Chargeable garden waste collection service contract - terms and conditions 2024/25

First published

06 Mar 2023

Last updated

08 Mar 2024


  • “Council” means Stirling Council.
  • “Customer” means the person to whom Garden Waste Collection Service is provided in respect of their request for the service received by the Council.
  • “Contract” Means the contract between the Council and the Customer for the collection of chargeable garden waste.

The contract

This Contract sets out the terms and conditions of Stirling Council’s Chargeable Garden Waste Collection Service. The Contract also incorporates the general terms and conditions contained in the Council’s Household Waste and Recycling Policy and associated Guidelines, which can be viewed at

By agreeing to pay for the service you will be accepting these terms and conditions and the general terms and conditions contained in the Council’s Waste and Recycling Policy and Guidelines.


The Chargeable Garden Waste Collection Service applies to domestic premises only.

In order to access this service, the Customer is required to obtain a brown wheeled bin from the Council. This should be obtained prior to entering this contract. Please note that delivery can take up to 21 days. The Council will not be held accountable for any missed collection while the Customer waits for a bin to be delivered.

Wheeled Bin Presentation

The Council shall provide to the Customer a brown wheeled bin, for the Customer to contain their Garden Waste.

Where either garden waste or a mixture of garden and food waste is deposited in the brown bin, a permit is required.

Where solely food waste* is to be deposited within the brown bin, no permit is required.

The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the permit they are issued is applied correctly to the brown bin, as per the instructions detailed on the reverse of the permit.

Permits are issued detailing the individual property information; they are non-transferrable and only valid when presented at the property for which they were originally purchased. If you move home the permit stays with the bin and you may have to purchase an additional permit at the property you move to, if there is not one in place.

The Council has no obligation under this Contract to empty bins where they do not comply with these conditions.

Security, Cleanliness, Maintenance & Ownership of Wheeled Bins

The Customer is responsible for the security of their wheeled bins, and for ensuring that wheeled bins are maintained in a clean and hygienic condition.

Bins that are stolen or damaged during collection will be replaced free of charge upon request and the Garden Waste Permit will be re-issued.

Bin deliveries can take up to 21 days, no refunds will be available for any collections missed while waiting for a new bin to be delivered.

Contamination of Recycling Bins or Non-permitted Waste

The Council reserves the right not to lift wheeled bins that are: suspected of containing incorrect materials; are of excessive weight; are in a dangerous condition; or which may be detrimental to the health and safety of its staff. It shall be solely for the Council to determine if any bin meets any of the above criteria.

No materials, other than those specified by the Council, will be accepted in brown recycling wheeled bins. Full details of accepted items are available on the council webpages at

In the event that repeated contamination of recycling wheeled bins occurs the Council reserves the right to withdraw the recycling service by giving immediate written notice and arranging removal of the brown bin.

No refunds will be available for any collections missed while the service has been withdrawn.

Contract Period

The Contract will run for a period of 12 months renewing in April each year.

The annual fee is £50 per brown bin.

A separate permit must be purchased for each brown bin required by a household.

There will be no discount to the charge applied irrespective of when the permit is purchased during the year.

Collections will occur every two weeks on the scheduled uplift day, except during the Christmas and New Year period where 1 collection date may be suspended. Details of the uplift schedule and information on seasonal variation in collections are available by visiting

There will be no refund or partial refund provided for any missed collections resulting from unforeseen service issues or where a missed collection has occurred due to the customer not adhering to bin presentation rules as outlined in the Council’s Household Waste and Recycling Policy. When a collection is missed due to unforeseen circumstances, the Council will endeavour to collect bins in the affected areas within 7 days.

The Council reserves the right to alter the Customers collection day if required; this information will be sent by direct mailing or published on the Council website.

The Customer will receive notice in advance of the Contract renewal date, along with details and charges payable for the following 12 month period. To ensure continuation of service, the Customer should subscribe prior to the payment deadline detailed in the notice.

The Council reserves the right to vary the charge of the service, charges are set annually and the Customer will be notified of any price increase as part of the annual renewal.

Exemptions from payment

There are certain exemptions which mean you may not have to pay for the service.
The exemptions are:

There is no exemption or reduction for Single Occupancy Council Tax Discount or other Council Tax related discounts or exemptions (e.g. a household occupied solely students must register and pay for the service).

Households who qualify for the exemption from the payment will be entitled to one annual garden permit free of charge. The standard annual charge of £50 will apply to any additional permits required.

Households who subsequently qualify for the exemption to the service during the course of the year will not be eligible for a refund for permits already purchased.


Payment must be made in advance by one of the following methods:


There is a 14 day cancellation period for the Contract which starts on the day after purchase. If cancellation is made during this time frame, a full refund will be provided. Thereafter, it can be cancelled at any time but no refunds or part refunds will be given.

To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform The Council of your decision to cancel the Contract by a clear statement either using the online cancellation process, by phone or by letter (sent by post) before the cancellation period has expired.

Should the permit have been issued prior to the cancellation notice being received, it will be cancelled and the customer will be responsible for its disposal. The Council will not collect garden waste from brown bins displaying a cancelled permit.

Use of Recycling Centres

Any resident of Stirling Council is entitled to use any of the Council’s Recycling Centres to dispose of their Domestic Garden Waste free of charge.

Service Requests, Enquiries and Complaints

For any service requests please complete the online form found at or contact the Customer Service Centre on 01786 404040.

As your local Council, we are committed to providing high quality services, if something goes wrong or you are unhappy with our services, please tell us.
To make a complaint –

  • complete our online enquiry form at
  • telephone the Customer Service Centre on 01786 404040
  • write to Waste Services, Stirling Council, Lower Polmaise Waste Management Centre, Stirling, FK9 7FG

* The Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 defines Food Waste as;

controlled waste that was at any time food intended for human consumption (even if of no nutritional value), and includes biodegradable waste produced as consequence of the processing or preparation of food, but does not include drink.
