Jun 2022 Minutes

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Approved Trossachs Community Council Minutes: Thursday 9th June 2022 in the Village Hall


Participating: Crispin Hoult (CH), Robert Bryder (RB), Penny Tindle (PT), Chris Mitchell (CM), Sue Morris (SM), Roger Drapper (RD), Cllr Elaine Watterson (EW)

Apologies: Trossachs Police






Introductions: CH the meeting and thanked all for coming. Elaine Watterson, the new Stirling Councillor was welcomed to the meeting.

Approval of minutes: April 14th 2022 meeting minutes were proposed by CM and seconded by RB.



Matters Arising:

a) TCC money: still no clear idea of how to use. Continue to request for suggestions. 2 ideas were 1) to refurbish the benches and add flowers and planters. SM can get costs for planters but village would need to decide on location before this is done. The gardening group could be approached but already have their hands full. 2) Put a sign up to direct parking behind the Village hall with a moneybox for donations. PT to follow up. Clarification from the Village hall Committee is needed, RB to ask at next meeting.

b) Concern was raised re the tall grass hindering the vision down the A821 at the Tearoom turning. SM to ask James to strim it.

c) Luss & Arden CC wants to send their comments re the Park to other community councils. CM agreed with some of the points but the Park’s priorities are all based on visitor numbers, when the issues of bins and toilets are the most important priorities. Nationally the National Parks are not interacting with communities.

d) RD has had to cancel some fishing permits as the places they can use

have been taken over as camping areas.




Stirling Councillor’s update: not much to report; all allocated to committees and boards. Senior manager of Roads, Bruce Reekie has left. There are staff shortages and pothole treating is 6 months behind.

RD said that Forth and Teith Salmon permits had not been sent; there were issues with the fishing manager. EW to speak to ME. RD to send copy to GM, EW & ME.

STEP – Stirling Training & Enterprise Partnership looking to grow rural

communities, a drop-in area behind Lidl was set for Saturday morning.



Specific Items:

a) Roads: PT reported the very large potholes along the Milton straight and they have been fixed. There are now more patches than tarmac on the road. CM stated that in some areas along the A821 there are deep edges on the roadside where the road has collapsed. This could cause damage to tyres. EW suggested CM take photos and contact the new person in charge of Roads.

b) Finance: Annual accounts have been checked.

c) Planning Matters: SM has taken over this role. Dorothy’s field &

Dundarroch – no change.




d) Community Policing: Report provided, a two-car collision occurred between BoT and Callander with a failure to stop. A vehicle was stuck in a ditch on the 3 Lochs drive. Mountain rescue called in to bring an injured walker down from Ben Venue.

e) Bye-Laws & Camping: Alistair McPherson has a new job but as yet no name for his replacement.

f) Broadband: no news. Broadway Partners started in 2019 so there are a couple of years before their contract expires. BT R100 in being rolled out. There will be alternatives when Broadway stop.

g) School update : Refurbishment work continues, a lot complete, the garden, solar panels and toilets. Still waiting for EDF to reconnect the

electrics. Open consultation to identify future direction due.




a) Fife College (fife.ac.uk) have a new online course on Participatory Budgets, for all.

b) Scottish water giving notice re emergency repairs on the North shore near Portnellan, dates to be confirmed. The circular route will not be possible during this work.

c) Paths for All have launched 2022-23 Smarter Choices, Smarter Places

Open Fund. £5M to boost sustainable travel in grants.




a) TCC still needs some recruiting, it could co-opt people, encourage people to come and watch. Needs to go in the Bicycle Tree.

b) Concern re tick bites as some people who have been bitten are developing an Allergic reaction to red meat, which has caused anaphylactic shock in some. Jim Lindsey has it. CM to contact.



Next Meeting: The next TCC meeting will be on Thursday 14th July at 7.30pm in

the Village Hall.