August 2023 Minutes

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22nd August 2023 at 7:30 pm
Thornhill Community Hall
1. Present and Apologies
Present: Hector Muir (HM) Chair, Elaine Blanchard (EB) Secretary, Alison Newlands (AN)
Minute Taker, Andy Greig (AG), Cllr Gene Maxwell (GM), Moira Russell (MR), Gary
Thompson (GT) Treasurer, Sheena Stewart (SS), Rowena Coulthard (RC), Bob Marshall (BM),
Veronica Bachelor (VB), Heather Aitkenhead (HA), Sara Fullerton (SF).
2. Approval of minutes of meeting on the 22nd February 2023
Minutes approved, no objections or comments.
Approved by MR
Seconded by AG
3. Approval of minutes of meeting on the 21st June 2023.
Minutes approved, no objections or comments.
Approved by AG
Seconded by EB
4. Matters Arising
a) Vote on co-opting members
Further to the Inaugural Meeting in June, where seven candidates were elected to the
Community Council, it was advised there was the capacity to elect up to nine people.
All agreed that new members would be welcome, and co-option nominations will be
accepted from the November 2023 meeting onwards.
5. Reports – External
a. Transport Scotland – Traffic Alleviation at Safari Park
HM - no update on this issue at present. Agreed to leave on the agenda until funding has
been agreed.
b. Police Scotland
The Police Scotland latest report has been received and details listed below.
Antisocial Behaviour
On 29/05/23 an incident took place on the A873 between Thornhill and the A84 at Blair
Drummond whereby the passenger of a vehicle was threatening and abusive to the
occupants of another. Enquiry was conducted and one male identified and issued with a
recorded Police warning.
Cllr Gene Maxwell added that there have been a number of instances of anti-social
behaviour in Stirling recently, which have raised some concerns. This is highly unusual and
has been raised with Police Scotland.
On 03/05/23 a theft by shoplifting occurred at Angling Active, Stirling Agricultural Centre.
One male has been identified and issued with a recoded Police Warning.
On 07/05/23 a theft by shoplifting occurred at Angling Active, Stirling Agricultural Centre.
The person responsible for this brandished a knife at staff when leaving the store. One male
was identified, arrested, charged, and kept in custody to appear at court in relation to this.
Fraud continues to be a problem in all areas of Scotland. Criminals are experts at
impersonating people, organisations, and the police. They spend hours researching you for
their scams, hoping you will let your guard down for just a moment. Stop and think. It could
protect you and your money.
There is advice including information on a number of different types of fraud on the Police
Scotland website at – Personal Fraud –
Police Scotland Police Scotland are currently recruiting for Special Constables. “As a special
constable, you'll collaborate with our police officers in your spare time – forging strong
partnerships in the community, patrolling our streets, preventing crime, and interacting
with all kinds of people to give back, keep your local community safe and make a real
difference.” If you think you could make a difference in your local community then head to
their recruitment pages for more info - Police Scotland Recruitment - Police Scotland
c. Stirling County Councillor
GM advised that Stirling Council Councillors are just returning from summer recess and
dealing with issues with potholes and housing overcrowding.
Planning has approved a new housing development, Durieshill located between Stirling
Services and Plean. This development will have three thousand new homes, a mix of
tenures with private housing, affordable housing, and private rented sector housing. The
site will also have a primary and secondary school and community organisations and
Stirling Council are involved in a City Region Deal with Clackmannanshire Council. This is a
package of significant investment in innovation and infrastructure that will drive inclusive
economic growth throughout the city region. As part of this deal Stirling Council will see
major investment into the Ministry of Defence land at Forthside. At point of transfer, the
site will have been surveyed and cleansed of any dangerous contaminants by the MOD, with
the buildings and infrastructural elements being handed over on a ‘current condition’ basis.
Opportunities will continue to be explored to support early release of any or all of the site.
There has been some interest in using the current buildings as they are.
World Cycling Championships
GM advised that he has received a lot of emails regarding the event and in general the
feedback has been positive. It is clear there will be lessons learned from hosting such a
major event in the area.
There was a discussion on funding for the event and GM agreed to check on the funding
received and allocation.
Nursery Provision
GM advised that there are issues around nursery places in the area in particular Killin. This
is due to the reduction of early years provision and funding. This has forced some nursery
provisions to reduce the number of employees reducing places available and resources for
6. Reports – Internal
a. Chair
HM - Nothing to report.
b. Secretary
TBCC email now transferred over to EB.
c. Treasurer
GT updated the meeting with the current financial information.
Treasurer’s Report: Approximately £450 in the account, awaiting admin grant being
d. Planning
AG – Report circulated by AL.
AG read out new planning applications received at Stirling Council for Thornhill.
GM advised that the New National Planning Framework was published in February 2024 and
has introduced stricter controls relating to flooding and the ability to build properties in
flood areas.
e. Thornhill Future Group
EB advised that the group is pushing forward with the local placement plan and are
currently on draft number 9, aiming to complete a final draft by January 2024.
A final public consultation has been arranged for 21st September 2023.
f. Blair Drummond Community Hall
Nothing to report.
g. North Common Trust
EB advised that the Chair of the North Common Trust has recently resigned and are
currently assessing the role moving forward. In addition, the Deed of Trust for the North
Common Trust lists those members should also be members of the TBCC.
6. Community Council Business
a. Dunsire and Partners’ development in Thornhill
AG updated the meeting on the development application and advised that a decision has
still not been reached. The decision was previously on hold pending the decision on a
planning application at Mossend, West Lothian, this has subsequently been rejected. The
Scottish Government Reporter requested any further comments to be submitted by 18th
August now extended to 30th August 2023. The Reporter will then deliberate for a period of
time then pass their recommendation to the Scottish Government.
b. Slow Down sign/flashing light on A873 after B8031 (near Coldoch Road) towards
HM to check with Gabriela Ingle on the work conducted previously and will update at the
next meeting.
c. Sommers Lane
GM to check with Roads Department regarding an update on new signage.
d. Speeding in Thornhill
Speeding in Thornhill continues to be an issue, see item 7.
e. Flooding in Callander
AG tabled a paper on Aberfoyle Flooding.
Background information - Aberfoyle has a long-standing problem with flooding. Since
Stirling Council (SC) was given responsibility for dealing with this, many reports, and much
money (rumoured to be £2M+) has been spent studying the problem but no action has
The damage caused by flooding is presently calculated simply in terms of the damage to
property. On this basis, Aberfoyle was not in the first tranche of communities selected for
flood protection. In practice, the economic damage and inconvenience is much greater
because all the communities, including two large hotels and the school, are frequently cut
off to the west of Aberfoyle. A recent letter from SC to the planning authority recommends
an objection to any development west of Aberfoyle, where the B829 is blocked on the
grounds of flooding. This is difficult to quantify, and at present is not considered.
AG advised that Strathard Community Council has requested support from TBCC. All agreed
and AG will write to them and offer support.
f. Doig Street Water Pressure
EB raised the above item for consideration by the TBCC due to the issues that it is causing
families in this area.
MR advised that the water pressure has been particularly bad for a prolonged period of
time. Numerous calls have been logged with Scottish Water but no resolution to date.
Scottish Water have visited the area several times and believe the issue to due to old water
pipes that are no longer fit for purpose, given the number of houses it supplies.
MR to telephone Scottish Water for an update and request details on escalation process.
GM agree to write to Scottish Water.
7. Residents Forum
Speeding in Thornhill
HA outlined the issues around speeding in Thornhill:
- Last week a dog was killed by a speeding vehicle along our Main Street.
- The extent to which the situation impacts the everyday lives of Thornhill residents,
especially young families and older people who are unable to live and move safely
around the village.
- Damage to cars and buildings is a regular occurrence.
- Children cannot walk or cycle to school safely as vehicles (including buses and lorries)
regularly mount the pavement rather than wait for other vehicles to pass.
- There are no crossing points or signs around the school.
- Pavements are too narrow for prams. It is impossible to strap toddlers into car seats
along the Main Street without cars speeding inches away from the door.
HA outlined the three main areas of concern:
- Thornhill main street down from road narrowing to Grays Loan.
- Thornhill Cross bottle neck.
- Area around Thornhill Primary School.
The TBCC entered a detailed discussion on the issues outlined and agreed the issues need to
be addressed urgently particularly around the primary school.
Ideas tabled:
- Pedestrian crossing - previously agreed with Stirling Council, never actioned.
- One way system
- Flower planters along far end of village to prevent cars mounting the pavements.
- Council CCTV van used for surveillance in the village.
- Signage at Primary School.
- Line painting at crossroads.
- Community Petition to Stirling Council.
- Look at Safe Routes to School Programme.
GM agreed to follow up signage and issues around safety at the primary school and update
on pedestrian crossing plans.
HM agreed to speak to Gabriela Ingle regarding previous petition to Stirling Council and
process involved.
TBCC agreed to add issue as a standing item for future meetings.
b. Road Markings
Resident email about road markings (specifically at the junction with the A84 at the Smiddy)
having seen several cars going the wrong way due to poor road markings. There is also an
issue at the Main Street/Kippen Road junction - Stirling Council said they were going to
repaint there after the accident earlier in the year, but still have not done so.
AG agreed to write to Stirling Council regarding repainting road markings, supported by GM.
8. AOB
Back Yetts
SF advised the meeting on the issues of cars using the Back Yetts road. It appears that
Google Maps navigation is using this road as the preferred route through Thornhill. This
road is not suitable for heavy traffic and vehicles are being damaged and pavement already
collapsed on the corner of the road. GM agreed to follow up repair of pavement with
Stirling Council.
9. Date, time, and venue of next meeting
28th September 2023 at 7:30pm
Action Points Member Responsible
Funding for World Cycling Championships GM
Update on Slow Down sign/flashing light
on A873 after B8031 (near Coldoch Road)
towards Stirling from Gabriela Ingle
Update on requested signage for Sommers
Aberfoyle Flooding – Letter to Strathard
Community Council offering TBCC support
GM agree to write to Scottish Water. GM
MR to telephone Scottish Water for an
update and request details on escalation
Stirling Council - Follow up signage and
issues around safety at the primary school
and update on pedestrian crossing plans
for the village.
Speak to Gabriela Ingle regarding previous
petition to Stirling Council and process
Letter to Stirling Council re road markings. AG
Repairs to pavement Back Yetts GM
Meeting closed 20:30.