Nov 2022 Minutes

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16th November 2022 at 7:30 pm
Thornhill Community Hall

1. Present and Apologies
Present: Hector Muir (HM) Chair, Gabriela Ingle (GI) Secretary, Al Rawlinson (AR), Alison Newlands (AN) Minute Taker, Cllr Martin Earl (ME), Joanne Inglis (JI), Moira Russell (MR)
2 members of the public (Christine Bauer - CB, Sarah)

Apologies: Elaine Blanchard (EB)

2. Approval of minutes of meeting on the 5th October 2022.
Minutes approved, no objections or comments.
Approved by AG
Seconded by GI

3. Matters Arising
No matters arising, all covered in agenda.
3. a. Vote on co-opting new member
Moira Russell nominated for co-option by EB. All member voted in favour of co-option, no objections.

4. Reports – External
a. Transport Scotland – Traffic Alleviation at Safari Park
HM - no update on this issue at present.
b. Police Scotland
No update at present as no report received from Police Scotland. GI will circulate report to members if and when received.
ME advised that there has been an increase in non-submission of reports and would advise the members follow this up with Andy Bushall at Police Scotland. AG agreed to follow up.
c. Stirling County Councillor

Demand Responsive Taxi
ME updated the meeting on the issues around the Demand Responsive Taxi (DRT). There has been a range of concerns around the DRT including unreliability, lateness, and high costs. ME added that an emergency meeting was held within Stirling Council in which it was agreed that an increase in funding has been offered to operators for minimum fares and mileage rates. In addition, new operators are interested in joining the scheme. ME encouraged members and the community to raise any concerns around the DRT to Stirling Council, all feedback welcomed. The more feedback is generated will allow for a stronger case to increase the funding for the service.

Shelloch Windfarm
ME advised that he has a follow up meeting with developers on 18th November 2022 regarding funding for the Thornhill area and in particular the north common path works. ME will update members after the meeting.

Health & Social Care Partnership
ME advised that home care provision in the area is not good at present and there is a requirement to set up a rural care plan to plug the gaps in care at home provision. At present there is an advertisement campaign to establish a team and encouraged the members to circulate this as much as possible.

Short Term Lets 2023
The new short-term let requirements for 2023 has been passed by Stirling Council. The requirement is that all short-term let landlords need to register for a licence their property to which there is a fee attached. At present this guidance has not been uploaded to the council website and ME advised that it should be done soon.

NHS Dentists
ME advised that Infinity Blue Dentist in Callander has withdrawn from the NHS contract, therefore only offering treatment for private dentistry for adults 18 and over. NHS patients will now need to look further afield for NHS dentists within the area. Killin Dentists and Tooth+ in Stirling are currently taking on new NHS patients.

Bin Collections
Bin Collection Survey consultation is currently live, closing date 28th November. ME encouraged members to complete the survey if not already done so. There has been over 2500 response to date, including over 1000 positive suggestions for improvements. Once the consultation has closed the responses will be review by Stirling Council and report submitted to the Environment, Transport and Net Zero Committee early 2023 for consideration.
At present Stirling Council’s waste disposal service bill is the highest in Scotland and solutions to reduce costs need to be considered urgently.
Stirling County Councillor update concluded. AG agreed to update the Community Council Facebook page with some of the issues raised on the bin collection survey, Health & Social Care Partnership and DRT.

5. Reports – Internal
a. Chair
HM - Nothing to report.
b. Secretary
GI - Nothing to report
c. Treasurer
AG updated meeting in the absence of EB.
Treasurer’s Report: £1147.06 in the account. Recent outgoings: £24 for meeting room hire and £79.99 for laptop speaker.
EY has applied for £3740 through the recent SVE funding for a heat cell in the Community Hall, no update yet. The idea is to open the meeting room used for Community Council meetings for a few hours each day so anyone in the community struggling with heating in their homes, can pop in and enjoy hot drinks and warm surroundings.
d. Planning
Update to be circulated.
e. Thornhill Future Group
Nothing to report.
f. Thornhill Community Trust
Nothing to report.
g. Blair Drummond Community Hall
GI advised a meeting has been arranged in December. In addition, there is a Christmas Fayre being held in the Hall on 25th November 2022.

6. Community Council Business
a. Dunsire and Partners’ development in Thornhill
AG updated the meeting on the development application. The final decision on the application has been further delayed. The Scottish Government Reporter would like to review the Fourth National Framework consultation document and has asked the three parties involved in the application for comment. Responses are required to be submitted the Reporter by 24th November 2022 and thereafter interested parties have the right to response to each other’s submissions. This process could take around 4 – 6 weeks and a final decision is not expected prior to Christmas.
b. Slow Down sign/flashing light on A873 after B8031 (near Coldoch Road) towards Stirling.
A community member (CB) advised that a petition has been submitted to Stirling Council in June 2022, receipt acknowledged but no further update. ME advised that the petition should have been raised at Environment, Transport and Net Zero Committee and has not been raised to date.
ME agreed to chase an update on the petition.
c. Sommers Lane
ME advised that the weight restrictions signs have been installed and investigation work was carried out in October with the work estimated to be carried out in Spring 2023.
Members agreed item should now been removed from the agenda given the progress and desired outcomes achieved.
d. Ochertyre Road Signs (blocking access to Briarlands Farm)
GI advised sign issues have now been resolved.
Members agreed item should now been removed from the agenda given the progress and desired outcomes achieved.
e. Scout Hall Ownership
AL advised that at the latest auction for the property the reserve price was not met therefore not sold. At present the owners are looking at bringing in consultants to look at funding and development options for the property.
Members agreed to remove the item from the agenda. The item can be revisited when the development options have been progressed.
f. Speeding in Thornhill
AG updated the meeting on the issue. EY posted a map on the Community Council Facebook page and local shop. There have been a few suggestions received from the community on traffic pinch points. EY to compile a report to submit to Carolyn Fraser at Stirling Council.
AG added that the traffic police has been out to Thornhill and issue a speeding fine and cautioned a few drivers.
Members agreed that follow up to Andy Bushall at Police Scotland would be beneficial, thanking him for attending the area and plans for a repeat visit.

7. Residents Forum
War Memorial
Issues have been raised from residents regarding the state of repair of the Thornhill War Memorial. The members discussed the issue and agreed that it would be beneficial to establish the ownership of the war memorial and then a proper assessment could be carried out to see what needs to be done in terms of repairs.
EY agreed to follow up and ME offered support if required.

Cycle Path
A community member asked for an update on the progress of a cycle path near the Smiddy.
ME responded that the funding has been awarded for the cycle path to be installed. HM agreed to follow up with Stirling Council.

8. AOB
No further issues/comments raised.

9. Date, time, and venue of next meeting
Future meetings dates confirmed. Members agreed to continue to offer hybrid meetings.
11th January 2023
22nd February 2023
19th April 2023
14th June 2023 AGM
16th August 2023
27th September 2023
15th November 2023

Action Points Member Responsible
Follow up Police Scotland Report AG
Shelloch Windfarm Additional Funding Update ME
Thornhill and Blair Drummond Community Council Facebook page update – Bin Survey, DRT and Health & Social Care Partnership AG
Update on submitted Petition (agenda item 6b.) ME
Speeding In Thornhill – Feedback report compile and sent to Carolyn Fraser EB
Speeding Issue Thornhill, follow up email to Andy Bushall AG
Repairs to Thornhill War Memorial EB/ME
Cycle Path update – Smiddy HM

Meeting closed 20:50.