July 2023 Minutes

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Trossachs Community Council

Meeting Minutes

Date of Meeting: 20th July 2023, 19:00.

Present: Richard Morris (RM), Sue Morris (SM), Liz Maxwell (LM), Christine Blue (CB), James Hill (JH),

Nicola Hornsby (NH), Roger Draper (RD). Jean Cowie (JC) Stirling Council

Minutes of last meeting: This was the first meeting of the new TCC and no previous minutes were reviewed.

Preliminaries: This was the first meeting of the new TCC and as such no Agenda had been set by the

TCC. The main items were to choose office bearers and set dates for upcoming meetings, and to sign the constitution and standing orders documents and return these to Stirling Council.

JC introduced herself as an officer of Stirling Council and described her role, which was to explain the role of the council, commitment and answer any potential questions from the new councillor’s.


Item 1: JC asked for nominations for the office bearer roles, and the following people were nominated and seconded:

Chair – Richard Morris

Vice-Chair – James Hill

Secretary – Sue Morris

Treasurer – Roger Draper

In addition the role of Planning Officer (PO) was decided, with Sue Morris taking on the activities, given her experience as PO in the previous TCC.


Item 2: JC provided two copies of the Constitution and Standing Orders for signature. RM and CB expressed a desire to read and review the documents for signing and agreed with JC that they would alert her once a review and signature had taken place.

Action 1.1: review documents and sign, provide to JC and receive fully signed copies by Stirling



JC excused herself from the meeting and thanked everyone for their attendance and input.

Item 3: TCC held a discussion about the best day of the week and potential dates for upcomingmeetings and came to the following decision on dates for this year, all to be held at 19.30 in the


Village Hall:

14th September

12th October

9th November

14th December

Item 4: A discussion was held about the best way for the TCC to share information, documents anddiaries, with various potential digital solutions discussed. With the new digital meeting set up in the village hall, the TCC is happy to hold remote meetings.

Action 1.2 JH to review Teams as a possible solution and set this up for the TCC

Item 5: RD provided an update on the financial situation of the TCC. As of 20/07/23 the account balance sits at £16,242,13. The TCC now have a debit card to use for the purchase of items related to TCC activities. Members discussed being able to place our reserves into high interest rate accounts.

The TCC had an underspend on last FY council grant for administration costs, it is unclear whether the remaining funds will need to be returned to Stirling council. The deadline for applying for funds to cover admin costs from Stirling Council is tight and SM will contact Stirling Council to request an extension.

Last FY audited accounts need to be completed and lodged with the relevant bodies.

Action 1.3 RM to contact Stirling Council to check whether this is feasible.

Action 1.4 RM to provide information on Flagstone, a banking service that enables moving funds to high interest rate accounts.

Action 1.5 RD to complete last years accounts and present to the TCC.

Action 1.6 SM to contact Stirling Council and request an extension to put in the administration grant application for FY 23/24.


Item 6: AOB - The TCC held a discussion on future potential Agenda items with the following being of importance (over and above the standard agenda items):

- How do we communicate effectively with the Community

- Potential future projects for the village

- Review the signage in the village

- Planning and monitoring of existing and new building projects in and surrounding the village

- Report from the Police on relevant issues

- Stirling council report

- Flow of water from private road onto main village road causing issues/damage/flooding

Item 6 Date of next meeting is the 14th of September.

The meeting ended at 20.30.