Following an unannounced visit by inspectors in May, the nursery was awarded a grading of ‘5’ (Very Good) for both its quality of care and support and quality of staffing.
Inspectors highlighted the positive ethos in the nursery which meant children experienced warm, caring and nurturing interactions from staff and felt safe, secure and relaxed.
The nursery, which cares for up to 32 pre-school children, was also commended in a number of other areas, including its skilled staff team who created a welcoming, inclusive environment for children.
A huge thank you
Toni Swain, Principal Early Childhood Educator at the nursery said: “The nursery staff team would like to say a huge thank you to the parents, carers and children who use our service – we couldn’t do such a great job without your support.
“We have great support from our primary school and the wonderful community of Cambusbarron – it is such an inspiring community to be included in.
“During recent challenging times, this report is great recognition to our dedicated nursery staff team who are working hard to create high-quality, safe, nurturing environments and experiences for our children, while supporting them to grow and develop key skills for the next part of their learning journey.”
Parents and carers who responded to an email request told inspectors they were very happy with the service at the nursery, valued the relationships they and their children had with staff and were confident staff knew their children well and met their individual needs.
Fantastic report
Convener of Stirling Council’s Children and Young People Committee, Cllr Danny Gibson said: “Congratulations to everyone at Cambusbarron for this fantastic report which shows children at the nursery are continuing to receive the highest standards of care and learning.
“Staff at the nursery deserve huge credit for their dedication and professionalism to meet the needs of children amid the challenges of the pandemic, along with the strong partnerships they have built with families.”
The full report can be viewed on the Care Inspectorate website:
Background info and picture details:
The Care Inspectorate is the independent and scrutiny improvement support body for social care and social work services in Scotland.