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Meeting Monday 4th April 2022 in the Village Club
Members Present : - Julie Hutchison; Grace Edmonds; Kate Ramsden; John Gray; Andrew Thompson; Pamela Lee; Evelyn MacDougall
Apologies: Craig Melville; Eleanor Balfour.
In attendance: M Vass SCDT; Councillor J Hutchison + 2 residents
(SC = Stirling Council. CC = Community Council. CDT= Community Development Trust * Denotes an action)
1. Welcome from the Chair and declarations of Interest
JH welcomed everybody to the April meeting. She thanked Councillor Hutchison for attending and for all her help.
There were no declarations of interest.
2. Minutes of March meeting and matters arising
The minutes had been circulated to CC members. They were accepted, proposed by KR, seconded by AT
Matters arising: JH spoke to Dick Arnold about the padlock on the post at the en- trance to the park. He has managed to secure two new padlocks and four keys. JH has a list of the people who should have keys. She will email Scottish Water to ask who has keys and will insist that any sub-contractor must have a key and must not cut then padlock. The CC agreed to this. We will not replace the post until SW con- firms that the work is complete.
A resident met with the manager of the Co-op regarding the defibrillator. The manag- er will pass the request to his superiors but does not think there will be a problem with siting the defibrillator on the wall.
EM has had no response to her letter to Nikki Wallace at SC regarding the condition of the Cuilt Road. She asked if she should ask Stephen Bly to help. Councillor Hutchison is currently talking to Nikki Wallace about another issue and will raise the condition of the Cuilt Road with her on our behalf. EM will forward her letter to Coun- cillor Hutchison.
A resident was concerned about work being done on the bus shelter at Ballewan Crescent. JH spoke to somebody at SC about this and the workmen were in fact try- ing to replace the bus shelter but will have to have one specially made as the current shelter is not a standard size.
A resident had asked about permission to use the King George V Park for a fundrais- ing activity. GE asked Stephen Bly about this and he sent a form that needs to be completed by anyone wishing to use the park. GE passed this on to the group con- cerned.
3. Police Report
Constable Graham sent the report for March. Anti-social behaviour:
There was a complaint of a noisy party at a property on Campsie Road. The occupier was made aware and there were no further issues.
There was an arrest for breach of the peace and a separate warning for the same offence on a different occasion.
A male was charged with assault after hitting another male with a walking stick. Damage was caused to property at the rear of the Kirk Rooms. Enquiries are ongo- ing.
A young male drowned after swimming in the quarry at Mugdock. The next day more youths were swimming there. Extra attention will be given to the area in an effort to deter the youths when the warm weather arrives.
Road Traffic:
There was an RTC at Old Mugdock Road. A vehicle hit a wall. No injuries were re- ported.
There were three separate RTCs on the A81 near Loch Ardinning. No injuries were sustained.
Two vehicles passing near Easterton Stables hit each other causing damage to a wing mirror. The other vehicle failed to stop and enquiries are continuing to trace it.
There was a theft of scaffolding at Moor Road. Enquiries are continuing.
Suspect persons were seen at a house on Kirkland Avenue, but were deterred by a video doorbell and left.
4. Update on the Resilience Plan.
AT is still waiting to hear from various people. SC liked the plan but AT has not yet had a response to his request for information about insurance cover for farmers or an updated map. Neither Edenkiln nor Killearn surgeries have responded and AT sug- gested that we leave them out of the plan as they will have their own contingencies anyway. SC would like us to do a risk assessment and AT and KR are looking at this. SC offered to send somebody to speak to the CC about risk assessment and AT sent meeting dates but they have not contacted us. Councillor Hutchison thought that SC had responded about the insurance but AT said that they haven’t got back to him. They will follow up on this.
JH suggested that we should distribute the plan in the Autumn. This was agreed. GE reported that we have been successful in getting a Community Pride grant to cover the cost of printing the plan.
5. Village Response to the Ukrainian Crisis
The board of the SCDT agreed that they would start to organise support for any refu- gees who come to the village and for the people hosting them. A meeting was held in the Village Club for anybody interested in helping and 7 or 8 people attended. MV has been liaising with Pauline Roberts at SC, but she has had no information from the Government. The meeting agreed that they would hold a list of people willing to host or willing to help in other ways. The Kirk Rooms are willing to host a café where Ukrainian people could meet. We will put an article in the BVB to encourage people to volunteer. Pauline Roberts hopes to have more information in the next couple of weeks. AT mentioned that we also talked about getting help from CAB.
6. Royal Jubilee
JH spoke to the school about what they plan to do They have not organised anything yet but are still not allowed to have people in the school buildings.
MV suggested that we give Jubilee medals to all the children. The school are happy with this. This is a nice idea although there may be issues with funding. EM said that the CC could pay in the interim. We also considered planting cherry trees. JH sug- gested planting them beside the new library and JG suggested that we could plant them in areas where there used to be trees that have had to be felled. GE and EM can do a Community Pride Grant application to pay for the trees.
Edward Pickard has offered the use of the field above the park for a bonfire. The CC agreed that this would be a good idea, but we will need volunteers from the village to organise this. KR will put this on Facebook and we will also put an article in the BVB asking for volunteers. GE will speak to a resident about this. We also plan to en- courage street parties throughout the village over the weekend.
Elected Member’s report – Councillor Jane Hutchison
The councillors are in purdah at present prior to the elections in May.
Briony Monaghan is the new Head of Education. Bruce Reekie has left Roads and has not yet been replaced. Richard Hayes is looking after Roads in the interim.
There has been a further delay in the repairs to the Branshogle Bridge which is now scheduled for completion at the end of June. The repair of the Catterburn Bridge is going out to tender soon. Maria Lucey is still in charge of this.
JH thanked Councillor Hutchison and wished her well in the future.
8. Planning and Licensing
Gladman Appeal – the Reporter has noticed that there is a new Council land Audit. JG commented on some of this. SC thinks that there is an effective supply, and the Reporter is waiting for a response from Gladman. JG noticed that the audit lists 11 saleable houses and no affordable houses on the site at the Devil’s Elbow, but it should list 7 saleable and 4 affordable houses. JG will write to SC about this.
21/00469/FUL: Erection of dwelling house in garden ground of Carbeth Cottage, Blanefield. This application was rejected but the applicant appealed and the local review body reversed the decision and have allowed the building.
9. Finance
Current Account - £2463.58 Instant Saver - £1343.13
We have received £16.77 from the library from the hire of the data projector. EM has also received a donation from a resident and will write to thank them.
10. Correspondence
The Scouts had emailed to ask us to put a fund raiser on our Facebook page. KR will do this.
GE replied to SC regarding notification of the Roads programme.
MV suggested that we should pay attention to what is happening at the surgery. JH will speak to Dr McLean about this. AT asked why the surgery is vulnerable. This is due to lack of patients. KR asked if the CC would thank Dr Carmichael for her work in the village. We will put a thank you on Facebook and in the BVB.
11. AOCB
There was no other business.
11. Date of next meeting May 9th, 2022, in the Village Club
The Copy date for the BVB is April 14th 2022
Contact us at contact Also on our website . Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin