School and nursery admissions and exclusions

First published

25 Jan 2023

Last updated

25 Jan 2023

School and nursery admissions and exclusions

Stirling Council Privacy Notice

Find out how Stirling Council uses personal data by checking the Council’s website at the following address:

Our website contains a Register of Data Processing which lists all the different ways in which the Council uses personal data.

This Privacy Notice provides more information about just one of those processes.

Title of Process School and nursery admissions and exclusions
Why does the Council process personal data? Personal data is used for the purposes of:

● enrolling children and young people into nursery and school, and monitoring and recording attendance

● monitoring and recording exclusions from school
● enrolling children into a partner nursery, playgroup, or childminder

● managing children wishing to be deferred from nursery or start primary school earlier than expected

● monitoring and recording of numbers in terms of local and national census

● general data analysis

● recording the names of childminders and localities of those in partnership to let us see what areas require this service (gaps in provision)
What personal data is used? Personal data is held about:
Children (0-5 years) accessing a partner nursery or playgroup
Children (Eligible 2 year olds and 3-5 year olds) accessing a partner childminder
Children wishing to be deferred for another year or start school early
Parents of the children accessing the provision (for both) – emergency contact details
Childminders details providing this provision
Children and young people at school and nursery
Parents and carers of children and young people at school and nursery
Personal data includes:
Child’s: name; date of birth; ethnicity; nationality; religion; main language spoken at home; address; telephone; email address; medical details; details of disabilities; dietary requirements; asylum status; permission for photos and videos
Parents/carers’: names; occupations; telephone; email address
Deferred Applications: supporting evidence
Early Entry: supporting evidence
Parents: name, address, telephone, email address (emergency contact details)
Childminders: name, address, telephone, email address
If applying as an Eligible 2 year olds: proof of various documents: WFTC; Birth Certificate (of child); household utility bill etc.
Some special category data may be processed:
Health (physical or mental), Racial or ethnic origin, Religious or philosophical beliefs.
What makes it lawful for the Council to process this personal data? We process personal data in order to comply with our statutory obligations in relation to the education of children. The Council has a duty to provide free early learning and childcare to children (2-5 years old) and to provide full-time education for children aged 5-16.
We also process personal data in order to perform a “public task” in the public interest, and to comply with contracts for service delivery with partner nurseries and playgroups as well as child minders.
Where does the Council obtain personal data from? School enrolment form completed by parents/carers.
Nursery Application Form
Deferred Entry Form
Early Entry Form
Parents applying for a nursery / child minder placement
Childminders / SCMA / Care Inspectorate
From different organisations: if a pupil moves to a different Authority their data on the Nursery Admissions Management System (NAMs)/SEEMIs can be
transferred providing the other authority uses this system. This will relate only to the nurseries or playgroups.
Child minders do not have access to NAMS. They send the application form (Eligible 2 year olds) to the Council via the Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA). We then authorise and send back to SCMA for them to then process and liaise with the child minder.
For Deferred or Early Entry Forms – these will be sent from the partner settings
Where does the Council keep personal data? Data is held securely in NAMs and Seemis. Only staff with certain profiles can see certain pieces of data (eg Pupil Support Coordinators).
Paper copies are also kept.
SCMA will have an agreement with individual partner child minders regarding their data policy

Details on the childminders and children accessing their funded provision with them is kept electronically on the council network.
How long does the Council keep personal data? Paper copies are destroyed 5 years after pupils leave school.
NAMs retains until child moves onto school where it is then forwarded automatically to SEEMIs
Data Protection legislation says that personal data should be kept no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.
Who does the Council share personal data with? In terms of Deferments / Early Entry – meeting is held with possible Lead Practitioner for Health
SCMA regarding childminder information as well as children’s applications
FIS (marketing purposes for child minders)
Who do I contact about my personal data? The Council has a Data Protection Officer to make sure it is complying with data protection laws.

Contact details for the Data Protection Officer are,
Data Protection Officer, Stirling Council, Teith House, Kerse Road, Stirling FK7 7QA
Telephone: 01786 404040