Consultation on the future of a key area of Stirling city centre goes live

A public consultation that will help shape future developments at the Viewforth and Burghmuir Road areas of Stirling has now gone live.

An aerial picture that shows some of the Viewforth area of Stirling
An aerial picture that shows some of the Viewforth area of Stirling

The new draft framework and planning brief for Viewforth and Burghmuir covers a key area of the city centre that includes the Viewforth site, existing council buildings, Linden Avenue Car Park, the site of the former Wellgreen care home, vacant commercial land at the rear of Waitrose and land along Burghmuir Road.

The draft framework was agreed by Councillors at a meeting of Council on Thursday, 21 March.

The consultation document provides a refreshed vision for the area, showing how future developments can make use of existing buildings and infrastructure, deliver new homes within the city, enhance greenspaces and biodiversity, and improve connectivity within Stirling,

The new draft framework and planning brief bring relevant planning considerations up to date for the sites. Once approved by Council, the documents will assist in shaping proposals at the sites and will be material planning consideration for future planning applications and decisions.

The consultation period has been extended until midnight 12 July and will involve engagement with the local community, residents, businesses and other key stakeholders within the city through an online survey and in-person events.

Refreshed focus

Stirling Council Leader, Cllr Chris Kane said: “These documents will provide a refreshed focus for the redevelopment of a key part of the city centre. There is an additional urgency to get this work done on the back of the sad events at Langgarth House over the Easter weekend.

“I would encourage local communities and residents across Stirling to have their say in the consultation so they can shape what happens to the Viewforth and Burghmuir Road area in the coming years.”

The framework and planning brief will guide future proposals and will take account of the latest planning principles, climate and environmental considerations.

Current national and local policies are reflected in the documents, including enabling local living, the delivery of 20-minute neighbourhoods, the ability to facilitate regeneration, increasing footfall within the city and allowing opportunity to enhance the quality of place, connectivity and sustainability.

To take part in the consultation, please visit our Engage Stirling website:

Following the consultation, the updated Viewforth Development Framework and planning brief will be presented to council on 27 June 2024 for approval. 

One of the illustration pictures from the consultation. Picture credit: Stallan-Brand
One of the illustration pictures from the consultation. Picture credit: Stallan-Brand