Introduction and background

If you are a community body preparing or interested in a Local Place Plan (LPP), here is some useful information:

A Local Place Plan is a proposal by a community body about how land should be developed and used in their community. It allows communities to express their vision for the future appearance of their local areas. When a community produces an LPP, it actively participates in the planning process, as planning authorities must take valid LPPs into account when preparing a local development plan.

Local Place Plans and the next Stirling Local Development Plan

Currently, preparatory work is being done for the third Local Development Plan (LDP3). Community bodies will be invited to create LPPs with the following considerations:

  • LPPs must be prepared in accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Local Place Plans) (Scotland) Regulations 2021. Additional guidance is available in Planning Circular 1/2022: Local Place Plans
  • Finalised LPPs must be submitted to the Planning Authority for validation and registration by Friday 25th April 2025. This submission deadline aligns with the end of the public consultation period for the Proposed Plan outlined in the Council’s Local Development Plan Scheme. LPPs submitted after this date will not be considered until the next Local Development Plan cycle.

How you can find out more or get help

If your community is interested in preparing a Local place plan, or you just want to find out more, please email