Nov 2022 Minutes part 2

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e) Community Policing: Report provided. Several thefts around the area, people need to be alert. Another walker was helped off Ben Aan.

f) Bye-Laws & Camping: Craig Gavigan has replaced Alistair at the Park.

g) Broadband: Recent loss of signal due to lack of liquid fuel for generator.

h) School update: nothing to report




a) SC contacted the TCC about creating a Community Council newsletter but it was felt that not enough happened here to make it worthwhile. It was thought that we might be able to add items to Callander CC.

b) Update from Forestry - 3 Lochs drive is closed until Spring, but winter

harvesting continues, including Craigmore and Creag lnnich. Work continues removing fallen trees from the storms.




a) CH asked about raising ideas on what to put in the new Place Plan that we must now create. Strathard have a detailed piece of work that includes planning consideration and the NHS. CH to contact to get a copy.

b) There will no longer be free NHS dentistry available in Callander, the nearest surgery is Killin. This is a countrywide problem.

c) Due to a difficulty in getting another Minute taker an idea was tabled about buying a screen and camera to set up in the Village hall that would facilitate not only remote meetings but could also be used as a business hub. PT to ask the Welfare Committee their opinion.





Ne x . t Meeting: There is next meeting will be on 8th December at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.