November 2023 Minutes

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Trossachs Community Council
Approved Minutes of the Meeting held in Brig O’ Turk Village Hall
At 7:30pm on Thursday 9th November 2023
Present: Richard Morris (Chair), James Hill (Vice-Chair), Roger Drapper
(Treasurer), Sue Morris (Secretary/Planning), Liz Maxwell, Christine
Blue, Nicola Hornsby.
In Attendance: Councillor Martin Earl (Conservative), Deborah Sandals (National Park
Representative), Matt Buckland (National Park Representative), Esther
Lim (Minute Taker)
Apologies: David Fettes (National Park Trustee), Councillor Elaine Watterson
Residents: There were no members of the public present.
1. Welcome and Apologies
The meeting was chaired by James Hill (JH), the Vice-Chair. The Chair welcomed
attendees to the meeting and gave the apologies.
2. Approval of Minutes and Action Tracker
2.1 Approval of Minutes
The unconfirmed minutes of the meeting held on 12th October 2023 were
approved having been proposed by Richard Morris (RM) and seconded by Sue
Morris (SM).
2.2 Action Tracker
The members reviewed and updated the action tracker.
3. Police Report
A copy of the police report was emailed to members prior to the meeting. There were no
crimes reported for the period. There was one reported incident of a tree which had fallen
across the road on 19th October.
4. Finance Report – Richard Drapper
There was no financial report as there had been no expenditure recorded or statement
received since the last meeting.
5. Stirling Council Report – Councillor Martin Earl
Councillor Martin Earl (ME) gave the Councillor’s report. ME will shortly be forwarding to
the TCC a Budget Survey from Stirling Council (SC) detailing the budget cuts being
considered in order to meet the council’s budget gap for the next year. The gap is
projected to be in the region of £12-13 million. ME advised the CC to keep their eyes on
the budget for the issues that affect them and to ensure they get their views in.
6. National Park (NP) Report
The National Park Trustee, David Fettes, who was not able to attend the meeting,
provided the TCC with a summary report in advance. SM agreed to circulate the report to
members along with the consultation on the changes to the governance of the National
Park. [Action: Sue Morris].
Members are required to respond to this by 14th December 2023. [Action: Members]
7. Ben Venue Car Park Planning Objection – Deborah Sandals & Matt Buckland
(National Park Representatives)
Members of the TCC and representatives of the National Park engaged in a lengthy
discussion regarding the building of a bus shelter at the Ben Venue car park. Deborah
Sandals (DS) & Matt Buckland (MB) of the National Park explained the rationale for
building the bus shelter as part of the NP’s overall vision for a network of accessible and
sustainable travel across the park which meets the needs of residents and visitors alike.
Work on the car park which does not require planning permission commenced in Autumn
2022. The planning application currently under discussion is for the next phase of work
which includes the erection of bollards, edging stones and the construction of a bus
Members of the TCC explained their objection to the planning application on the grounds
of safety – namely that the shuttle bus stop would cause more pedestrians to be on the
fast and busy roads. Members also expressed concern that building a permanent
structure was premature when there is currently no bus service in the NP and the NP
have been unable to find an operator willing to take this on. They also noted that Ben
Venue and Ben A’an attract very different walkers, the majority of whom will travel into the
NP by car and are unlikely to travel between the two Bens, so the bus stop could be little
DS asked members to look again at the planning application and consider what elements
the TCC could and could not accept. She suggested the NP could rewrite the design
statement to include the condition that the NP would not build a bus shelter without
meeting with the TCC to agree this in advance. This would allow them to progress with
the other elements of the proposal.
Members also asked DS to look at rewording section 2.4 which describes the car park as
an ‘arrivals hub’.
Members expressed their approval of the long-term plan and asked for the National
Park’s commitment to take this forward.
8. Discussion Topics
8.1 Roads
The range of responses following the TCC article on speed reduction in The
Bicycle Tree brought to light that there is a range of road/speeding issues locals
would like addressed. The CC propose setting up a village working group
comprised of local residents who commented on the article and a member of the
TCC. The purpose of the group will be to identify the key issues and to take
appropriate action. The working group will run independently of the TCC but a
TCC representative will provide advice and facilitation. Christine Blue (CB)
volunteered to be the TCC representative on the group. SM agreed to forward the
responses to CB and to set up the first meeting. [Action Christine Blue & Sue
8.2 Planning
8.2.1 Dundarroch House
The National Park have confirmed that this property must be vacated when
a flood warning is in place and have confirmed that they will write to the
owner to remind them. The TCC felt this action would be ineffective and
does not guarantee compliance in future. SM will contact Amy Unitt asking
how the National Park will ensure compliance. [Action: Sue Morris]
8.2.2 Planning Applications
Liz & Andy Painter’s have applied for a certificate of lawfulness for their
8.3 Community Broadband Update
Members discussed the broadband failure of the last few days and the associated
maintenance and contractual problems. They agreed these will need to be
reviewed by the newly elected Trossachs Community Trust in due course.
8.4 Report from TCT/Welfare Association.
There was no update.
It was noted that comments had recently be made on facebook which appear to
be from the Trossachs School facebook site. This site is supposedly inactive. SM
agreed to check on this. [Action: Sue Morris]
8.5 Communication
Internal communications are currently sent as attachments but JH is working on
the internal mechanisation. He is awaiting information from SC on funding
9. Any Other Business
9.1 Strathard & Trossachs Visitor Management Group
JH will attend the meeting on 27th November 2023 subject to his work diary.
Nichola Hornsby will attend if JH is not free. [Action: James Hill & Nichola
9.2 Local Life Plan (LLP)
Fiona Parks has sent information to the TCC regarding what they need to do to
meet the March deadline. The LLP will be the focus of the December TCC
meeting. Members need to review the documentation and decide which form of
the plan they favour in advance of the next meeting. [Action: Richard Morris
and Members]
9.3 Balquhidder Deer Management Plan
The CC have been asked to provide their input to this plan. Sue Moris will draft a
response and circulate it to members for review.
9.4 Christmas Tree
LM agreed to ask Gene to buy and set up the Christmas tree on behalf of the
TCC. [Action: Liz Maxwell] JH agreed that the Christmas tree could be sited on
his land.
10. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of Trossachs Community Council will take place at 7:30pm on
Thursday 14th December 2023 in Brig O’ Turk Village Hall.