What is the process for registering a LPP?
The Planning Authority will keep a register of local place plans. When an LPP is validated, we’ll register it and inform the relevant community body.
For an LPP to be considered valid, the community body must comply with statutory requirements set out in the Circular and summarised below.
- A copy of the written constitution of the community body.
- Contact details (including email address) for the Planning Authority to contact the community body.
- Evidence of meeting the requirements for consulting on the proposed Local Place Plan. This should include a list of the councillors and community councils consulted a copy of the Proposed Local Place Plan and a copy of the information notice.
- A statement explaining how the community body has given regard to the existing Local Development Plan, National Planning Framework, and if applicable, any locality plan for the Local Place Plan area, in preparing the Local Place Plan.
- A statement setting out the community body’s view of the level and nature of support for the Local Place Plan, explaining how it has reached that view, including a description of any consultation carried out on the Proposed Local Place Plan.
- A copy of any document referred to in the Local Place Plan, unless it is a National Park Authority document. We will accept electronic copies or hyperlinks to documents on the web.
- If the community body considers that the Local Development Plan should be amended because of the Local Place Plan, a statement should be included setting out the reasons of the community body for the amendments it suggests.