Jul 2022 Minutes

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Approved Trossachs Community Council Minutes: Thursday 14th July 2022 in the Village Hall


Participating: Crispin Hoult (CH), Penny Tindle (PT), Chris Mitchell (CM), Sue Morris (SM),

& Cllr Martin Earl (ME)

Apologies: Trossachs Police, Robert Bryder, Roger Drapper

In Attendance: Tim Tindle, Heather Earnshall






Introductions: CH chaired the meeting and thanked all for coming. Approval of minutes: 9th June 2022 meeting minutes were proposed by CM and seconded by SM .



Matters Arising:

a) Hall Planters, an article is needed for the Bicycle Tree to see if there is interest. SM to contact Jim and Marina who cared for them before.

b) Parking behind the Village hall. RB has informed the Village hall Committee who have not opposed this. PT has contacted SC about the sign and this is on-going.

c) The tall grass hindering the vision down the A821 at the Tearoom has been strimmed.

d) Luss & Arden CC, further discussion on the Park’s actions. PT to send original letter to all

e) Ticks are causing concern. The Woodland Trust has put out some posters but they more need to go up. CH to contact.

f) Co-opting people to the TCC needed, Needs to go in the Bicycle Tree.





Stirling Councillor’s update:

a) No party majority

b) A full review of the bins schedule being undertaken.

c) Appreciation for the DRT service in the remote areas, a lifesaver. It needs proper funding to run efficiently.

d) No update on the Park bus; to maybe do next year.



Specific Items:

a) Roads: CM has videoed the deep edges on the roadside where the road has collapsed and forwarded them to SC Roads Dept or Bear. SC have done a good job at mowing the hedgerows.

b) Finance: nothing to report

c) Planning Matters: The original plans for Dorothy’s field have been radically changed but still have not resolved the drainage/sewerage/ wastewater issues. The projected Buffer zone was well received. SM to talk to Graeme Harley re Section 75. Other options:- TCT taking on the land to cover remaining concerns and it understands the transfer and conveyance processes, fund for maintenance, burdens put in place and clarity re who owns the odd bits of land.

d) Community Policing: Report provided, another two-car collision occurred between BoT and Callander. Theft at a business premises and a housebreaking in BoT. Another walker lost on Ben Venue.

e) Bye-Laws & Camping: as yet no replacement identified.




f) Broadband: no change.

g) School update : Finally after 18 months EDF has reconnected the electrics. Gates installed. Open consultation to identify future direction





a) PT contacted Toto but due to family issues she can’t return at this time. Suggested to try the school after the holidays.

b) SC want to know the number of grit bins and where they are sited in the Village and where they could deposit the grit. The grit bin cap has been lifted. Check if private roads can be gritted.

There was a suggestion to buy a gritter for the village but with the insurance costs and maintenance issues it would not be suitable. People do not seem to use the grit bins so a reminder in the Bicycle

Tree would be useful. Kate to be advised nearer the time.




a) TCC still needs some recruiting, it could co-opt people, encourage people to come and watch.

b) CH asked about raising ideas on what to put in the new Place Plan that we must now create. Strathard have a detailed piece of work that includes planning consideration and the NHS. To contact to get a copy.

c) CH raised the issue of speeding along Glenfinglas Road, there are road

signs but these are ignored by visitors.



Next Meeting: There is no meeting in August, so the next TCC meeting will be

on Thursday 8th September at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.