
We deal with many pollution issues such as air quality, exhaust emission testing, pollution control and contaminated land.

Stirling Council is also responsible for the enforcement of a wide range of acts and regulations governing environmental pollution and the environment.

Contaminated Land

We have a legacy of land contamination due to industrial and other historical land uses. This land potentially poses risks to users of the land and/or a threat to the natural or built environment.   

The Environmental Protection Act 1990, Part IIA requires us to identify and seek the remediation of contaminated land in our area.

Potentially contaminating activities which have taken place include industrial premises, gas works, collieries, railway activities, garages and petrol filling stations, military land and depots, agricultural activities, sawmills or timber processing sites and landfill sites.

Our current database identifies approximately 1600 potentially contaminated sites, covering a total of approximately 1124 hectares. At present, none of these sites has been officially designated as contaminated under the Part IIA regime.

If the new development is to take place on potentially contaminated land,
Planning Advice Note (PAN) 33 - Development of Contaminated Land
details our responsibilities to ensure that land is made ‘suitable for use’ and encourages and regulates voluntary remediation of contaminated land through the planning process.

Guidance for developers on investigating potentially contaminated land 

Our Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy