Strategic Housing Forum
The Local Housing Strategy (LHS) sets out the strategic direction for tackling housing need and demand. It also informs future investment in housing and related services across the local authority area.
Consultation Reports
For each of the five Sections of the LHS, there is a more detailed Consultation Report which is available to download or view below:
- The Need and Demand for Housing
- House Condition, Energy Efficiency & Fuel Poverty
- Viable & Sustainable Communities
- Homelessness
- Particular Housing Needs
Download or view the LHS Equalities Impact Assessment.
Consultation on new Local Housing Strategy
The Council is currently developing a new Local Housing Strategy. Following a great response to our initial consultation surveys, which ran from December 2018 to April 2019, work is now underway to create an initial draft of the strategy, incorporating results of the surveys. You can see a summary of the key themes identified in the surveys.
Officers will be out and about at various events over the coming months to hear your views about housing to help further inform the development of the strategy. Following this, an initial draft of the LHS will be made available on the Council’s website for further public consultation.
Housing Need and Demand Assessment
The Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) is an important step in providing a robust and shared evidence base on housing requirements to support decision making within the Local Development Plan (LDP) and the Local Housing Strategy (LHS).
Stirling’s 2019-2038 HNDA was submitted to the Center for Housing Market Analysis (part of Scottish Government) in June 2019 for analysis and was formally assessed as ‘robust and credible’ on 5th February 2020.
HNDA Supplementary documents:
Appendix 1 - Stirling Rent Methodology
Appendix 3 - Stock Pressure Analysis
Appendix 4 - RSL Specialist Proforma Methodology
Appendix 5 - Housing Market Partnership Minutes
Strategic Housing Investment Programme
Stirling’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan is the Council’s key statement setting out the strategic investment priorities for affordable housing over a 5 year period.
Strategic Housing Investment Plan reference table