Developing our next Stirling Local Development Plan

We have started work on the third Stirling Local Development Plan. We expect to adopt this in 2027.

How we're developing the new Local Development Plan

Our Development Plan Scheme was approved in June 2023. This explains:

  • how we’ll review the current Stirling Local Development Plan
  • how we’ll prepare the next Stirling Local Development Plan
  • how and when key milestones in the process will be completed
  • when, how and with whom engagement will take place


In line with the adopted Development Plan scheme we will:

  • undertake early engagement to inform the preparation of an Evidence Report from July to October 2023
  • consult on a draft Evidence Report in Spring 2024
  • publish a final Evidence Report in Autumn 2024
  • prepare and publish a Proposed Local Development Plan in 2026
  • adopt and publish the new Local Development Plan in 2027

What are we currently doing

We are starting to prepare a new Local Development Plan (LDP) which will support and guide change and development within the Stirling Council area (with the exception of the area covered by Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Planning Authority).

The first step in the process is to invite views from our communities and stakeholders to inform the preparation of an Evidence Report, which will lay the foundations for the new LDP. Please refer to the Stirling Development Plan Scheme above for more information.

As part of the Evidence Report process, we will also produce a Play Sufficiency Assessment, which will help guide future decisions about spaces for play, leisure and recreation in the Stirling LDP area.

This early evidence gathering will also inform the preparation of a new Local Transport Strategy (LTS) to integrate land use and transport planning at an early stage and to streamline the engagement process. The LTS will lay out the Council’s plans to improve all aspects of transport across the entire Stirling Council area. The transport improvements and policies in the LTS will help inform the LDP. With this in mind, we are keen to understand where there are any transport-related problems in your area, which can cover any transport type.

Furthermore, we have prepared Place Profiles as a resource for communities. Currently, there are nine Place Profiles completed for the priority areas, which provide an overview of each area through maps, graphs and statistics. The Place Profiles will support the preparation of the new LDP and help community members to understand how Development Planning influences their area. Community members are welcomed to provide feedback and suggestions for Place Profiles. Please find further details on the following webpage:

How you can get involved

To help us start the process of producing the new Local Development Plan and Local Transport Strategy, we would like people who live, work, or spend time in the area to fill out the relevant survey below. Information and feedback from responses received will help us gather information early on that we can use to prepare these new plans.

In the general survey below, we invite you to let us know what’s good or bad about your area or anything that is important to you or your organisation regarding development and land use considerations (please refer to the section below, ‘responding to the survey – things to think about’, for more information of development and land use).

To view and complete the online surveys, please select the links below.

Have a Say in the Future of your Place – General Survey

We are also keen to hear from children and young people under the age of 18 as their futures may be influenced by the new plans. If you fall within this category, please complete the survey below, which focuses on play, local living, and moving around. Parents and guardians may respond on behalf of children and toddlers. Children and young people may also complete the ‘General Survey’, which provides an opportunity to share their views on all aspects of place.

Have a Say in the Future of your Place - Children and Young Person’s survey

We also invite views from businesses and organisations with interests in the area to be taken into account in the preparation of the next Local Development Plan.

Have a Say in the Future of your Place – Business and Organisations Survey

Accessible formats can be requested by emailing: or telephoning: 01786 233660

About the surveys and the Place Standard Tool

The general survey and the version for children and young people are based on the Place Stand Tool, which allows participants to think about the physical and social aspects of their place, highlighting areas that are successful and those in need of improvement. The information collected will help us to understand and evaluate Stirling’s place. This video explains how the Place Standard Tool works. 

How good is your place? The Place Standard tool - YouTube

Responding to the surveys - things to think about

Only information that is relevant to development or the use of land, and serves a planning purpose will be taken into account when preparing the Evidence Report for the new Local Development Plan.

Development and land use considerations mainly relate to new buildings, changes to the use or appearance of existing buildings, and other changes in the way land is used. The planning system decides where development should happen, where it should not and how development affects its surroundings.

Though not an exhaustive list, examples of evidence that could be considered relevant to development or use of land, and that will be taken into account in preparing the Evidence Report, include the following:

  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation, such as renewable energy or flood mitigation;
  • Active travel, including measures to reduce car dependency, and transport infrastructure;
  • Community infrastructure condition and capacity, such as schools and health care facilities;
  • The availability of essential services, facilities and amenities in a particular place;
  • Housing need and demand, including for affordable or specialist housing;
  • New or retained local employment or new tourism/community facilities;
  • Retaining, improving, and expanding quality open space and green/blue infrastructure and play facilities;
  • Conservation of the natural/historic built environment;
  • Conservation of special landscapes or places;
  • Views on the effectiveness or suitability of current planning policy or guidance.

Matters not defined as ‘development’ will be shared with the relevant services for awareness and possible action. Again, though not an exhaustive list, the following are examples of what would not normally be considered as development:

  • litter management and dog fouling;
  • the management of existing private or public spaces;
  • matters which seek to protect the interest of one person or business against the activities of another;
  • improvements to public transport (routes and timetables); and
  • proposals which do not fundamentally impact on the long-term use of land, such as occasional activities/events using existing facilities, spaces and places.

What happens after the survey consultation?

Information and data collected will be used to inform the preparation of a draft Evidence Report, which we’ll consult on during spring 2024 in line with the adopted Stirling Development Plan Scheme, as noted above.

Through this consultation, respondents will see how their contributions have been considered and have an opportunity to make further comments on draft evidence topics.   

Register for updates

You can also ask us to send you updates on the new plan’s development. To register for these, just follow these steps.

  1. Create a new email with 'Stirling Local Development Plan 3 updates' or 'SLDP3 updates' in the subject line.
  2. In the body of the email, write a short statement that makes it clear you’re happy for us to send you updates. You can also add your name, but this is not compulsory.
  3. If you want us to acknowledge your request, please say this in the email.
  4. Send the email to

You can unsubscribe from our updates at any time. To do this, just send us an email with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line.

From time to time, we might tell you about other developments that we think are relevant. These might include:

  • planning consultations
  • announcements