Located on the B818, the bridge will re-open initially to one-way traffic following the completion of drainage, resurfacing and road widening works as well as the installation of new safety barriers.
The structure has been closed since March 2021 when it partially collapsed during a period of heavy rainfall.
The Council committed £2.5million for essential repairs to the crossing and Catterburn Bridge, which also closed last year after significant storm damage.
Repair work at both sites has been challenging due to a number of factors including the unstable and varying ground conditions, the ages of the bridges and environmental considerations.
Environment, Transport and Net Zero Committee convener, Cllr Jen Preston said: “We would like to, first and foremost, acknowledge the profound disruption this bridge closure has caused residents and businesses in the local area and apologise for the resulting inconvenience.
“These essential repairs have been complex and beset by a range of challenges, but with the bridge now open again to traffic, we hope to see a return to normal commuting in the area.
“We remain in dialogue with the affected communities as we continue with the repair project on the Catterburn Bridge which will bring relief to the surrounding road network once repairs are completed.”
Catterburn Bridge, located south of Croftamie, is currently planned to reopen to traffic in February 2023.