Dunblane High School bus timetables

Dunblane High School bus time table in the Stirling area

Devon coaches contact number

Dunblane H.S Old Doune Rd, Springfield Terrace,Sunnyside, Perth Rd, Ashfield (D1 Devon Coaches)

Devon Coaches 07843 011467

Dunblane service to Dunblane High School

Service D1, Dunblane service to Dunblane High School

(Monday to Friday)

Bus stop Time
Ashfield Rail Bridge 8:29am
Perth Road at Queen Victoria School 8:32am

Perth Road opp Whitecross Avenue


Perth Road opp Ardleighton Court


Dunblane High School


Service D1, Dunblane High School to Dunblane

Bus stop Time (Monday and Tuesday) Time (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)
Vehicle arrives in boarding area 3:55pm 3:05pm
Dunblane High School 4:00pm 3:10pm
Perth Road at Ardleighton Court 4:11pm 3:21pm
Perth Road near Whitecross Avenue 4:13pm 3:23pm
Ashfield Rail Bridge 4:17pm 3:27pm

