Mar 2023 Minutes

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Strathblane Community Council MINUTES

Meeting: Monday 6th March 2023 at 19:30 in the Village Club

Members present: Julie Hutchison (Chair), Evelyn MacDougall, Pamela Lee, Ian Boardley, Graeme Kemsley, Andrew Thompson, Rob Davies (from 19:50)

In attendance: Cllr Gerry McGarvie (SC), Margaret Vass (SCDT) + 1 resident

Apologies: Grace Edmonds, Kate Ramsden, Eleanor Balfour, John Gray

(SC = Stirling Council; CC = Community Council; SCDT= Strathblane Community Development Trust)

1.   Welcome from the Chair and declarations of Interest

JH welcomed everyone to the meeting, but apologised for the lack of technology to enable non-attenders to take part virtually. She recommended the CC to buy a camera for this purpose.MV declared an interest as a RSHA board member in the RSHA development at Graham Lambie Way (to be discussed later).

2.   Minutes of meeting on 6th February 2023 and matters arising

The minutes of the last meeting, previously circulated, were accepted, proposed by EM and seconded by IB.

JH reported that 6 cherry trees had been planted next to the library.

JH met Angela McGibbon (AM) to discuss the new 20mph speed limit in the village. There will be new signs at each road into the village (including Campsie Road) and a replacement of the warning lights on Glasgow Road. Road painting will be done over the next two weeks. AM said that alterations to the start of Old Mugdock Road from Dumbrock Road to the Co-Op over the next two weeks will widen the pavement to 2 metres. The CC will maintain the planters that will be installed by SC. JH emailed Stephen Bly about the chevrons on the entry to the village from Milngavie.MV suggested that zebra crossings, used in other villages, were a successful way of calming traffic, as well as enabling a safer way to cross for pedestrians. GM recommended talking to Colin Cameron in Balfron.

Two incidents occurred in the village:(i) Dead snakes were released near Carbeth huts, which was dealt with by the SSPCA.

  1. ii) Carbeth hut on fire in the Cuilt Road, for which no one has yet been JH said that the new swing would be erected in the play park very soon, with the possibility of including some outdoor gym equipment (subject to sufficient money being available).

IB stated that the back road to Mugdock from Craigmaddie needed attention to deal with the potholes, which were damaging residents’ vehicles. Stephen Bly should be contacted about this.

3.   Police report

An email was sent by PC Stephen Graham with the following details: Antisocial Behaviour

There were reports of youths hanging around the Park Pl area and on a scaffolding at Milndavie Rd. Police attended on both occasions however there was no trace of any youths.

Road Safety

There was a couple of non-reportable RTCs in the area. No other property damaged and no injuries were sustained.

A wall was damaged at a property on Stockiemuir Rd. It is suspected that a vehicle struck it and drove away.


There was an attempted break in at a property in Craigenlay Ave. Culprit appears to have been stopped by the house alarm going off. Enquiries continue.

Call received regarding a suspected bogus workman. Police traced the male and it transpires he was a genuine worker. It is always advised to call the Police if anyone has any suspicions about bogus workmen. No harm done if it turns out to be a false alarm with good intent.

MV raised concern about people who had driven over the playing fields, causing damage to the surface and flower bulbs.

4.   Local Place Plan

Although a few CC members had met to watch a presentation by SC via Teams, we were unable to get access. Despite a request, we have not had a reply from SC regarding getting a copy of the slides.

GM stated that Drymen were making good progress on this and he would forward the details. He said that there is no deadline, but it would be helpful to make progress quickly, as it feeds in Development Plans. He recommended the CC look at the community surveys, such as in Killin and Gartmore. The Community Development Trust can support us in this process.

5.   Community Council elections

These need to take place every 4 years and in this CC there needs to be a minimum of 7 councillors and a maximum of 11. The current CC will terminate on 14 April.

The next CC’s inaugural meeting may not be possible until after May, depending on whether there needs to be a ballot (should more people wish to be considered than places available). If so, the next meeting might be 29 June. The opportunities to join the CC will be advertised in the BVB.

6.   Future meeting venue

Despite our strong view that it makes economic sense and internet accessibility to continue meeting in the Village Club, SC prefers the CC to meet in the Primary School. JG will arrange with the Head Teacher a trial to be held during the school day, or, if in the evening, with the Bookings Team.

GM asked to be sent details of the arguments in favour of the Village Club.

7.   Elected member’s report

GM said the he would normally not make a report, as such, due to the wide-ranging issues, but would be happy to answer any questions people had. However, members did want some details on the budget.

GM stated that the budget was the worst since devolution, with a current deficit of

£27M. A 7% increase in the Council Tax was agreed. Croftamie Bridge is expected to be repaired by May this year.

8.   Planning and licensing

There was little for members to discuss this month. However, JG had sent a copy of an email he had sent to SC Planning regarding the need to ensure that conditions on developments were being adhered to:

  • Ardoch House campsite: Request for Enforcement of Planning permission 20/00385/FUL and associated licensing requirements
  • Graham Lambie Brae housing: Enforcement of conditions associated with planning permission 20/00564/FUL

9.   Finance

EM reported the following details:

  • Current account: £2636.16
  • Savings account: £1375.89

RBS on-line banking forms had been sent to EM to action.

10.  Correspondence

Rural Stirling Housing Association had sent a booklet concerning the local letting initiative (LLI) for 4 new homes at Graham Lambie Way, requesting comments to be returned by 27 February. JH had responded on behalf of the CC, with no concerns being expressed.

To avoid RSHA staff having to attend, MV took the CC through the LLI and explained that this policy was to ensure that local people are able to access the one-apartment homes for the first let, with priority going to residents from Strathblane CC area.

Allocations are based on those with the greatest housing need. There are 22 applicants with high priority need (over 60 points) and 5 of these with a real need to be in Strathblane. Half of the lets are from Stirling Council using this policy and half from RSHA. It is always important that those needing housing apply to both .

Following brief discussion, MV said she would advise RSHA that the CC is happy with the policy.

Insurance of the CC’s assets would need to be completed by 17 March. The SEPA survey on flooding would need to be completed by 17 March.

11.   AOCB

MV reported that there was still no opening date for the library, despite writing continuously to SC. It is hoped that the Habitation Certificate would be available this week, after which a lease should be signed by SC. However, SC is still failing to respond. GM said that he would pursue this with SC.

  1. Date of next meeting Next CC meeting: 3 April BVB deadline: 17 March