Mar 2022 Minutes

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9th of March 2022 at 7:30 pm Online.


1. Present and apologies Scott Patterson Chair (SP), Gabriela Ingle -Secretary (GI), Hector Muir -Vice-Chair (HM) Elaine Blanchard - Treasurer (EB), Al Rawlinson (AL), Christine Bauer (FB), Kate Sankey (KS), Cllr Martin Earl (ME), Cllr Jeremy McDonald (JM), Joanne Ingles (JI), Yvonne Dickson - Minutes (YD)

Apologies Andy Greig (AG), Sheena Stewart (SS), Cllr Evelyn Tweed (ET)

Approval of minutes of meeting on the 12th January 2022 Agreed (EB) Seconded (HM)

2. Matters arising N/A

3. Reports – External:

a. Transport Scotland re Traffic Alleviation at Safari Park – HM no movement.

(EB) there was an accident outside car park entry will this help towards this issue. (HM) will flag it up, perhaps look at getting a spreadsheet with all the data and collisions. Where there is no police involvement nothing is getting logged. (ME) agrees with HM, it is all about data, the idea of a spreadsheet is a good one. Every time there is an issue call the police and get a reference no. if they don’t give one report it to your local councillor. (HM) does it have to be the person who has the incident who reports this. (ME) for example a staff member at school or a parent can make a report. (HM) If we provide a central email address for people to send incidents we could also encourage them to report this to the police. (ME) don’t make it too complicated, but perhaps awareness raising about how the process

works and what you’re trying to do this may help. (HM) Transport Scotland has the data of these incident, they are recorded. They know the numbers and severity. (GI) People not slowing down for school or the users of our community drive around on average 60mph not 40mph. (JM) CC could ask for data via a FOI enquiry. (ME) could the CC put together a synopsis with a map and plan with details of school and church with an added blurb of “This is why we feel this area

requires a lower speed limit”. (GI) we effectively had two accidents last week. (JM) We have had many discussions with Transport Scotland about having a roundabout and then there was no money and it was all dropped. (HM) the roundabout discussions are still on the table (CB) it’s a different road, the Smiddy, which is a very narrow road and my daughter was almost knocked down, the speeds are getting faster. (ME) there is a petition process at the council on the website. If a petition was lodged it would be brought to the Environment committee. There is a form on the site and it is quite a simple process, need many signatures and the support of the CC. We can get this onto the agenda at the table and if we can find the money for it etc.. it opens an opportunity.


b. Police Scotland – copies sent out to CC members via email

Stirling County Councillor – ME the budget meeting, council tax increase 3%.

Bins issue, continued disruptions due to vehicle breakdowns and staff issues. Report your bins if they are not being collected, it is very important to keep complaining.

The Council will be going into purdah and will be no more community meetings and commenting during this time.

The Wallace monument was lit in the Ukrainian flag colours. Good fundraising efforts for Ukraine in the areas and people are fantastic in their response.

(JM) will be stepping down, going forward it would be helpful if CC would put a list of priorities that they would like to see done by local councillor.

4. Reports – Internal:

a. Chair nothing to report.

b. Secretary all communication is being sent out via email

c. Treasurer (EB) account is currently £1530.11 after minute taking and £300 donation towards Futures Group activities was paid out last month. Community pride fund available for jubilee celebration use– Action (EB) apply and fill in the form for jubilee celebrations to be paid/distributed from CC account.

d. Planning - Nothing to report

e. Thornhill Future Group AR has not been at the recent meeting but Saturday 26th event was to be held in the community hall to help development with workshops and sharing sessions, but which has now been postponed because of large covid cases in the area. The CC should have a presence when it is rescheduled.

f. Thornhill Community Trust EB meeting last Monday – talk mostly of plans for the AGM, plus walk around with Futures Group and CC on 21 March with SC Planning Department to kick start the local place plan development across all groups. (KS) effort going into the constitution in a fit state to apply for a community buy out. Going through it to make sure it right.

g. Blair Drummond Community Hall GI Bins – they have a camera installed with support from the Smiddy. Glass – they will have a black bin. The council hasn’t provided these bins yet. (SP) (ME) called the meeting and the committee is ensuring that waste services is living up to their commitment.

5. Community Council Business

a. Dunsire and Partners’ development in Thornhill: AG/Kate Sankey (member of the public) (KS) Followed up on the stages of the decision making process. Had responses from consultees, land services and children’s services. Land services picked up on the lack of play facilities. If school is at its capacity there is not enough room now let alone without another 30 children. Request for a crossing across main road to a play park isn’t suitable. In terms of numbers Childrens


service say it was built for 100 guide book from school says it 75 because of differing age groups. The CC wrote to complain about the community engagement process and had no reply or discussion about how they are going to deal with the complaint. The CC need to stay on this and keep pushing the council on this issue. Action (SP) will phone Michael Mulgrew and see if there is any movement, where we are with the process. Action (GI) will send the same email about the complaint 2021 and then take KS email and add further concerns.

Action (JM) is happy to help look at this with the CC post-election. (ME) Michael Mulgrew wanted to complete this by the end of April. It may have to wait until a new council is established and this could be Sept/Oct

b. Windfarm – Shelloch development in Gargunnock – AG/ME this has been approved and is going ahead. (ME) has been trying to meet with Force 9 since the decision has been made. Both CCs are impacted the most visually and it is wrong that neither are receiving any of the community funds that are available. (ME) will report back on this.

c. Slow down sign/flashing light on A873 after B8031 (near Coldoch Road) towards Stirling – ME/GI spoke with CB and agreed they are going to involve the community to write the petition to slow down.

d. Sommers Lane – ME weight restriction to be reduced but will be going into the new council, not sure when the signs will go up.

e. Debris at the newly-constructed bridge over the Boquhapple Burn at the western entrance to Thornhill – AG N/A

f. Scout Hall ownership – EB sold to a buyer from England. Remove from agenda.

6. Residents Forum: SP Marjory Brown complaining about state of pavements, drains and cleanliness. (ME) has raised this with the council. CC should make the point through the CC enquiry line. Marjory Brown could start a petition and will need 40 signatures. (HM) you need to speak to officers first or petition won’t hold (SP) officers to speak to would be in roads. (ME) petitions should only be done if nothing else has been done. Submit a query via CC enquiries firstly. Action (SP)

7. AOB SP when are we going to have face to face meetings? (GI) happy to have online for the next few months and see how it goes. No Wi-Fi in either of the community halls.

8. Date, time and venue of next meeting: Wednesday20th April 2022 at 7:30pm.

On behalf of the Thornhill and Blair Drummond Community Council



Gabriela Ingle Secretary of the TBDCC