Many of the materials we use are limited and becoming scarce. The energy needed to make and transport new products is also expensive and produces carbon emissions, which add to the climate emergency.
The COVID-19 pandemic showed us how quickly our overseas supply chains can collapse. One solution is to build simple, local supply chains that make use of sustainable materials, local food and low-carbon energy sources.
We also need to change our 'take, make, dispose' way of using materials into a more sustainable approach. For example, we need to ensure materials and products are used for as long as possible, and as locally as possible. This will help us to build resilience against future emergencies.
Circular Economy Plan
Our vision is for Stirling to be a just and fair society where we've reduced our dependency on primary materials and produce very little waste.
To make this vision a reality, we're developing Stirling’s Circular Economy Plan. This plan will set out our approach to tackling a range of resource and waste issues. Acting on these issues will help shift us from our current throwaway society towards one that:
- protects the value of materials
- stimulates economic development
- develops skills and creates jobs
This will also help us to deliver the Council’s Climate and Nature Emergency Plan.
Key projects
We're committed to reducing our use of materials and the amount of waste we produce. Steps we've already taken include:
- removing unnecessary plastic from our school meals
- ending the use of bottled water and plastic cups in most of our premises
- setting up an IT re-use programme where unwanted laptops, tablets and smartphones are given to people experiencing digital poverty
- paying for a community fridge to prevent food waste and redistribute unwanted items
- setting up a collection point at Lower Polmaise where people can donate unwanted items to the Stirling Reuse Hub