The Senior Phase and Youth Participation Team

The Senior Phase & Youth Participation Team is part of the service offered by Schools, Learning & Education at Stirling Council. The Youth Participation Team works with Young People to provide informal learning opportunities to enable them to:

  • Become more confident, resilient and optimistic for the future
  • Manage personal, social and formal relationships
  • Create, describe and apply their learning and skills
  • Participate safely and effectively in groups
  • Consider risk, make reasoned decisions and take control
  • Express their voice and demonstrate social commitment
  • Broaden their perspectives through new experiences and thinking

If your Young Person is engaging with one or more of our services we require them to become members. This form allows them to attend our activities and any excursions we offer. Please complete the below form providing as much information as possible. If you have any queries regarding this form or any part of our service, please call the team on 01786 233562 or email them on

Complete the membership form

You can find out more information about the opportunities we offer on our Facebook page.