Consultations and Petitions

Find information on past consultations which are grouped below by Council service.


Consultations in Stirling Council are handled on our Engage Stirling platform. Follow the link below to view or participate in our consultations.

You can also review Council decisions dating back to 1995.


Process for public petitions

Our aim is to make Stirling Council as accessible as possible and deliver quality and best value by providing good quality services, which meet the needs of communities.

The public petitions process plays a key part in these aims by encouraging communities to fully participate in the decision making process, both in groups and as individuals. 

Petitioners (the people submitting a petition) are advised to read the following guidance and instructions carefully before preparing and submitting a petition to the Council.

If you wish to submit a petition, visit our engagement platform, Engage Stirling to complete our online application form for consideration by the relevant Committee.  Alternatively, see the forms below.  

Refer to the Guidance on Submission of Public Petitions before completing the form.  If you require any further information or advice, please contact the Chief Governance Officer. 

Submit this form and attachments - by mail or in person using contact.

Scottish parliament constituency boundaries consultation

Boundaries Scotland is carrying out a public consultation on its provisional proposals for new constituency boundaries for the Scottish Parliament.

The consultation is part of the body’s second review of Scottish Parliament boundaries and will run until Saturday 17 June 2023.

There are proposed changes to the Stirling constituency and the Clackmannanshire and Dunblane constituency boundary affecting the Trossachs and Teith Ward.

When the consultation closes, Boundaries Scotland will consider all responses received. If further changes are made, another one-month long consultation will be held.

To comment on the proposals and see maps of the proposed constituencies, follow the Boundaries Scotland consultation link below (opens in a new tab)

Process for Deputations

A Deputations process has been introduced which allows representatives of community groups or community organisations within the Stirling Council area to speak at a meeting of Council or Committee about any item of business on the agenda for that meeting. 

A Deputation may be requested in relation to any report on any Council or Committee agenda, so long as the Council or Committee is asked in the report to make a determination on the issue, subject to the exception of those items noted at paragraph 4.1 of the Deputation procedure guidance.

Once a meeting agenda has been published, applications for a Deputation in relation to a report on the agenda must be made by email to Democratic Services by emailing

The written request should be submitted as early as possible and must be received by Democratic Services no later than 12 noon 2 working days (Monday to Friday) before the relevant Council or Committee meeting. For example, for a Council meeting taking place at 10am on a Thursday, a request to make a deputation must be received by 12noon on the Tuesday of that week.

Information on submitting a Deputation request and on the process for these to be considered at Council/Committee meetings is set out within the Deputation procedure guidance at the below noted link.

  1. Deputations process


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