithstanding this constraint there has
been progress. JK explained that she
attended a Planning meeting with the LLTNP
board in regard to the Stonachlachar
development and the report contained the
statement that the
Stronachlachar/Inversnaid CLP was
considered a Material Consideration in the
decision making process. This is a significant
hurdle and it must be presumed from this
that all Strathard CLPs will be treated in the
same manner. This is a compelling reason to
complete the Aberfoyle CLP as soon as is
practically possible. One of the works
streams set up at the last Kinlochard
Workshop held in Sept 2019 – the Dark Skies
Work Stream – has just produced a leaflet
and this will be distributed across the
Kinlochard CLP distribution list. It is an
extremely informative leaflet containing
many interesting facts. JK said she was going
to use this example to encourage other work
stream leads to start to move forward with
their areas of interest and not put off until
COVID 19 restrictions are lifted. It is

important that work is on going if the CLP’s
are to remain current.


13. SDT

IH – SDT update

Have met with SC for improving car park.

Pressure washing of walls due to take place –



Visitor centre, Dukes court. Progressing

installing Superfast BB at Braeval.


14 LLTNP update

LLTNP – Have received extra money from SG
budget for managing impact of Covid ‘19

IH asked where riverside signs had gone? The
signs contained descriptions of what wildlife
could see by the river. ME had no knowledge.

March board meeting will be finalising budget.

ME will check with
Matt Buckland LLTNP
about wildlife signage

15. Stirling Council

TG complained about the road condition of A821
through Aberfoyle. A 25 yr fix was proposed 3 yrs
ago and asked if there were dates planned for
this resurfacing?

ME has an enquiry in to Council about this. A821
included in list for doing overnight works (30%
more costly) will feed back when gets response.

GMc expressed concerns on finding safer routes
to school. TG - this keeps getting raised with no
resolution. No engagement from school. MF
advised that the Chair of parent council can act -
Parents could ask SCC to take up on own behalf.
MF will get safe routes to school info check re
school reopening. If parent council take to
headteacher & if it is not taken forward they can
take to their councillors to progress. No news at
present about Aberfoyle Primary refurbishment
progress and reopening but given weight of
visitors & change in patterns due to coop
development, now is a pertinent time to address
this child safety issue.

SC Budget meetings will occur 25/2. 11/3.
Expected to set balanced budget. Keeping council
tax frozen likely to result in increases in future
years or less available in budget for

Other SC development work – reducing Gender
based violence.

Opportunities & benefits for learning from other

GMc advised new section of Kirkton Graveyard,
wall is unstable ME will raise with Barbara
Docherty, manager of Cemeteries SC

ME/SC to respond
when more info


GMcE to follow up
sharing info with
Parent Council.


MF to carry out a
safer routes info


ME to inform
Cemeteries lead

16. AOCB

SVE portal info. Worth encouraging, expand how
folk can contribute by volunteering in the
community & highlighting opportunities


MF to send info


MF – SVE giving rock salt out to community
groups. Community response groups asked to
reregister by 28/1 for grant funding specific

SCC didn’t reregister as a voluntary group for

Community pride award 9/3 deadline MF will

EWM – The Woollen Mill will be reopen in April,
staff have been notified but unclear what type of
outlet it will be in future. This will bring the
benefit of being able to promote Aberfoyle as a
destination for coach tours.


Next Meeting Thurs 4th March at 7.15pm via Zoom


Appendix 1 Planning lists

Strathard Community Council

Weekly Planning Lists for December 2020 and January 2021



  • Ref No 2020/0340/NOT Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 21 December 2020 Proposal
    Construction of 640 metres of forestry track including 3 lorry turning points, 2 laybys and 4
    harvesting access ramps Location Land West Of Tom An T-Seallaidh West Of Dukes Pass
    Achray Forest Applicant Mr Andy Malcolm Forestry and Land Scotland Aberfoyle Application
    Type Prior Notification Expected Decision Level DEL Community Council Area Strathard CC
    Advertisement Type Approved


  • Ref No 2020/0324/NOT Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 10 December 2020 Proposal
    Construction of 1850 metres of ATV access track Location Loch Ard Forest Aberfoyle Stirling
    Applicant Mr Andy Malcolm Forestry and Land Scotland Aberfoyle Office Aberfoyle Stirling
    FK8 3UX Agent Application Type Prior Notification Expected Decision Level DEL Community
    Council Area Strathard CC N Advertisement Type Approved


    Planning Applications:


  • Ref No 2020/0300/DET Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 25 November 2020 Proposal
    Installation of Scottish Water Top up Tap Location Riverside Car Park 48 Manse Road
    Aberfoyle Applicant Ms Fiona Campbell Scottish Water The Bridge Buchanan Gate Business
    Park Cumbernalud Road Glasgow G33 6FB Agent Application Type Detailed Planning

    Permission Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward NP Ward 2 (northern (central)
    area) Community Council Area Strathard CC Advertisement Type Neighbour Notification


  • Ref No 2020/0291/DET Officer Caroline Strugnell Date Valid 7 December 2020 Proposal
    Erection of 3 no. lighting columns Location Guyana Main Street Application Type Detailed
    Planning Permission Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward NP Ward 2 (northern
    (central) area) Community Council Area Strathard CC Advertisement Type Neighbour


  • Ref No 2020/0308/ADV Officer Caroline Strugnell Date Valid 30 December 2020 Proposal
    Proposed display of advertisements comprising 11 no. wall-mounted signs (2 no.
    illuminated), 1 no. flag-pole sign (illuminated) and 6 no. post-mounted signs. Location
    Guyana Main Street Aberfoyle Application Type Advertisement Consent Expected Decision
    Level DEL Community Council Area Strathard CC Advertisement Type


  • Ref No 2020/0304/DET Officer Vivien Emery Date Valid 4 January 2021: Proposal Erection of
    dwelling house Location Balanton Yard Montrose Road Aberfoyle: Application Type Detailed
    Planning Permission Expected Decision Level DEL Community Council Area Strathard CC
    Advertisement Type Neighbour Notification


  • Ref No 2020/0299/DET Officer Caroline Strugnell Date Valid 13 January 2021 Proposal Path
    restoration and associated works Location Path In Malling Forest/Menteith Hills Rob Roy
    Way North East Of Aberfoyle : Application Type Detailed Planning Permission Expected
    Decision Level DEL Community Council Area Strathard CC Advertisement Type Neighbour




  • Ref No 2020/0284/NST Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 5 November 2020 Proposal Installation
    of 11kV overhead line Location Land At Tom Guail South Of Loch Dhu House Kinlochard
    Applicant Lorna Williamson Scottish and Southern Electricity : Application Type Statutory
    Notification - overhead lines National Park Ward NP Ward 2 (northern (central) area)
    Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 242945 E 703373 N Date
    Decision Issued 4 December 2020 Decision Withdrawn

  • Ref No 2019/0325/DET Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 10 January 2020: Proposal Erection of
    telecoms mast, installation of associated equipment and upgrade of existing ATV track
    Location Land At Tom An T-Seallaidh West Of Dukes Pass Aberfoyle: Applicant Secretary Of
    State Application Type Detailed Planning Permission Community Council Area Strathard CC
    Date Decision Issued 17 November 2020 Decision Withdrawn




  • Ref No 2020/0268/LBC Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 21 October 2020 Proposal Creation of
    accessible ramp at main entrance Location The Lodge Forest Visitor Centre Trossachs Road
    Aberfoyle Applicant Sue Morris Forestry and Land Scotland : Application Type Listed Building
    Consent Community Council Area Strathard CC Date Decision Issued 4 December 2020
    Decision Approve


  • Ref No 2020/0300/DET Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 25 November 2020 Proposal
    Installation of water bottle refill station Location Riverside Car Park 48 Manse Road
    Aberfoyle Applicant Ms Fiona Campbell Scottish Water Application Type Detailed Planning
    Permission Community Council Area Strathard CC Date Decision Issued 7 January 2021
    Decision Approve


    Enforcement Matters:





    Overdue Applications:


  • Application Number 2018/0113/DET Development Proposed : Erection of extension to
    provide additional function room, bar, kitchen and roof terrace (amendment to planning
    permission ref. 2016/0234/DET) Location: Altskeith Country House Aberfoyle Stirling FK8
    3TL. Expiry Date 5 May 2018.


  • Application Number 2019/0183/DET Development Proposed : Formation of
    telecommunications compound to include erection of telecoms mast, installation of
    associated equipment and construction of hardstanding and access track Location: Land At
    Tom Nan Saighdearan Aberfoyle . Date Application Valid: 5 August 2019 Date of expiry of
    period for representations: 6 September 2019

  • Application Number 2019/0305/DET. Development Proposed: Change of use and extension
    of 1 no. existing building to dwellinghouse and erection of 5 no. terraced dwellinghouses
    and 1no. detached dwellinghouse Location: Stronachlachar Cottage Stronachlachar
    Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TY Date Application Valid: 28 November 2019 Date of expiry of
    period for representations: 3 January 2020


  • Application Number 2020/0111/DET Development Proposed : Formation of footpath and
    installation of viewing structure Location: Land North Of Stronachlachar Pier Stronachlachar
    Applicant: Mr Denis O'Kane Date Application Valid: 22 May 2020 Date of expiry of period for
    representations: 10 Jul 2020


  • Application Number 2020/0149/HAE Development Proposed : Demolition of existing porch
    and single storey extension and erection of replacement porch and single storey side
    extension Location: The Glassert Lochard Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TJ Date Application
    Valid: 17 July 2020 Date of expiry of period for representations: 14 August 2020


  • Application Number 2020/0202/DET Development Proposed : Erection of dwellinghouse
    Location: Land Between Creag Mhor Cottage And Creag Mhor House Lochard Road
    Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TD Applicant: Mr And Mrs Russell McKeand : Date Application Valid:
    8 September 2020 Date of expiry of period for representations: 16 October 2020


  • Application Number 2020/0231/DET Development Proposed : Partial change of use of
    ancillary building to use class 1 (retail) Location: Hill Cottage Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3SY

    Applicant: Mrs Cindy McLoughlin Agent’s Name: 12 October 2020 Date of expiry of period
    for representations: 13 November 2020


  • Application Number 2020/0291/DET Development Proposed : Erection of 3 no. lighting
    columns Location: Guyana Main Street Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3UQ Applicant: Date
    Application Valid: 7 December 2020 Date of expiry of period for representations: 8 January


  • Application Number 2020/0308/ADV Development Proposed : Proposed display of
    advertisements comprising 11 no. wall mounted signs (2 no. illuminated), 1 no. flag-pole sign
    (illuminated) and 6 no. post-mounted signs. Location: Guyana Main Street Aberfoyle Stirling
    FK8 3UQ Date Application Valid: 30 December 2020 Date of expiry of period for
    representations: 28 January 2021



Appendix 2 Police Report



Trossachs and Teith Ward,

Strathard Community Council




01/12/20 to 03/02/21 Compiled by PC Lorna Deans


Ward Plan

Antisocial Behaviour

You are concerned about antisocial behaviour including drunken behaviour.


On 27/12/20 police were called to a property in the Strathard area due to concerns
regarding breach of coronavirus regulations. Police attended and as a result 34 people
have been reported to the Procurator Fiscal for culpable and reckless conduct.


Road Safety

You are concerned about speeding, dangerous driving and indiscriminate parking.


On 10/12/20 a lorry went in to a ditch on the B829 and shed its load. The road was shut
for a short period of time whilst the lorry was recovered.


On 20/01/21 police were called to the A821 after a vehicle came off the road. Police
assisted with the recovery of the vehicle. The 2 occupants of the vehicle were issued
with fixed penalty notices for breaching coronavirus regulations.


On 22/01/21 there was a collision on the B829 involving two vehicles.




You are concerned about homes being broken into and travelling criminals.

Between 23/12/20 and 09/01/21 a theft of a trailer occurred in
forest land near to Ben Venue, A821.




Incidents /

On 11/12/20 police were called to Loch Ard regarding concerns for an
unsecured boat. Police attended and were satisfied that there was no
concerns for anyone, the boat appeared to have come untied from where it
had been moored.


Activity of



Issues raised




The Community Officers for your area are: PC Donald King and PC Lorna Deans, based at Callander
Police Office.


The Community Sergeant for the area is PS Grant MacDonald, based at Dunblane Office.


They can be contacted via the email address TrossachsTeithCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk or by
phoning 101


We regularly publish information on the ‘Forth Valley Police’ Facebook page and tweet using


Appendix 3 Treasurers Report


Strathard Community Council – Bank account balance at 4 February 2021






General Fund opening Bank balance




Minute Secretary




Microsoft 365 subscription


(SC Covid Community SG)





Laptop for CC use (SC Covid Community SG)






Aberfoyle LifePlan - CCN




Hub Membership




Christmas Cards (Christmas Fund)




Minute Secretary




General Fund closing Bank balance




Subsequent income/expenditure




SLF (Co-op grant)




Web Domain Fee




SKS (Co-op feasibility)




General Fund closing Balance





Less Commitments


Aberfoyle Life Plan 4150.00

Christmas Fund 20.94

SSE Resilience Fund Grant 1521.93


Available Funds 6503.23



  • Aberfoyle LifePlan


Monies in



SC Community Pride Grant


Strathard Community Council


National Park



Strathard Community Trust



Stirling Council



Monies out




£ 800.00





Available funds in Bank account



Monies committed but not received



  • Christmas Fund



Funds in Bank account

£ 20.94


  • SSE Resilience Fund Grant



Funds in Bank account
