Committee Membership
Clackmannanshire Council Members
- Councillor Ellen Forson (Chair)
- Councillor Martha Benny
- Councillor Kenneth Earle
Stirling Council members
- Chairperson (Vacant)
- (Vacant)
- Councillor Neil Benny
- Councillor Gerry McGarvey (Named substitute for Councillor Margaret Brisley)
University of Stirling members
- Mr Graeme Duff
- Ms Eileen Schofield
- Professor Leigh Sparks
Committee agenda and documents
The latest meeting agenda for the committee can be found on our Minutes Archive site.
The agenda is published three working days ahead of the each meeting of the committee.
Minutes of previous meetings can be found on our Minutes Archive site.
Further information
To find out more about the role and remit of the committee, read the Standing Orders of the Stirling and Clackmannanshire City Region Deal Joint Committee.