Apply for a building warrant
If you plan to build, extend, convert or demolish your home or other property, you're likely to need a building warrant before you start.
A building warrant is a formal document that confirms that any proposed work to your building or property meets the building regulations.
Warrants are issued by local authorities. You must have one before you start work unless the work doesn’t need a warrant.
When you need one
You’ll need a building warrant if you plan to:
- build a new home or demolish an existing one
- extend your home or convert a loft or garage into a room
- build or remove walls
- alter a roof or other structural elements
Some modifications to your home, such as fitting new doors, windows, kitchen or bathroom, don’t need a building warrant. Specific rules apply to sheds, garages and other outbuildings.
The Scottish Government Building Standards Customer Journey contains helpful information about the Building Standards process.
Building warrants relate to the construction methods and building materials. Planning permission is about the siting, use and appearance of a building, and its effect on the local environment.
Applying for a building warrant
You can submit building warrant applications online at, the Scottish Government's portal for building and planning applications.
Using this service will save you time and money. Once registered, you can use the same login for your planning application, if you need one.
Building warrants are valid for three years.
What you need to apply
- plans and drawings related to the proposed work
- the application fee
- certificates from an Approved Certifier of Design (if you are using one)
- confirmation that you intend to use an Approved Certifier of Construction
Verification of work carried out
If your Building Warrant application is successful, we’ll send you a Construction Compliance Notification Plan (CCNP). This contains details of the key work stages and your responsibilities around inspections and keeping us notified.
When the work is finished, apply for a completion certificate. We’ll carry out an inspection before we issue this certificate.
Building Standards guidance
If you need guidance on the application process or the or the building standards, you can call us Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm on 01786 233600.
Other forms
- Section 89 – permission to use a raised structure
- Section 50 - building standards certificate
- Letter of comfort - expired building warrant
- Letter of comfort - works carried out over 10 years ago (covers minor works, contact us if you're unsure)
- Letter of comfort - no building warrant obtained
- Copy documents, such as building warrants, completion certificates
- Alternative Solutions Form
If you need copies of documentation prior to 2003, contact Stirling Burgh Archives on 01786 450745.
You can find paper applications on the Scottish Government website.