Developing our next Stirling Local Development Plan

We have started work on the third Stirling Local Development Plan. We expect to adopt this in 2027.

How we're developing the new Local Development Plan

Our Development Plan Scheme was approved in June 2023. This explains:

  • how we’ll review the current Stirling Local Development Plan
  • how we’ll prepare the next Stirling Local Development Plan
  • how and when key milestones in the process will be completed
  • when, how and with whom engagement will take place

Furthermore, we have prepared Place Profiles as a resource for communities.  The Place Profiles will support the preparation of the new LDP, used to demonstrate a "place based approach" to development planning, and help community members to understand how Development Planning influences their area. Community members are welcome to provide feedback and suggestions for Place Profiles. Please find further details on the following webpage:


In line with the adopted Development Plan scheme:

  • we have carried out early engagement to inform the preparation of an Evidence Report between August and October 2023
  • we will consult on the scope and content of the Evidence Report from April to June 2024
  • we will publish a final Evidence Report in Autumn 2024
  • we will prepare and publish a proposed Local Development Plan in 2026
  • we plan to adopt and publish to new Local Development Plan in 2027

Evidence Report

What are we currently doing

We are currently preparing an Evidence Report, which is the first stage in the preparation of LDP3. A key part of the Evidence Report process gather information from early consultation and engagement, and use the information gathered to establish what to plan for before the Proposed Local Development Plan identifies the specific locations where new development should take place.

"Have a Say in the Future of Your Place" survey consultation (2023)

Between August and October 2023, we carried out a public consultation called "Have a Say in the Future of Your Place". We invited people to share their views on the issues and challenges relating to the areas where they live, work, or spend their time, as well as to highlight priorities for consideration in the preparation of LDP3.

The feedback from the consultation has been presented in the following reports:

- Consultation Feedback Report (April 2024)
- Housing Analysis Report (April 2024)

"Have a Say on the Scope of the Evidence Report" survey consultation (2024)

Through the current "Have a Say on the Scope of the Evidence Report", which follows our previous consultation in 2023, we are asking for views on what should be included in the Evidence Report in our survey titled "Evidence Report Scoping Survey". The draft approach is contained within our Evidence Report Position Statement. This approach takes into account the main priorities highlighted in the Consultation Feedback Report (April 2024), which are presented on Page 3 - Evidence Report Position Statement (April 2024).

We are also looking for further feedback and information to build up an evidence base for important policy areas concerning Housing, Local Living, and Heritage. Additionally, we are gathering data for a Play Sufficiency Assessment and seeking views on a draft Site Assessment Methodology. To facilitate this, we have prepared the following surveys, each with detailed introductions explaining what their about and their intended purpose.

  1. Play, Sport and Recreation Survey – For children and young people aged 0-17, as well as individuals and community groups and organisations that represent the views and experiences of children/young people.
  2. Heritage Assets and Places Survey – For anyone, including individuals, organisations, groups, or businesses
  3. Local Living Survey- For individual members of the public, community groups and organisations, and local businesses
  4. Housing Survey – For individuals members of the public, community
    groups and organisations, and local businesses
  5. Draft Site Assessment Methodology Survey – For anyone, including
    individuals, organisations, groups, or businesses.

Accessible formats can be requested by emailing or via
phone on 01786 233660.

What happens after the survey consultation?

Information and data collected will be used to inform the preparation of an draft Evidence Report, which will be considered by a meeting of Stirling Council in autumn 2024.

As part of this process, participants will see how their contributions have been considered in the production of the Evidence Report, which will subsequently inform the development of LDP3.