Support to find a job

A guide to how we can help you find work, including details of our employability programmes.

How our Learning and Employability team can help you

Our team of specialists can provide support if you are unemployed and looking for work, or if you are underemployed and want support that helps you move forward in your career.

For example, we can help if you are:

  • a school leaver seeking work or experience 
  • unemployed and seeking support to overcome barriers to employment
  • a parent who needs to increase your income

To get support from our Learning and Employability team, you must be of working age and a Stirling Council resident. Some employability programmes may also have specific eligibility criteria.

For more information on how Stirling Council delivers these services you can download our Local Employability Plan.

How to access our support

Contact us by completing the online form or by calling the team on 01786 237517.

For any inquiries you can also email

You can ask us about any of the programmes listed below and which ones might be appropriate to you.

After you have contacted us you will then be invited to meet with a Learning and Employability Officer and agree a plan of action.

From there you will then work with your Learning and Employability Officer to identify and apply for suitable jobs.

Our programmes

Project Search

Project Search is a transition to work programme for young adults with a learning disability.

Entry Requirements
  • must live in the Stirling Council area
  • age between 16 to 29
  • have a recognised disability
  • be able to travel alone, or learn how to do this
  • want to secure full time paid work (16 hours or more per week)
How it works

The one year opportunity is a full time programme where participants are onsite in The Stirling Highland Hotel Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.

During this time interns undertake up to three different rotations each lasting 10 weeks in different parts of the hotel based on their strengths and interests. Interns learn new skills and improve their confidence and ability to compete for a job. Interns study for an employability qualification within the workplace and are assisted throughout by a College lecturer and a job coach as well as hotel staff and managers.

Fair Start Scotland

Fair Start Scotland is a Scotland wide support service that helps people find work. 

Fair Start Scotland can help if you are struggling to find a job because you:

  • have been unemployed for a long time
  • have caring responsibilities
  • are a single parent
  • are a care leaver
  • have a health condition, a disability or additional support needs

You can ask the service for help if:

  • you are 18 or over
  • you live in Scotland
  • you have the right work in the UK

You can also ask for help if you are 16 or 17 and are either disabled or receiving Employment Support Allowance or Universal Credit. Taking part in a Fair Start Scotland programme will not affect your benefits.

How Fair Start Scotland works

Fair Start Scotland programmes are flexible and take your personal circumstances into account. If you decide to take part, you will be allocated a key worker. They will help you to:

  • access support
  • identify your skills and experiences
  • create a CV
  • find opportunities 
  • prepare for interviews
  • find jobs which meet your needs
  • sustain your job once you have one

You can read about the service on's 'get help to find a job' page.

LEAP Stirling

Through LEAP Stirling we offer individual, targeted support to help you improve your employability. LEAP Stirling can help you to gain qualifications and learn new skills, apply for qualifications, advance in your current job, or to find and retain a job.

How the LEAP Stirling programme works

Our team will work with you to produce an action plan and meet with you regularly to help you to progress.

Along the way you can get help by accessing a range of courses and classes. These include:

  • job clubs
  • CV writing sessions
  • interview skills workshops
  • IT classes

We also work with other organisations and employers to ensure you get the best possible chance to succeed in reaching your goals.

THRIVE to Maximise

THRIVE to Maximise is a way for parents to get employability support regardless of whether they are in or out of work.

If you are a parent who wants to unlock your potential the programme can help you to boost your confidence, develop and enhance your skills and ultimately obtain qualifications or to get a better job.

By giving parents across the council area this type of support, we aim to reduce in-work, family and child poverty and to help families to improve their financial situation

How THRIVE to Maximise works

We will provide you with structured support that is tailored to your needs. This support can cover different areas of your life from employability to family life, health, and financial wellbeing.

Specific types of support that you can access include:

  • one to one support
  • employability group training sessions
  • money, debt and benefit advice
  • individual and family wellbeing support 

Supported employment

If you have a long term health condition or a disability, we can help you to access paid employment.

How our supported employment programme works

If you get this type of support a case manager will speak to you about your health, skills and experience, and your training and employment goals.

You can then access the range of specialist health support that we provide in partnership with NHS Forth Valley. This support can include:

  • health checks
  • stress management
  • counselling
  • functional and cognitive assessments
  • advice about managing long term health conditions

You can also get one to one employability support. This can include support that focuses on getting ready for employment, such as:

  • help with building your confidence
  • training on basic IT skills
  • access to specialist money advice
  • advice on improving your career options
  • access to work experience placements and volunteering opportunities
  • access to Modern Apprenticeships

It can also include support that focuses on finding and keeping a job, such as:

  • finding and applying for suitable jobs
  • interview techniques
  • training advice
  • finding childcare
  • help with travel costs
  • help with getting clothes for an interview
  • support with settling into a new job

Stirling Local Employability Partnership Delivery Plan

European Union flag and Scottish flag with '' text | Main text: 'Europe and Scotland, European Social Fund, Investing in a Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Future'
The LEAP Stirling and THRIVE to Maximise programmes are supported by the European Social Fund.
