March 2022 Minutes

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Approved Trossachs Community Council Minutes: Thursday 10th March 2022 in the Village Hall


Participating: Crispin Hoult (CH), Gene Maxwell (GM), Penny Tindle (PT), Chris Mitchell (CM), Sue Morris (SM), Roger Drapper (RD) & Cllr McDonald (JM)

Apologies: Robert Bryder (RB), Cllr Earl (ME), Hamish Thomson, the Police & Cllr Tweed






Introductions: CH chaired the meeting and thanked all for coming.

Approval of minutes: February 2022 meeting minutes were proposed by SM and seconded by RD.



Matters Arising:

a) The transport hub at Achray west is not happening this year but has gone to planning, budgeting and discussion with key partners. There will be a shuttle bus probably from Aberfoyle and over the Duke’s Pass. Green transport fund to cover some costs.

b) Gritting of the Duke’s Pass, JM to try again to find the route’s




Stirling Councillor’s update: - the budget done, increase in council tax due. The new Capital programme has some good activities including creating lists of priorities for villages using Community action plans and other plans. The City Region deal to increase cycle paths across Stirling has and will narrow all the streets in the town, will need maintenance and may well not be used as seen by the one around the castle. There will be a walking meeting to see the

issues. Sustrans are already consulting and have multi-year budget to support the Doune to Callander cycleway crossing with a new overbridge near Cambus"

JM is standing down at the May elections. The TCC thanked him for his

attendance, help, support, humour and proactive contributions over the years.



Specific Items:

a) Roads: A lot of road work is being undertaken along Loch Katrineside by Scottish Water (SW) so open to residents only.

The Park’s messaging signs are to be more proactive and changed more often by the Park Rangers, who will be able to ring SC to change the notice. Currently a Park ranger does it, but plans for changes to be made on the website in the future. SM to feed back.

Hamish Thomson queried again who is responsible for repairing a small part of the Glen Finglas road between the burn and SW gate. The decision was made years ago with all parties being informed. PT to resend the information.

b) Finance: Hydro grant of £1905 in the account, £154.78 paid out for Christmas tree and lights. Current total £16181.65. SM suggested a piece in the Bicycle Tree for suggestions on how this could be spent.

c) Planning Matters: Dorothy’s field – nothing on the portal. Dundarrock going very slowly as issues with planning, have to build both houses before any other changes. JM to follow up.

d) Community Policing: Report provided, 4 cars came off the road in the

icy conditions and 1 car got stuck in the mud on the 3 Lochs Drive.






e) Bye-Laws & Camping: The 3 Lochs drive will be re-graded at the end of March after the tree removal and open from 1st April. The Campsite is not open nor are the Rangers for this year appointed. Problems remain tree safety and Drunkie still needs to be cleared.

f) Broadband: There are alternative satellite services in the area; Starlink is live and used at the dam. Many more companies will be able to offer an alternative service once fibre has been installed. Broadway should have fenced the equipment, as cattle are on the 3 Lochs Drive.

g) School update : Refurbishment work continues. Roof exposed, walls reinsulated; hot water, heating, car park and drain to be installed soon. Sleepers for garden next week, Heritage group going to ask Scottish Water re their archives. A janitor will be needed to clean, open and

close the public toilets.




a) Woodland Trust update, to be resent

b) Census questionnaire being sent to all.



a) AOB: a) SM asked if the gritter volume has been turned down. RD to talk to his contact.

b) SM said there were work plans for mobile phone masts near Achray Hotel, which will have provision for other services and deal with more traffic passing through.

c) Resilience fund available for e.g. generator

d) Minutes used to be on notice board but stopped due to Covid. This can restart. PT to send to SC for them to upload. Toto, our official Minutes secretary is well again and wishes to recommence working for us. PT to review the grant application for that role.

e) CM said the litter is evident and a litter pick is planned for weekend 23/24th April depending on the weather. To send to Kate Longworth for distribution nearer the date.




Next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Thursday 14th April at 7.30pm in

the Hall.