Jul 2021 Minutes

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Trossachs Community Council minutes Thursday 8th July 2021 via Teams

Participating: Crispin Hoult (CH), Gene Maxwell (GM), Penny Tindle (PT), Robert Bryder (RB), Chris Mitchell (CM) Cllr McDonald (JM),

Apologies: Police, Sue Morris, Roger Drapper, Cllr Tweed (ET)






Introductions: CH chaired the meeting and welcomed all.

Approval of minutes: There were no minutes from the May meeting ae TCC not quorate. April meeting minutes were proposed by CH and seconded by GM Contact with SC has become more impersonal. CCs are no longer allowed to contact SC directly; every query must go through a generic email that will then send it to the appropriate department and have 10 days to respond.

The TCC finds this unacceptable. This system will dilute the message, create unnecessary layers between SC and CCs, cause unnecessary delays and could

fail to address the problems/issues .



Matters Arising:

a) The Litter pick collected 65 bags and the NP picked them up. CM still has 2 pickers, to give to GM who has keys to the Hall.

b) CM & GM talked to Nik at the NP re: human waste - the trowel and bury system on Loch Achray, not happening. The Achray field campsite will be under water in September. It has capacity for 418 pitches. CM to contact SEPA re opinion on camping pitches without toilet facilities and the land being flooded and human waste getting into Loch Achray. The amount of human waste produced would seriously pollute the Triple SI area. SEPA were very concerned RB’s chalet and his sewage outlet with the possibility of bacteria getting into Loch Venachar and the Teith. Further concerns re Camper vans dumping their waste and foul sewage into the loch. The NP has a commercial campsite where waste can be discharged. GM to ask if they have pay to bury waste on their land and are they content for other people to discharge?

c) Deer management – PT contacted Balquhidder deer management re village benefitting from the deer cull. The regulations re carcass handling were very strict and the community can’t have one unless killed on private land. CM queried the need to deer farms considering

the number of wild deer available.




Stirling Councillor’s update: -

- No meetings until September.

- Flood plans are in motion.

- Loch Katrine road open after landslides.

- Concern re the poor turnout at CC meetings, SC to do a survey. TCC felt that villagers thought they were powerless and not listened to, had limited impact on planning and other SC activities and many people

preferred face to face contact not online.



Specific Items:

a) Roads: The clearway has been extended from the ponds at Tigh Mhor

to after Achray Hotel. Concerns re lifting of restrictions on 9th August




causing an influx of visitors. The temporary signs are bigger and clearer but concern that many people are not aware of what a clearway sign means. Enforcement staff continues to be on site.

Contractors using flails cut back foliage along the A821. GM talked to them and they were following what was planned. They did clear up the mess. Apparently an email train 4 years ago said SC would consult with TCC before they started but nothing heard. PT to send note to JM.

b) Finance: Current total £ 14,365.50. Discussion re how TCC can usefully spend the money before it gets taken back. SC no longer winter treats Glen Finglas road so money for salt would be helpful.

One idea to get a salt distributer for the pavements cost about £795 or could hire. Formalising the passing places up Glen Finglas road with hard-core. CH to put something in the Bicycle Tree for ideas.

c) Planning Matters: The proposed development of holiday cottages at Dundarroch no planning permission yet so using Trunkie planning application. No one is monitoring the new sewage system and concerns re creeping development.

Nothing happening in Dorothy’s field. Applications last forever, GM to ask ET re planning lapsing 31/3/22.

d) Community Policing: Report provided, they continue to deal with reported Covid breaches and antisocial behaviour. Hill safety advice was offered to hill walkers at Ben Venue car park. Well received.

e) Bye-Laws & Camping: 3 Lochs drive is now open, no update received. PT to ask re no-shows stats after booking.

f) Broadband: Various communications re suggestions for relay site to reach Dam & Loch Katrineside even with full foliage. The old viewpoint has full line of sight. Broadway Partners need to get the infrastructure up, currently focusing elsewhere. Dual funding available, BT going to give it to them. R100 in the short term. Still waiting for response from after their annual review.

g) School update : Funding raising underway. £11,500 from crowdfunding, thanks to all who contributed to it. The project is progressing through the planning stages. Quotes being obtained for electrics, toilets, etc. and bids are in for grants from Green recovery fund, Heritage lottery and DETAS for a project manager. Groundwork to widen the access so can turn both ways.

h) Covid 19 update: restrictions should be removed before the next TCC

meeting so propose to meet in the Village Hall if all okay.






Correspondence: a) Invite to Strathard & Trossachs visitor management group.

b) Tactran’s Regional Transport Strategy aims to put time and effort into local

areas. Survey online.



AOB: a) Robert Scott’s son was killed in a farm accident 6 th July, PT to send TCC condolences.

b) Hamish Thomson from the Woodland Trust sent a ¼ly report – attached



Next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Thursday 9th September

(hopefully) in the Village Hall. Tearoom may provide cakes.