Equality and diversity
A guide to our equality commitments and duties, and how you can find out more about the actions we're taking.
Our commitments and duties
We believe that everyone who lives in, works in or visits the Stirling Council area has the right to fair and equal treatment.
We're committed to promoting:
- fairness
- dignity
- respect
- equality of opportunity
Legal duties
As a public authority, we must act according to specific rules in the Equality Act 2010. These rules are known as the public sector equality duty.
This means that, when we act, we must consider the need to:
- eliminate unlawful discrimination
- advance equality of opportunity between people who have protected characteristics and people who do not
- foster good relations between people who have protected characteristics and people who do not
In practice, this means we must:
- work to remove or minimise disadvantages for our most vulnerable citizens and communities
- take steps to meet the needs of people who have protected characteristics
- encourage people who have protected characteristics to participate in public life
We also have related responsibilities under Scottish regulations. These include:
- assessing and reviewing our policies and practices
- publishing equality outcomes and mainstreaming reports
- publishing information on the gender pay gap within our organisation
How to use this guide
In this guide, you can find:
- the latest reports about how we're carrying out our responsibilities
- Stirling Council's Diversity Charter, which sets our commitment to promoting fairness, dignity, respect and equality of opportunity
Equality Outcomes, 2021–25
As part of our duties, we're working towards specific equality outcomes. These are about improving support for our:
- communities
- employees
- children and young people
This document lists these outcomes, and explains how they relate to the public sector equality duty.
Equality Outcomes, 2021–25 — Equality Impact Assessment
An equality impact assessment is a way to make sure plans and decisions:
- are fair
- do not discriminate against anyone
- promote equality wherever possible
In May 2021, we produced an assessment of our proposed outcomes for 2021–25.
Equal Pay Statement, 2023
Our Equal Pay Statement sets out:
- our support for the principle of equal pay for work of equal value
- the steps we're taking to make sure our pay system is fair
Delivering Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Equality, 2023
This report sets out the progress we have made in delivering our Equality Outcomes, how we're embedding equality in the delivery of our services and how we meet our equality obligations as an employer. This includes:
- progress in delivering actions supporting our 2021-25 Equality Outcomes
- how equality considerations continue to be mainstreamed into the Council’s operational activities
- updated information on our current and prospective workforce
- updated pay gap information
Diversity Charter
The Diversity Charter sets out our commitment to promoting fairness, dignity, respect and equality of opportunity.